Dual wielders are truly rare within the four heavens, especially for sword wielders, using two swords makes it extremely hard for defending, plus an extreme level of flexibility is required for one to be able to wield two different weapons accurately, one misstep and everything comes falling down

Within the world of four heavens where you could lose your life on any unforeseen day, wielding a weapon that might fuck you up in the middle of a battle is not a good choice, in truth, Xiao too never thought that he would dual wield but in the past, he was able to perceive one thing about his body

His skeleton was extremely flexible, he would be able to use maneuvers that would normally be impossible for others to do, in his first life an expert had looked at his body and determined that he had a special skeleton structure that made his body much more flexible than anybody else but sadly that's all his skeleton structure gave him

It was so useless that it wasn't even ranked but contrary to others this was the very power that gave him unprecedented power at dual-wielding, the very power that let his slaughter like there was no tomorrow, the very power that had once stricken fear into the heart of his enemies, as they could only be ruthlessly be attacked continuously, unable to fight back

And now Xiao's was to use this very power to protect the things he loved, calm and collected Xiao's eyes surveyed the huge group of enemies in front of him, in the past, he would have been unable to deal with such a huge group with similar power to him but now things were different

The disgusting and uneven beings in front of him didn't stop as they kept running towards him.....no not him but Yun Yurou, Xiao's Qi started to quake with fervor, even till now it was difficult for him to control his Qi, a sense of discontent filled him, each move he made and each Qi he used had a lag that could be fatal to him

The fight would be a difficult one, in truth no one would blame him now for running away, he could see that the beings were after Yun Yurou, using her as bait he could have escaped easily but would Xiao be himself if he did it? a smile came up Xiao's face as a memory from his second life passed through his mind

A man in his forties stood in front of a boy of 12 that had black hair and eyes, the man had black and white mixed hair meanwhile a battle scare ran through his face, the boy that stood before him had a dead expression and he seemed to have given up on life, anybody would feel incredulity and pity if they gazed upon the boy but the man in front of him had a smirk at his face as he chugged up a can of beer, sacking his lips away the man spoke to the boy

"So you're the famous trash skill boy?"

No answer was heard to the man's question, the boy only raised his head as he looked at the man in front of him, the man seemed to not mind it as he spoke

"Boy I do not care about what happened in your past only about what I can do for your future"

The man said as he looked at the boy, his words echoed in the room as he spoke to the boy

"I will make sure to make you reborn anew, trust me when I say this I know the pain you are going through and I have faced the despair of losing everything I loved, so trust me when I say that I will make your name feared across the world"

As the man said the last words a deep power emitted from his body rocking the atmosphere, a deep power that would scare all the looked at him seemed to emit from the man, yet the boy remained cold and dead, the man didn't mind as he smiled and continued

"Right now your cold and dead inside but I am sure that after some clean up I could change you, boy I know whatever I'm saying now won't go to your head but at least try to remember these words, these are the words through which I survived..."

"All problems become smaller when you confront them instead of dodging them, We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them, It isn't that you cannot find the solution, It is that you cannot see the problem."

"So remember boy, there might come a day when you might open your heart to others and when you will finally be loved at that times no matter what, problems will crop up, it doesn't matter if you want too or not problems will still appear, at that time be true to yourself and you make sure to fuck the problem right in the face!"

"Have regrets for what you have done rather than wallowing in regret for what hasn't!!"

Soon the memory seemed to have popped as Xiao sense were back on the enemies in front of him, those were the first lesson that his master who had changed his life had thought him, no amount of gratitude Xiao had for him will fill the gratefulness he has for his master

Even in the last moment of his death, he had followed the words of his master, as he had perished protecting his squad members, Xiao's smile widened as his thoughts were set ablaze

'You were right master...no regrets!'

And with that Xiao blasted forth towards his enemies, the atmosphere within the world trembled, the 11 flames that resided deep within Xiao all trembled at the same time, the Qi that once seemed like a rebellious child now seemed to flow smoothly within him, Xiao's calm eyes flashed dangerously at his enemies

Sky Walking Fire

Soon Xiao used his movement technique as he blasted forth, his speed doubling to what he normally could, his enemies that seemed to only have a hunger within their eyes flashed as they roared with incoherent words, Xiao didn't give it any mind as both his sword flashed with flame, the color being deep black, seemingly fluctuating with death and destruction

For the first time, the beasts that only seemed to have hunger in their eyes flashed with a hint of fear as they focused on the black fires within Xiao's sword, right now Xiao's mind was in a trance even he hadn't felt the black like a flame on his sword, ever since Xiao started cultivating that technique none of the 11 flames seemed to respond to his call, they seemed to have their own control and were only willing to move when they wanted

And for the first time in a long time, the flame of Death and Destruction struck the world again, the very primordial flame that punishes all that takes from what it considers its own, the very flame that struck fear into the hearts of all those who ate at death and decay was back! and it was roaring for action

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