By the time all the other phoenixes realized that Yurou wasn't with them it was already late, as three humongous hands the size of a mountain were descending on the barrier that Amber had produced, meanwhile, Yurou's mind was throbbing with pain, she seemed to reach a certain understanding but it seemed to be far out of her reach as blood started to leak from her head

But even then Yurou could feel death approaching then, bitterness filled Yurou's heart, she had finally got the one thing she loved but now all of it would be lost from her gasp, right now she was barely holding on from failing due to the pressure that was being applied to her mindscape due to her enlightenment

But she didn't let it crush her if she was about to die then she wanted to be awake as she disappeared with the one she loves, it was then that she felt her soul tremble, her head snapped as she used the last of her willpower to raise her head as she gazed into Xiao's eyes that was finally opened, even till now he held her close to him but Yurou didn't pay mind to it as her eyes focused on Xiao's

For a moment she seemed to gaze into the past as she came upon the scene of millions dying as swords ripped them apart, be it the enemies or the allies all of them followed one man's will as they fought at his command, fighting to bring about the desire of their king, her eyes shook as she saw worlds being twisted as trillions died for the birth of swords

Soon she has shaken awake from her dream as she saw a smile on Xiao's face, his eyes looked different as millions of swords floated deep within them, he hugged her body as he washed away some of the blood from her head, his voice was soft as he spoke

"Rest, trust your husband, I will deal with it all"

Hearing it Yurou smiled as her eyelids closed with a sweet smile on her face, she didn't know the whole truth but she understood that she and the one she loved will survive, Xiao, nodded his head as he dusted away some of her blood on her head and as he did his eyes focused on the humongous fists that were heading to end his and the life of the person he loved

"[Domain Of The God Swords: 1st Form Nightingale]"

Xiao's words were barely a whisper but the whole world froze in it, a pillar of light that blinded everything rose with Xiao at the center, the world seemed to have stopped as silence reigned within the battlefield of death. The Qi, element, and laws, everything that formulated the world disappeared, nothing remained anymore

It wasn't just at the it had taken place within the whole world, bringing it into the domain of the one that once stood above all, the light that blinded all soon faded away, and the sight that greeted all made all of them pale, with some even falling to their knees in sheer incredulity, all beings be it the one in the war or the ones that were being slaughtered on the outside world all of them came upon the same scene

Swords! millions of swords surrounded them all, in the skies above them they floated, each one beautiful and deadlier than the next, they stood above them all waiting to deliver punishment on the ones their master deemed his enemy, power rippled across the world, everyone had lost the control of their power, within this domain they were just ants waiting to be slaughtered

"Wh-What's go-going o-on?"

A phoenix barely spoke stuttering with fear that filled his entire being

"A domain"

The ancestral elder spoke, even her eyes were filled with sheer incredulity and awe, all of them gathered here were people with cultivation that had their own domain, if they wished they too could overlap a large area with their domain but they would never be able to cover the word with it much less trap someone of their cultivation level within it

Just imagining the power of the being that wielded this power all of them trembled but soon all of them were able to gaze upon a sight that they would never forget in their life, up above them all a throne made of swords floated, and on it sat a boy with an unconscious girl in his arms, her bleeding had stopped as he held to her tenderly

His sword-like eyes looked down at all from above, it wasn't just to the ones on the everywhere the swords floated the projection of Xiao on the throne floated, sparking reverence in the hearts of those who gazed upon it but for the phoenixes, they all felt their heats chill at the sight in front of them


Someone screamed that was the fuze that lit up the fire that spread across all that knew who sat on the throne, arrogantly looking down at the whole world but no matter how much they refused to believe it currently all of their lived were in the hand of the species that all saw as a means to an end

While Xiao sat on the throne feeling power he never felt in his life, everything that was far in his life now seemed within his grasp, all the people that were above him now stood below him, they were ants that he could crush with a thought, this.....this was the power that he ran after all his life but Xiao didn't spend long within it as he knew his time was limited

His eyes peered at the Skyllas, the millions that grew stronger with death, one among them had almost taken Yurou from him a second time, his eyes turned icy as the black flame within him roared for the third time as it blasted from deep within him but unlike the last time none of them could be seen outside

No, they were surrounding the billions of swords that floated in the world, now all of them blazed with black flame, a flame that looked far more deadly and evil than the Skyllas themselves, the moment it appeared in the sky all of them started to scream and twitch around, the weaker Skyllas even started to kill themselves!

It was as if divine retribution had arrived upon them, flaming black swords now surrounded the world, it wasn't just the small part of the world that was hit, the whole world had faced the attack of the Skyllas but now it was all over, the warriors, men, women, babies, children, cowards, kings, monsters, hidden serpents to heroes all of them could only gaze at the boy who sat on the throne of the swords, for a moment his gaze connected with every being on the world as he spoke

"Humans might not have anything special to call upon as their own but that doesn't mean that they could never take the powers of others for themselves, the truly powerful weapons have always been born after being tempered, they might face all the difficulties in the world but once they are complete... obstacles would be impossible for them to overcome"

p Those were the last words Xiao spoke before he rose his hand up and waved them downwards and then? there was no then as death itself arrived, the world trembled as the apocalyptic scene of the swords descending took place

There was no explosion, no screams, there was just silence as the final move of the battle had descended.

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