"So, how have things been?"

Xiao asked as he took a seat beside Li Lun, who held onto his hand refusing to let go, he didn't reject her request, sitting beside her he focused on her, she seemed to do a bit better than the last time he saw her,

"How are the nightmares?"

Xiao asked looking into her blank eyes that were trying their best to focus, he could tell that she was trying her best to act normal but some things aren't to be,

"It's fine, things are getting better"

"Sigh...why lie"

Xiao shook his head as he held her hand tighter, his voice was serious as he spoke,

"Li Lun, I am your fiance and above that, your friend tell me what's bugging you. I want to help you"

Hearing his words Li Lun was silent before which tears started to pool in her eyes, her voice was croaked as she spoke with hiccups,

"I-Its hard....hick..... every day I wake up and only darkness fills my eyes....hick...I think its a dream and that it will go away but.....hick.....it doesn't"

Xiao didn't say anything as he stood up and hugged Li Lun bringing her to his chest as she sat on the wheelchair, he patted her back as she continued,

"It's so hard....sniff...I keep thinking that it will get better but it doesn't.....hick...if I need to do anything I need someone to help.....hick.....I I-feel so lost, I can't move my legs and the darkness scares me.....sniff....what should I do?"

Li Lun asked with despaired voice, Xiao stayed silent as he patted her back, whatever he says would just be powerless words, how could he speak about something that he doesn't know about? only the ones that face the loss of sight could know the pain, plus Li Lun has lost her legs too, in this cutthroat world she was truly useless.

Xiao could never say that he understands her pain, all he could do was hug this grieving child as he pats her back, being there as a support, slowly her cries dried out, as she clutched onto his chest, taking in his warmth, slowly Xiao continues to pat her back as he finally spoke,

"Li Lun, I can't even fathom the pain you are going through nor can I promise that things will definitely get better but I can tell you that you're not alone, you have people that care about you, me your father, and many more, so know that you don't have to go at it alone"


Finally, after a minute Li Lun responded hiding her blushing face at Xiao's chest, all this week she planned to act tough, she wanted to show Xiao that she wasn't a weak girl but one word from him and she ended up brawling like there's no tomorrow, no matter what she tried she couldn't keep her cool with him, he always seemed to pull out her true feelings.

All the time she was away from Xiao she keeps thinking about him, ever since that fateful day she misses him dearly, within the dark world, the memories of Xiao keep her mind awake, sometimes the nightmare that haunts her gets better when she thinks of him, more than any other she fears losing Xiao.

These fears linger deep in her mind, by now most of her pride had faded away, the world seemed to be against her, while nightmares and pain surrounded her,

"Li Lun why don't we try something fun?"

Xiao spoke breaking her out of her thoughts, wiping away the tears in her eyes, she hesitantly let go Xiao's warmth as she spoke,

"What fun?"

"Well now that's a surprise"

Saying so Xiao walked behind Li Lun as he clutched her wheelchair pushing it forward, guiding it through the mansion as he took them to the desired location, along the way none stopped his path, he was a direct descended of the Yun family, none dare to mess with him, soon minutes later he reached a certain training ground,

"Are we in a training ground?"

Li Lun asked, her 'eyes' looking through, her life might be dark but her hearing, smell, and other features were improved, she could even faintly 'feel' the aura and shape of the things, in fact, recently she started to feel some sort of connection with another plane, she couldn't tell why but instinctively she understood that the things she was feeling were a plane and that it feels like home.

At first, Li Lun thought that she was tripping but the feeling was getting clearer as the days passed, the growth was extremely miniscule but it was still there, breaking her out of her thoughts Xiao spoke,

"So Li Lun, what do you think about archery?"


She asked back confused, Xiao smiled as he walked towards a stand taking up a bow and arrow, walking towards Li Lun he took her arms carefully placing them on her hands, making sure that she won't hurt herself he spoke,

"LI Lun aren't you now capable of feeling things?"


Li Lun spoke hesitantly,

"Then why don't you try using the bow, after all, you just have to feel the target, in this regard you don't have to see it"


"But what?"

Xiao asked back with a smile, he knew that she wasn't confident in herself, so he moved behind her as he helped her hold the bow and arrow, he wasn't an expert at it but he did know how to use the bow, back in Ingrid his master had thought him how to use all the weapons, he was not a master but he was decent.

For a mercenary it was all about survival and using all the tricks in the book was the best way to move forward, angling correctly he helped Li Lun sit straight as he guided her hands holding the arrow and helping her place it correctly as he gently pulled the arrow on the string but just as her posture became perfect he silently let go of his control on Li Lun.

Standing back he watched as Li Lun's hold on the bow became better, her stature situation improved on her own, it wasn't a huge change but it wasn't a small one too, her body by instincts moved to perfect her shot, her talent in archery every was truly terrifying, her body to her mind was the perfect tool for an archer.

In the future when she holds her bow, enemies hundreds of miles away will tremble in fear, her breathing slowed down, the hands that were trembling balanced, her hands moved at sinc, it wasn't perfect but it was terrifyingly good for the first time, by now Li Lun's mind was black, the moment she touched the bow something inside of her shook.

The bow felt natural in her hands as if she was meant to hold them, she didn't even register Xiao coming behind her as he lead her, Li Lun's mind was in a daze as she followed Xiao's teaching, by now she who was without any cultivation had entered enlightenment on the path of archery! news that will surely create waves, countless masters of the bow would fight to take her as a disciple, that is if she could cultivate.

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