Xiao opened his eyes as he came upon a familiar scene, he was once again floating in space, with stars and several worlds surrounding him, his gaze didn't linger on it for long as he focused on Yurou who was unconscious in his arms, till now she hadn't regained her consciousness, she had gotten an epiphany and right now she was taking in her gains,

"It's good that both of you survived"

It was then the very familiar phoenix voice was heard, Xiao rose his head as he focused on those eyes in the sky, it was fainter and weaker than before, he stared at them for some time before which he spoke,

"It's good to meet you again World Burning Phoenix or would you be like to be called as the Empress Amber?"

"No need, that name is something of the past"

The Phoenix or Amber spoke with a nostalgic voice, Xiao didn't interpret her brooding, as he kept waiting, finally seeing that she was back from her thoughts he spoke,

"Tell me is Yurou okay?"

"Yes she's well, it's just that her gains are a bit too much for the current her, it would take form time for all of them to be digested"

"I see"

Xiao nodded his head,



After which silence again reigned, Xiao thought for a moment before he spoke again,

"Empress Amber was I truly in the past?"

To Xiao's question the eyes above narrowed for a moment before which she spoke mysteriously,

"Who knows? the mystery of time is too deep even for me but all the answers you seek will be one day surely be unraveled in front of you"

"Sigh....again with the mysterious"

Xiao shook his head feeling a bit annoyed but he didn't speak anything out, he wasn't all that angry with Amber, it was true that she had sent them on a very dangerous mission, which would have resulted in their death but because of it didn't he and Yurou achieve greater strength?.

The current him now and the one before were incomparable, both he and Yurou had grown not just in strength, the experiences that Yurou had gained will be the driving force that will lead her path, she had seen despair, powerlessness, the cruelness of fate, and the fickleness of people, all of this will help Yurou in the long path ahead.

Xiao's eyes became tender as he gazed at the asleep face of Yurou, his mind traveled to all they have been through and he couldn't help but sigh over the close calls, who would have thought that the girl he was pushing away would become someone so important to him? they had maybe being gone for 2 or three days but the things they went through would always be engraved in their hearts, Xiao raised his head as he spoke,

"So what now?"

"Now you would leave and spread your name across every plane and reality"

With that everything started to crack and break, the scene was apocalyptic as the world around them started to break, seeing it Xiao raised his head as he gazed deeply at the phoenix in the sky before which he bowed a bit and spoke,

"Thank you for everything"

"Your welcome child, also beware of the power that was granted to you, not all that is seen and heard is true"

"I know"

Xiao calmly nodded his head as the world around him kept cracking, the eyes above started to become dimmer and dimmer, its embers flowing away, the last will that remained would be now forever lost, having fulfilled its purpose it would now rest deep within death, the remaining will of Amber gazed deeply into space seemingly lost.

Her pasts kept flashing before her eyes, the moments of her smile, the first time she cried, the sadness of defeat and the feeling of growth, the despair of powerlessness and the feeling of falling in love, the bitter truth of fate, the sins in her hand, the cruelty of time that grazed everything in its path and finally the feeling of loneliness that fills all.

Each emotion flashed through Amber's eyes until it finally landed on a familiar and lost memory, on it was a happy family of four, a handsome man and a beautiful woman with two children that was a boy and a girl playing happily on the ground, the satisfied smile of the man, the eternal loving smile of the woman, the annoyed look of the boy and the pure and innocent eyes of the girl.

All of them flashed but this one stayed deep within Amber's heart even if many were lost within this million-year history, the picture of her father, mother, and brother and her family stood tall, sometimes it's the smallest moments that stay deeply rooted in the corners of our heart without our knowledge.

'Finally a well-deserved rest....'

These were Amber's last thoughts as her final consciousness was snuffed away, meanwhile, Xiao felt the very familiar movement around him as the space around him twisted and turned covering him as he was teleported away.

Meanwhile back within the real world, Yun Xuanyin, Xia Yunbai, and Elder Fin waited in the carriage, right now it had been three hours since Xiao and Yurou had entered the legacy land and they were all anxiously waiting for Xiao's return, well Xuanyin and elder Fin was, as for Xia Yunbai he was well just waiting.

Elder Fin gazed towards Xuanyin who was looking at the portal and sighed, all these three hours Xuanyin had been gazing at the portal without any rest, she seemed to possess as she kept looking at it, to be truthful Elder Fin was always weirded out by her, other than Xiao no one was ever able to get close to Xuanyin.

She always seemed repulsed by everything that was around her, the only exemption being Xiao, moreover, the main reason that many avoided her was due to her eyes, those cold apathetic eyes that looked through one soul, just gazing at them would make one feel as if their true self was laid bare, no one was spared by this.

Even elder Fin felt a bit lost when he gazed into those eyes that didn't even consider him as anything, Xuanyin's cold blue eyes were so beautiful that sometimes people would just be lost in them. No one was capable of having a conversation with her, she was just like that nothing mattered in her eyes and the only thing that did was in a place where his state was unknown and due to it she just kept gazing at him in the portal, nothing moved her.

Seeing it Elder Fin took some deep breaths before which he approached her and spoke,

"Young Miss, why don't you take some rest? you already have a weak body it's better that you take a break"

Hearing Elder Fin's words Xuanyin turned around as she gazed at him, her eyes bore into him making Elder Fin flinch for a moment but she didn't say anything as she turned her head back to the portal,


"Um, young miss please come and take some rest, it's bad for your body if you don't"


"Young Miss, I am sure that the young master is alright"


"Young miss, I-sigh....."

Finally feeling no response from Xunyin Elder Fin just shook his head as he stood back and did his duty as a protector.

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