"You would like to join the cosmic games?"


Xiao nodded at the vampire woman, who began to type on the screen in front of her,

"Would you be starting now?"

"No, I want to book my fight vault"


Her response now lost her enthusiasm, well it was normal since Xiao said that he wasn't planning on fighting now, he's not that crazy, if he started to fight in the comic games now, he would die without knowing how, of course when you lose your game you won't really die, you will just get a part of your soul cut off.

Which is greater than just dying, losing a part of your soul means you are losing your talents, and to cultivators that itself is a death sentence and no one can avoid it, a dweller node combines with ones soul, so there's no going back, what Xiao wants to do now is lay the base for what he would do in the future,

"Are you also joining the Talent ranking?"

"Yes, I am under 100"

"Then please fill in this information"

Saying so the woman swiped her hand, causing a screen to appear in front of Xiao, he read through each line with care, even having All-Seer looking into it,

'All good?'


Getting the affirmative he finally placed his soul sign as the contract burst into light, a part of it entering his body while the other part flew to the top disappearing far ahead,

"Sir, everything is ready, here is your fighter card, hope you survive"

The woman then handed Xiao a card he was familiar with, holding it a sense of nostalgia flashed but he didn't let it overwhelm him, holding the card he gave a nod to the woman thanking her as he started to walk away, the card he was holding was different than the one he had, courtesy to the fact that he joined at this city,

'Life is always a competition'

Soon he stored the card in his inventory,

'All-Seer, have you arranged all my memories?'


'Then what is the fastest way for me to be rich?'

[I have created a detailed plan, chose which you like]

Saying so a huge list representing different paths appeared in front of Xiao, each with its merit and demerit, how much time it would take, and much more, reading through it Xiao was in awe,

'You know, without you, I will be lost'

[Well, at least you know]

'Still as cocky as ever'

[Well it's better than a pussy]

'Damn, looks like you learned some words'

[Well, I had a very nice memory]

'Looks like it's time I reboot your'

[Then its time I release some extremely hot memories of yours, I have to say you are very flexible with your hands]





Finally getting a response Xiao started to walk and moved towards a more secluded area, seeing that no one was around him, he ordered,

'Take me to the Blackened disc'

A moment later he broke into light particles and when he opened his eyes he was in a place that reeked death, the cultivators here looked more brutal and bloodthirsty, each of them had a trait that was screaming that I am evil, the location also was desolate with reddish sky with 3 different colorful suns in the sky.

The building thankfully was still modern, the only difference being each people were looking at each other as if they were their targets, Xiao straightened his back as he calmly walked through, and a subtle hint of his killing intent was leaked, this along with his looks were more than enough to keep the rest at bay.

Looking at all this he really felt at home, this was one of the places most 'evil' humans gathered, where true carnage takes place, well this was one of the places, the whole Darkness disk is divided into a huge layer that has its own power structure, and this was just one small place, back then Xiao too roamed them, his status made him an outlaw wherever he went, there were only a few places that he didn't have to hide.

With practiced movement, Xiao reached a shop that read,

[Rommys Pawn Shop]

Entering inside he could see a guy sitting in a chair, looking bored, several items were placed around, as he entered the man's eyes lit up, a familiar predatory smile filled his face,

'Still the same'

Not losing his focus Xiao walked towards the man, who by now was already sitting up straight with a business smile on his face,

"What can I do for you?"

"I need to some money"

As soon as Xiao's words fell the man's smile widened,

"Oh! that's good, how much would you be needing?"

"About a million credits"

"And the collateral?"

"There is no collateral"

"Wonderful! then please sign here"

Saying so the man Rammy forwarded a contract, reading it Xiao's eyes twitched,

'Still as greedy as ever'

The contract stated that Xiao has to pay back the money within a month, and the interest would be 100%, and it would increase by a 100% each day after the paying period if you missed the pay! the fucker was trying to dry him out! moreover, he needed a Qi contract that many won't use, well that only worked on the lighter side, here it was the norm, if he broke the contract then Xiao will lose his ability to wield Qi.

Quite brutal but Xiao didn't hesitate as he signed the contract with his soul signature, making the man's smile widen,

"Pleasure doing business with you"


Xiao said with a calm voice he didn't stay after that as he left the store, again finding a corner place as he teleported, now his hands filled with money, a few seconds later he was walking through the streets of Promise and despair, a designated land belonging to the Nightmare queen, majority of the beings here were of the nightmare realm, an S+ ranked realm.

Normally being able to transport here itself will cost a huge amount of money, plus there would be a clear sign indicating that he didn't belong here and the people here will rip him off for it, anything he buys here will be oat triple the cost, just because he wasn't someone of the nightmare realm,

'Still as chilling as ever'

The nightmare creatures have their own unique look, them being 4 meters tall with bluish and black skin, they didn't have an eye on their face instead a tentacle-like eyes grew from their back, hanging in front of them, while a small hole acted as a mouth, they didn't have ears as their 'eye' did the same function,

'Wait...All-Seer can't you just give me money? you know make them'

[I can't do that each credit has its own designated number, moreover, me giving you coins will destroy the balance and alert people who shouldn't be messed with]


Letting things be Xiao moved forward with the money in his hand he could finally start his plan, the plan to make himself filthy rich.

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