Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 195 195-Too Big A Shit To Deal With.

"Yup, holy shit it is..."

Azrail muttered alongside Adria while Valencia looked at the list with a frowning face.

"This complicates some things."

She muttered, to which Azrail asked.

"How the hell did some of them get here?"

To this question, Nayan just shrugged his shoulder as he spoke.

"As you know, in the dark, I have dealings with several powerful factions, realms, and pantheons. When they find something they can't understand, they send it to me. And above that, when they have powerful losers they have to suffer upon, they send that to me too."

"And the powerful losers that you get are of powerful lineage or power, thus it gives you the chance to understand the body of others, while the ones that give you the bodies get to know that their enemies are going through things worse than death, a win-win situation."

Valencia spoke, finishing Nayan's words, the acceptance in them making Nayan nod his head as he spoke, all those eyes of his blinking.

"I have a lot of powerful bodies piled up, and the ones that I have are all completely secured here. Moreover, within this place, no power can track their so-called prodigies or members, it's foolproof."

"That also means that you keep receiving the betrayed members for you to hold, ones that go missing by the competitive brothers or members of the same family, making you an effective place to dispose of people without causing many issues to others."

Adria spoke at the time, her voice much more powerful than before, to which Nayan looked at her with focused eyes.

"Never thought I would see the great Adria Decebel so weakened."

To his words, the room got icy as Adria spoke.

"We've met before?"

To her questions, Nayan spoke.

His questions are directed at Adria and Nayan, two beings that have lived significantly longer than he has, both of them having led powerful places, and having dealt with powerful organizations too. They know the political landscape and power of the cosmos perhaps better than Azrail himself.

"You are asking our thoughts?"

Adria asked back with doubt, to which Azrail shrugged his shoulder as he replied.

"I am not dumb enough to simply rack my brain for a solution when ones much more qualified than me sit around me."

The acknowledgment of Azrail's words brought a certain glow to Adria's eyes, while Nayan himself started to rotate that small brain of his with a mental capacity better than most in the cosmos. He took this as the time to find a perfect situation to get into the better side of Azrail. However, in the end, Nayan himself is more focused on the innovative crazy side of things.

And this is where Adria starts to think, seemingly piecing together several pieces of knowledge she has along with the knowledge that Azrail gave her about the current situation in the Realm Scrapper. The solutions themselves should come to help the new faction or family that Azrail is building to bring into the cosmos.

Adria's eyes narrowed in thoughtful consideration, her centuries-old mind delving into the intricate web of power dynamics within the cosmos. Nayan, on the other hand, tapped into his vast scientific knowledge, analyzing the situation from a pragmatic standpoint. Azrail watched both of them, keenly awaiting their insights.

"Well, Azrail," Adria began, her voice carrying wisdom earned through lifetimes of experience, "the key here is diversion and misdirection. We need to create a smokescreen that conceals the true nature of your new faction's members, allowing them to move freely outside the Realm Scrapper without attracting unwanted attention."

Azrail nodded, absorbing her words. "Go on, Adria."

"We'll initiate a series of carefully orchestrated events within the cosmos, designed to divert attention from the new faction. We can simulate conflicts, disturbances, and anomalies, all carefully timed to coincide with the emergence of your faction members. This will force other powers to focus on these fabricated crises rather than scrutinizing the individuals you've brought into your fold."

Azrail's eyes gleamed with intrigue. "Clever. It's a delicate dance, but if done right, it could buy us the time we need."

Adria continued, "Simultaneously, we need to employ a veil of magical concealment. Create an illusion around each faction member, obscuring their true identity and affiliations. It won't be an easy task, but with the combined prowess of our resources, we can achieve a level of masking that will confound even the most skilled detectors."

Azrail nodded appreciatively. "Mask their identities. Keep them hidden in plain sight. I like that."

Adria's gaze shifted to Nayan, who had been silently observing. "And you, Nayan, can use your scientific expertise to develop technological countermeasures. Devices that disrupt any attempts at tracking or probing the individuals under the veil. A sort of anti-surveillance system tailored to their specific signatures."

Nayan's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. "I can develop algorithms that continuously alter their energy signatures, making it virtually impossible for any monitoring systems to lock onto them. It will be like chasing shadows."

Azrail grinned, impressed by the synergy of their ideas. "So, we create diversions, mask their identities with powerful illusions, and implement cutting-edge technology to disrupt any attempts at tracking. That's not a bad strategy but it will take a lot to implement."

Adria nodded, a hint of a wry smile on her lips. "And remember, Azrail, the key is not just in the execution but in the unpredictability. Keep the cosmos guessing. Let them think they're in control while you pull the strings from the shadows."

"But we need a powerful incentive to keep those other members in line, for all of us knows that, these guys with such backgrounds will start to bark towards their powers once they are out of here."

Azrail said with narrowed eyes, the rest turning a bit silent at his words.

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