Xiao spent a large amount of time talking and chatting with Yurou, the fact that they couldn't meet really bumped her, hence she was making the best out of it by talking to him, from what Xiao understood Yurou had gained a very high position in the shrine of fire, right now she's being thought by the best of the best.

Everything relating to cultivation, growth, skills, martial techniques, everything was being drilled into her, thankfully she doesn't need a cultivation technique like the ones required to grow her flames as the ones she requires were passed onto her by Empress Amber, after all, unlike humans, the phoenixes grow by cultivating their flame.

Everyday Yurou 'called' him and she would speak to him about how everything is hard and how she was missing him, and each time he would have to use loving to placate her temper, being apart just seemed to make them want to see each other more, though Xiao was a bit worried about what's going to come, in his first life Yurou didn't receive this much care and attention.

Sure she was talented but it wasn't to the degree that the God Of Flames had to descend, it would seem that his actions had changed the future to a great deal but he didn't care he was happy that Yurou's more talented, as long as she gains something, he didn't mind messing up the world a bit.

The other thing that gained a huge change was Li Lun, For the past three months he kept visiting her, making both of them much more closer, Xiao can't say he loves her but he sure does care about her, in fact, the one that had the most change would be Li Lun, by now she was no longer dull or muddy, she seems to have overcome some sort of barrier as she tries her best to grow stronger.

Her character change completely surprised him but it made him happy nonetheless, her growth in archery could only be described as surreal, each of her shots was no brilliant and insightful, even when seated in her wheelchair she fought with bravo, heck she even invented a type of fighting style involving using her wheelchair.

Creating a bizarre use of her wheelchair movement to cause chaos, Xiao could only say that it was astonishing, at her own level of cultivation she could give anyone a hard battle, her change had surprised the entire Li family mansion, and now no longer does anyone try to look down on her, not after she arrowed all that did, some extreme cases ending with an arrow up their butt.

By now she had placed her supremacy, her use of archery plus her unique style gained her the name 'Blind wheeling Archer', Xiao was truly proud of her change though he didn't know why the change took place, he was still happy about the fact that Li Lun was growing, perhaps by now, he had repaid a small part of the favor he owns her.

Other than all this Xiao spent his time growing better, he still had the lacking side of soul, mental and spiritual power left, without a teacher it's hard for him to move forward but he did make some leeway with each, it wasn't anything mind-blowing but he did learn to use some of them to complement his fighting style.

At times he would help his mother with her business, introducing new ideas and ventures, several ideas he had from Ingrid were truly interesting making Yun Lan squeal with delight as she dragged Xiao with her, both of them providing the other with better and clearer ideas, overall it was a truly relaxing yet busy time for Xiao.

But the thing that made him most intrigued was the two flames whose power he couldn't fully wield, of course even without getting full control of the two flames it was more than enough to make any other flame pale in comparison, it would seem that he would have to reach higher levels of cultivation to gain more power.

Plus several rare flames were needed for Xiao to move forward in his cultivation journey, at some point taking in Qi won't be enough, by now his Qi was already converted into fire Qi, by the laws of cultivation everyone would begin with the neutral low-level Qi and once someone made it to the Martial Spirit realm their Qi would adapt to their affinity.

Of course one could still absorb neutral Qi but then you would have to convert it into pure Qi relating to your affinity, a person could only have a single elemental matching Qi but as always there would be geniuses that break that common sense and now Xiao too fell into that category, his unique Cosmic sword Qi is something Xiao has no idea about.

He tried using it but the moment he did, he felt like his life was going to end, that power was not something that he could wield, his Death Qi was normal after all the ones with two affinities are indeed capable of using different Qi's, though that would again depend on their affinity, focusing on his body Xiao took deep breaths,

"Both of you come out"

As soon as he spoke, two beautiful and sparkling flames appeared out of his body, one elegant and classy shining with purple, while the other one deadly and dark, floating with soul-sucking black color, as soon as the two of them appeared they blasted forth with their majestic aura, seemingly trying to out due each other.

Seeing this Xiao sighed, he knew that they had their own built consciousness, which was astounding to say the least, as flames themselves require to reach an unfathomable level of power before true consciousness could be formed, that's the main reason that the flamings take extreme care of their children before they let go.

But the problem here was that the two flames only had a minor level of growth, both of them seemed to have the thought process of 4 years old's, throwing tantrums and making fights, yet even then they have extreme majesty, Xiao was sure that once they were fully sealed, their power would be being his imagination.

Plus another 9 flames were waiting to awaken, he couldn't wait to wield and learn about them all, by now he knew some of the functions that the two flames beside him had and just the tip of the ice burg was more than enough to astound him, they weren't just tools of battle, each one of them had their own use above just carnage,

"Two of you calm down, don't destroy this fiery domain, the poor flames here can't handle your wrath"

Hearing Xiao speak the two flames stopped their show as they reeled in their auras, Xiao could mentally hear them both snort, the two flames couldn't speak but they could transmit their feeling to him and from what he understood the black flame would be the hardest to deal with, it had the personality of a child rebel.

While the purple flame felt more like the obedient child, one that was always trying to win your favor, the good thing was that even though both of them were a bit rowdy they still listened to his words, in their minds his orders were absolute, thinking of the rest of the flames left Xiao for a moment lamented his fate,

'Sigh.....at least the future won't be boring'

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