Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 199 199-Mind Manipulation In Play.

"Even if we know the danger, are you moving towards the fact of mind control and memory manipulation?"

Adria asked, her voice turning somber at the question, and Azrail didn't fall back at her accusation as he spoke.

"That's exactly what I am asking for. I have the techniques for it, powerful ones you won't be able to believe, but I don't have the perfect strength or mental power to accomplish it for now, and what I want, I can't do it alone."

The words of Azrail were not very accepting to Adria, but she isn't a little girl to just jump and say no because she can't see the bigger picture, the prospect that Azrail is putting forth, if done well, will only serve to help them in the long term. One can say it's a bad deal to get something good done, though, in this criteria, it's good for the faction that Azrail is planning.

"And how are you sure that this won't be found out? You do know there are things out there to find out if memories or minds are being manipulated, and then there is another bigger problem to it."

And before Adria could continue her words, Nayan continued for her.

"The problem of self-realization. Even if we make them fully mind-controlled and memory-manipulated, there is still the bigger problem of the mind itself breaking out from control when the cultivation increases and reaches a level of self-realization."

The words of Nayan were the truth. Mind and memory manipulation is good and all, but it's still not foolproof. The path of cultivation or the growth in any other endeavor is by the use of getting oneself better, to increasing one's strength. Not to mention, to get stronger, one has to be of free mind. Without actually understanding oneself, there is no truth in power.

If one's is mind-manipulated when in lower power, once they keep growing stronger and get better than the one who placed the control, the control will automatically be either canceled, or the person itself will gain a self-discovery when moving through the paths of cultivation. Mind manipulation and all look great on paper, but it has its own heavy disadvantages.

But even with all that, the power itself is very dangerous, and it can be used in lots of situations, especially for slaves who have no future or are at the end of their path. There, is even the perfect way of using a person to get something done with mind control.

Azrail's gaze shifted between Adria and Nayan, a spark of determination in his eyes. "Lastly, technology will serve as the binding force. We'll deploy a network of cosmic disruptors, advanced devices that will shield their manipulated existence from external detection. Outside the Realm Scrapper, they'll be indistinguishable from any other cosmic entity. The disruptors will create a veil, concealing our influence from prying eyes."

Adria, impressed by the comprehensive plan laid out before her, nodded slowly. "It's audacious, Azrail. But audacity might be what we need in this cosmic chess game but the pressure of maintaining this won't be easy, not to mention you don't have the 100% promise of not being found out."

Nayan, despite his initial reservations, found himself drawn to the complexity of the plan. "I can enhance the disruptors, make them seamless in their operation. It's a challenging task, but challenges are what I thrive on but it will take time, I can't just create things without a base."

Azrail's grin widened, he, unfazed by the skepticism in their eyes, continued, "I know the locations of some special treasures that can help us, some of which are imbued with unique properties capable of shaping minds, intertwining destinies, and enhancing one's essence. These treasures are scattered across the cosmos, waiting to be harnessed."

Adria's expression shifted from skepticism to curiosity, and she probed further, "How can these treasures aid us in mind manipulation and control?"

Azrail elaborated, "Take, for example, the 'Eclipsed Enigma.' It's a celestial artifact hidden in the heart of a distant galaxy. When wielded with precise techniques, it can create a harmonious link between the user's soul and the target's mind. The synergy of such artifacts with my existing techniques will create a mind control that transcends conventional understanding."

Nayan, the mad scientist, his eyes gleaming with a hint of madness, interjected, "And with the infusion of cosmic essence, these artifacts will act as conduits for a unique form of mind manipulation. The very fabric of their thoughts will dance to the tune we compose."

Adria, now beginning to see the intricacies of Azrail's plan, nodded slowly. "So, the treasures act as enhancers and conduits, shaping the mind, soul, and fate of our subjects. But what about the self-realization issue Nayan pointed out?"

Azrail, acknowledging the challenge, responded, "The 'Veil of Nebula' is another treasure, hidden in the cosmic mist. It has the power to veil self-realization temporarily. Once our subjects reach a critical point in their cultivation, this veil will descend, preserving their loyalty without hindering their growth."

Nayan, impressed by Azrail's incorporation of cosmic treasures, couldn't contain his excitement. "These treasures, when synchronized with my essence encryption, will create an impenetrable fortress of control. The cosmos itself will be blind to our manipulations."

Azrail, with a confident smile, concluded, "Our symphony will be composed of treasures as instruments, each playing a crucial role. The mind, soul, fate, and technology will harmonize, concealing our machinations within the cosmic orchestra. With this, we shall forge the supreme family of power, hidden in plain sight."

As the trio delved deeper into the intricate details of their plan, the Heavenly Opposers became their guide, leading them to the treasures that would shape destiny. The stage was set for a cosmic masterpiece, where manipulation and destiny danced hand in hand.



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