"So you want to head out....?"

Yun Lan asked as she looked at Xiao, it's been 3 days since Xiao's encounter with Li Lun, ever since then the news of her tragedy has already spread and to the people's greater shock instead of Xiao canceling the engagement he decided to keep it active, Xiao was willing to marry Li Lun even if she's a cripple

Anyhow after that Xiao spent 2 days with Li Lun, helping her with all he can, well he was mostly there as emotional support but it was extremely helpful to Li Lun but since Xiao had some things to deal with he had to head home under the sad look of Li Lun

Hence after coming home, he talked with his mother relaying all the things that happened and now he stood in front of her requesting a trip outside, truthfully Xiao right now just wanted to find a person, a person he could trust and use as his ally

The past months he had spent his time planning out a path for him trying to mark out allies, with the knowledge he has he knew the behaviors of many, especially the ones he could trust and the one's he could use for himself and among them he thought of one person he might be able to take under his wing right now

Xia Yunba, he too lived in the same empire as him, the Great Rexion Empire and he was also from one of the other great families of the Empire, the Xia family, a family of spear users that would jump into battle without any regrets, and he was an illegitimate child of such a family

Always treated with disdain and hate, in truth in the future he would only become a small hindrance nothing that would have caused a wave, a villain that was all but his life was extremely pitiful, a man that was played within the palms of his enemy even till his death

But his potential was something that would have been enough to shake the heavens, if he was given enough support he would have filled the lower heaven with blood, his story was simple as the illegitimate child he already faced a lot of suppression and pain but it only got worse at the age of 10 where he was infected with the hells cage technique

A technique that was only known to the royal family of the Rexion Empire, it was only supposed to be used on the worst criminals, the technique would send the person to a coma where he would be forced to live a repeat of hellish deaths, the worst part of it is that you would be able to feel all the deaths you go through

In most cases, people would either die or go insane within a week but that didn't happen to Xia Yunbai, no he survived for 5 years..., it was a well-known fact that once someone would be infected with this technique he would never awaken again but Xia Yunbai did it

As for how he was infected with it?, well a little prince was visiting the family and he happened not to like Xia Yunbai due to some petty reason and that's all it took to be placed on a technique that would only be used on the worst criminals in the world, a fate that was worse than any death

But what none knew was that the hells world was a chance, a chance that was given to a person to change his fate, a test by a devil that had once shaken the heavens by challenging the Heavenly Tree, no it was known to only the ruling Emperor of the Rexion Empire

And bypassing the trail Xia Yunbai had become worthy but sadly while he awoke from it and swore revenge and did everything for it, in the end, he failed as he was always being played within the hands of the Emperor of the Rexion Empire, one must not underestimate the intelligence of a man that rules an Empire

Ever since Xia Yunbai was in a coma, the Emperor had always kept an eye and as Xia Yunbai kept surviving the interest in him only increased and the day he awoke the greed in the heart of the Emperor blazed with passion and from there each action of Xia Yunbai was under the control of the Emperor

The amount of hate and despair in the heart of Xia Yunbai as he died could not be imagined, of course, a small part of it goes to the Heavenly Immortals that keeps eyes on anyone that would look like a 'chosen', truthfully going after Xia Yunbai is extremely dangerous but so what? he Yun Xiao would do what he wants and he never does it without a plan

It's a bit risky but the returns would be unimaginable, if he could pull it off, he would have the loyalty of a man that would shake the world in the future

'Looks like this would take a while...'

Xiao thought as he looked at the furrowed expression of his mother, in the end, he had to spend an hour convincing his mother, finally, she agreed after an intense debate about his safety, now all he had to do was to convince his sister

'Ugh....why does that seem more hard?'

With a heavy heart and head, he entered his sister's room, where he could see Xuanyin sitting on a chair looking through some ancient texts, her hair grew longer as her hair cascaded down her back, her emotions cold and unmoving but her beauty and her aura seemed to be more exotic

Xuanyin might have just been 8 years old but her looks were enough to stunt anybody, she was just a crystalline and unforgettable beauty, lofty, cold, and untouchable, the years seemed to be only increasing her appeal, seeing her focusing on those ancient texts Xiao could only sigh inwardly as he entered the room

Over the year Xuanyin had made a hobby of going through several ancient records seeing that if there was any way for her to cultivate, while she trusts him to find her a cure, she was very astute and stubborn, there's a tenacious state within her, it was just her true self to never really be completely at others mercy

As soon as Xiao had entered Xuanyin's eyes left the records as she ran towards him, Xiao didn't oppose it as he hugged his little sister to his arms, her soft cold body lay in his embrace as he patted her back

"Oh?...you missed me this much, even though I was only gone for 2 days?"

Hearing his question, Xuanyin raised her head as she looked at him, her eyes bore deeply into his

"I see...I didn't think you would miss me this much.."


"Yeah I know, I will tell you next time..."


"Um? so you won't let me go again without you?.....well here's a funny story...."

'Sigh this is going to be a long day...'

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