Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 197 197-Why Not Make Them Fools Of Loyalty?

"First, we need to get a list of the most dangerous yet important ones in here."

Azrail said, and Nayan nodded his head at it, he being more than capable of it as Adria intervened.

"We also need the detailed collection of the slaves you have made. After all, I am guessing that the majority of the powerful slaves you are controlling are ones with great talent and knowledge sent to you as waste and losers from others, right?"

At the accusing voice of Adria, the man just turned his head to the side as he whistled lightly, an action that brought a smile to Azrail as he spoke.

"I guess that's where the more dangerous ones lay... huh."

Nayan could only once again nod his head at those words, and Azrail knew asking about this would only be useless as Nayan himself wouldn't give a shit about the other slaves under him. They might have been ones with fascinating experiences that might have being experimented on, and once the data was in his hand along with the useful project, he would just delete them from his mind and just focus on the next issue or experiment at hand.

"Looks like we have a lot to do."

Valencia spoke, her accusing gaze focusing on Nayan, who just gave a wry smile, one that didn't look all that good with those eyes and that small mouth filled with sharp teeth.

"The situation is indeed worse, but we need fully loyal members that will do this grunt work, and right now we don't have much like that."

Valencia added to which Azrail started to think. The 1700 will do any work that he commands them due to the very fact that their life and death are in his hands. But that doesn't mean they won't try to do some harmful shit along the way, especially if they are asked to handle a lot of load at the same time.

The words spoken by Adria were true. Even with the power of death, bringing someone back doesn't mean they will have their own special connections or abilities they had before their death. For instance, the most a man connected to the World Spirit realm is killed, reviving him doesn't mean he will have the connection to the World Spirit realm back.

After all, the new undead is filled with death Qi, and it certainly isn't the same connection anymore. Even if using the death Qi the connection is established, they would have to all start from scratch because the connection was once broken. Not to mention that the World Spirit energy itself will fight against you back, the disgust for even joining with the death Qi of an undead.

Only the highest levels of ones deep into the power and realms of death will be able to even give a chance to the undead to connect back to the World Spirit Realm, and that's the level of the highest Death Gods or the great rulers deep into the control of hell and death realms.

The words of Adria made Azrail thoughtful, his eyes looking at Adria with shining eyes, the new plan on him starting to get better and better, an idea he thought wasn't feasible at first now getting more and more feasible as his eyes started to travel between Adria and Nayan.

'It might be a laughable plan at first, but if I use them right, then it might perhaps work.'

After this thought entered him, his eyes moved towards Valencia.

'And she was easily able to achieve all those at her peak.'

A wry smile came to Azrail's face at that thought, while Valencia just tilted her head at Azrail's look. Meanwhile, Azrail spoke out.

"How about we permanently get their minds and loyalty fully fixed on us?"

He asked his question, earning questioning looks from all around, to which with another wry smile, Azrail waved his hand around, which formed a small fist, but the most extreme part being that mental energy being used to form the thing at hand. The moment the rest felt it, Azrail chuckled a bit as he looked at all of them.

Adira floated a bit away from Valencia like a dead soul, seemingly having lost the luster in her eyes, Nayan the ever evil having all his eyes fully open, his mouth opened as big as it could get, while even Valencia was now looking at Azrail as if a monster had just arrived in front of her.

"I pity your enemies..."

Adira lightly whispered floating around.


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