hunger, thirst, confusion, anger all these emotions were overwhelming Xiao, by now he had stopped counting the days he had been walking, by the first month of walking he had given up, time passed on in an illusionary path, he could no longer tell what was happening, everything looked surreal.

By now most of his Qi was drained, his eyesight was blurry, his body was dry, just a touch would cause him to crumble, the fog around him seemed to be mocking him, making fun of his efforts but even then he didn't stop, within his blurry eyes there hid a humongous will that would not be shaken at all.

Compared to the shit he had to go through in the past this was nothing, Xiao when he had lost his family and everything wandered around similarly with despair and bitterness, the amount of time he thought of taking his own life was above his count, the arrogant young master had fallen, seeing this several enemies that had a grudge with him or the ones that wanted entertainment swept at him.

They threw him into a shit hole filled with the mixture of several shits of different animals, they took him and threw him into another hole filled with snakes as they bit and poisoned him, and just as he was about to be killed they would save him and give him the maiden just enough to survive, he was the last remaining member of the Yun Family, the humiliation that he had to go through was something beyond anyone could understand.

He was bitten up, spit on, made to bath in a room of shit, any things that could break a person, those were all done to him, trudging through the lonely fog memories of a past long forgotten filled him,

"hahahaha...look at him! seems like he can't be arrogant anymore!"

A well dressed young man sneered and laughed as he looked at another youngster that was now drowning in piss and shit, he was stripped naked and thrown in, several others surrounded the drowning boy enjoying his misery, the boy was forced to lay there for some time before which they took him up and threw him into the middle of a street, naked and drenched in shit.

Within the street, everybody looked at him with pity and disgust, this by now had become a common occurrence, each day a new terror would await him, each one cruel than the other. The youngster that was thrown on the streets stood up as his body cracked, by now his hands were broken but he didn't care as he stood up and started trudging.

His eyes soulless and dead, no one could understand why he was even living anymore but the youngster didn't give up, bottling in his emotions he trudged on not giving up, everybody just looked at him, he who was above them all now was not even worth a glance, fate had left him alive but it made sure to give him the cruelest life possible,

"I will have my revenge....."

His whispers were heard as the shit and piss from him kept dripping down, soon the image broke as his mind came back to the situation at hand, Xiao's eyes gained life as they lit up with passion as he kept moving, back then that situation didn't bring him down and the one now in front of him will also not bring him down.

'It's been some time since I had thought of the past'

Trudging on Xiao felt a deep connection to the past, those were the darkest days of his life, that was until he was given 'that' technique from there on the demon of slaughter was born, someone that slaughtered without any remorse since the world never gave him warmth why should he do the same?

'Sigh....those were some dark times'

Xiao mused, by now he had had long overcome his past, right now they were just the remainder of who he was and who he had become, thanks to his master he had learned to live with his mystery, after all the things that had to happened to him had shaped the current him, plus he had had long paid back the suffering that was inflicted on him.

Right now they were just vestiges of the past, they were things that had just built up his willpower. Focusing he moved forward none of the things that affected him made him despair, he had long since seen the edges of it and had long overcome it, he kept moving forward nothing shaking him up.

In such a manner time passed by again, Xiao had become smaller and dry, just the blow of wind would crumble him but such a thing did not take place, just as his mental barrier was about to collapse a faint ripple of space surrounded him and the next thing he knew he was teleported away.

The dried-up skin of his disappeared, his eyes that were on the verge of breaking recovered, every problem that filled him disappeared, it was as if they never existed at all. Regaining himself he stood tall as he looked around coming up on the sight of a humongous snake, right now all Xiao could see was its huge eyes that gazed down at him

The rest of its body was too huge for him to look at, only those huge green eyes with a purple slit can be seen, even that were huge enough to be the size of a planet, its eyes contained the profoundness of the heaven and earth, seeing it Xiao felt his whole being tremble even Amber didn't have this level of pressure.

,m He felt as if he was an ant that was to be crushed by the existence in front of him, he appeared small and powerless, his knees started to buckle, his body by nature wanted to bow down to them being in front of him, this was not done by the snake in front of him, no this was the natural feeling arising from someone at the top, in here the weak needed to kneel by design.

This was the truth, Xiao's eyes flashed as he felt his body kneel but it didn't last for long as the purple flame blasted from within his giving him the authority to stand in front of the being in front of him, seeing Xiao's flame for the first time a twinkle took place within the humongous eyes,

"Flame of !@#$%, not bad"

Its voice was soft and caring, the snake looked at Xiao that was not at all fearful of him, he who had seen much could tell that his lack of fear was the truth, the boy in front of him didn't fear death, now in a long time intrigue-filled its eyes as he spoke,

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Xiao didn't flinch at the words, as he knew that the being in front of him would be able to tell his aim, lying to the one in front of him was impossible, with respect filling his voice Xiao spoke,

"I wish to have you transport me to a location that I desire"


The snake nodded his head.

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