"Xiao, are you fine?"

Seeing her child in a daze Yun Lan spoke, it was only then did Xiao break out of his daze, looking at his mother with a smile he shook his head,

,m "I'm a fine mother"

He replied but his mother didn't buy it as she started to look between Xiao and Valencia, after a few looks a teasing smile lit up her face,

"Could it be? love at first sight?....sigh my son already cheating on his lover"

"Mother, stop it"

Xiao clutched his head, shaking them at his mother's jokes but the she seriously spoke,

"What about it Xiao, Are you interested in her? maybe I could set it up"

"No, mother never do that"

Instead of getting a mischievous response, what Yun Lan got was a cold emotionless voice from Xiao, which startled her, looking at her son she could see that he was 100% serious, she didn't know why but she felt some sort of dislike in Xiao's voice, Yun Lan felt that her son didn't want to talk about this stuff.

She was just trying to get for her son a woman she thinks might be good for him, after all, her son is the best! so shouldn't he have all the best women?...this was a natural head thought of a spoiling mother.....

But after she heard Xiao's words she lost all her interest, anything her son hates she hates it more!....once again the thought of a spoiling mother.....

'Good, she lost interest'

Seeing his mother not paying any more interest Xiao sighed, then his eyes focused on the woman standing beside Valencia, she was a beauty with brown hair and eyes but none dare to lay upon her figure, an intense bloodlust and danger emitted from her, this seems to be some sort of natural reaction coming from her body.

Her eyes were calm yet crazy, she felt more cold and dangerous than anything, once Xiao's eyes landed on her, respect filled them, there were only a few he truly respected and the woman in front of him was one, Raena Farook or now just Raena Ewald, even after her so-called 'lover' saved her she had no hint of happiness.

The only reason she even took his name was that she needed Liam's families power, her childish love had long disappeared, and all that was left was a dead heart that was only beats for her daughter, she was no longer the stubborn woman who ran after love, she needed his family for her daughter and if that means being the man's wife, for that she did it.

Nothing more nothing less, it was a pure transaction and Valencia understood that well, while Xiao felt pity at it, he had no interest in getting close to them, if it was anyone else related to the Mc's group he would jump at the chance to know them, having connections weren't bad but her? yeah he has zero desire to talk to her.

Thankfully with the help of All-Seer he has altered his fate line and destiny, it's use wasn't just information, not only does it hide his talent but it could also lay an illusionary fate over his real one, not even the number one heavenly pupil can see through it, with this even if the Gods with divinity comes they won't be able to see through Xiao.

And he was thankful for it, Valencia was the main reason the Heavenly Opposers worked well, after she met the main MC and saw how powerful he was she made a proposal to create a power to resist the hypocrites of the heavens, she with her luck traversed the heavens with the main MC, her eyes saw through all geniuses and their supreme fate.

Many times she would help them and request favors in return, other times they would fall for the MC's charm and become his comrade or brother, like this the two of them made a killer combo and it was only due to this that the Heavenly Opposers, were born, it was a chaotic time, thankfully with his fate covered he won't have to deal with those old bastards that aim after the best.

The Heavenly Immortals and their stupid 9 seats, in every new Era new 9 chosen ones are born, what the Heavenly Opposers did were simple, they controlled a part of the heaves power, each chosen one has talent and power beyond the ordinary, all the blessed 9 would go through difficulties and finally grown in true power.

But this does not mean that they are above some powers, for example, the shrines, the origin families, or the ones above the fourth heaven, if these Heavenly Opposers went to fight with them, then they would be toast, in a way they are protectors of the heaven, people who grew from truly nothing, these are the seats that heaven give to the ones without power.

After all, there are extremely powerful families and shrines but it wasn't fair to have powers from just them, then in the future, all of the heavens would be under their control, hence it was made that no chosen Heavenly Immortals would ever be born from named or heaven recognized families, the Heavenly Immortals would only be born in lowly powers as they rise to power, as all of them would know the value of having nothing.

All of them would be blessed with heavenly luck and destiny, in such a way no one would have full control over heavens power but that all had changed with the current Heavenly Immortals, the ones corrupted sought this power for themselves and they created the loophole, by nature the current Heavenly Immortals were not to harm the ones that were to rise but they found a way.

Manipulating the fate of the chosen ones, they caused pain and suffering, by control they made it so that the chosen ones never rose, slowly but clearly, they chipped away their will, peering into the river of fate they did the taboo by targeting destiny, it was only when the Heavenly Tree took action and slashed away the river of fate did some things change.

Facing the danger that was coming, talent like no before were being born, the Heavenly Immortals were in chaos, they could leave aside the supreme geniuses of the shrines and families but from even the lower realms there was a great spike in the birth of great talents, it was all great disturbances.

The truly powerful ones felt the shift in fate and destiny, the river of fate gone, none could now gaze into the future, nor could anyone understand the true impending danger but many did feel the great spike in talent, everyone knew that things were fishy about the current Heavenly Immortals but no one could do anything about it.

The authority they had was bestowed by the heaven and it could only be taken away by the next chosen ones, who keep dying like flies but in this Era, the Heavenly Immortals made their greatest mistake, they started discreetly hunting the lower worlds powers that showed any sense of destiny, heck they even hunted ones which clearly had no connection to Heaven just out of jealousy.

That is also the reason that Valencia was hurt even though she wasn't a chosen one.

Yes, that's right, she wasn't a chosen one for the position of Heavenly Immortal.

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