Hellbound With You

Chapter 658 - Come at me

Chapter 658 - Come at me

As Alex sped towards the direction of Zeres, his speedy movements caused the wind to whistle through his hair, giving him the feeling of being free and unrestrained. However, the next second, an unhappy scowl painted his face as he remembered that his current reality is the exact total opposite. The fact that he was moving this fast, in this particular direction just further solidifies the fact that there is nothing free and unrestrained about what he needed to do next. His heart could not help but clench a little knowing that in the next few seconds he would need to come face to face to the next hardest thing after matters relating to Abigail.

Now, standing in front of Zeres’ hideout, Alex’s frame was as still as a statue, but his eyes were resolutely fixed towards the figure of an outstanding man standing up on the building and looking down at him from the third floor. Even at this distance, he could perceive the razor sharp and unfeeling gaze being directed at him. For the first time, Alex felt genuine danger and something dark coming from this person who looked like Zeres. All the power and emotions he possesses right now were not something that belonged to the Zeres he knew from before.

This seems to be a completely different person from the man he had talked with the last time they met up in Country V. Just by meeting his gaze, Alex somehow understood why the witch queen and Zeke failed to stop him. Because looking at those eyes, Alex remembered how he was after Abigail died in the past, when he fought against Lexus.

Alex could no longer remember every detail of the battle but there was one thing he was certain about during his battle against Lexus. He couldn’t feel anything. Even though the dragon was once precious to him because he had always seen the dragon as his beloved’s pet and protector, he didn’t hesitate to kill it. Because back then, he no longer felt alive. His emotions had died along with Abigail and there was no room for any human feeling inside him anymore. Everything inside him screamed only one thing - to fulfil Abigail’s wish. His desperation and the pain of losing Abigail had consumed him that time to the point that he did not only feel nothing at all when he slaughtered the dragon, but it was to the point where he did not even feel a single ounce of regret for the fact that he had sacrificed countless lives all just to fulfil that final mission in his mind.

Looking at how Zeres looks right now, his stance and the aura surrounding him, Alex gritted his teeth, because he could tell now that whatever he said would be futile. No one could ever stop a man with those eyes, he of all people should understand this better than anyone else. And that was why it pained him even more in this situation. He had wholeheartedly prayed that this person would not need to go through something so agonizing like this.

"If you came for any other reason other than killing me, you better leave Alexander. I don’t have the time to waste on you. There are better and more important things that I need to get done." Zeres’ voice was as cold and as lifeless as a dead fish. His gaze was icy and reeked with impatience.

Alex quietly sighed, feeling his last bit of hope crumbling with that statement. He realized how human he was feeling at this moment. Ever since he got married, it was becoming easier for him to feel the emotions he did not usually feel before.

Zeres had always been and still is someone important to him even though he has never admitted it nor realized it before Zeres died for the reason of saving him. He had considered him his rival in the past, but never had he truly hated him and had even come to the point of thinking of him as someone he could rely on, despite their cat and dog relationship back then.

Alex’s heart felt heavy at the thought that he could not do anything to get him out of this situation. Alex knew that all he could do for him at this point was to help him fulfil his greatest wish. And unfortunately, that was to kill him.

"Don’t worry, I didn’t come here to try and change your mind. I know you won’t listen to me or to anyone else." Alex said and for a moment, Zeres looked a little surprised. "I just want to know one thing first... Are you in love with Alicia?"

A soft but cold breeze blew as silence reigned between them for a moment. Zeres’ gaze wavered a little and something flickered deep within his eyes, but he quickly smothered whatever it was, and they quickly became hard as ancient glacier once again.

"I don’t know why you’re asking this Alexander. Does it really matter if I love her or not?" Zeres’ tone was flippant and careless. However, Alex seemed to have caught onto something.

"You’re trying to sacrifice your very own life for her. No one would ever do this for someone they do not love. So, to answer your question... Yes, it does matter. A lot. I just want to make sure this isn’t you just being bloody selfless. I want to know if she’s worth your sacrifice."

"She’s more than worth it." Zeres replied in a heartbeat. No hesitation whatsoever this time. "That I can assure you, Alexander. Though you’ve got it wrong, because this is not a sacrifice. Now enough with the chit chat. I told you, I don’t have time to spare to be playing around with you."

"Tsk," Alex ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and hesitation. "She’s more than worth it, huh..." Alex echoed Zeres’ words in a mutter. Now he was certain that Zeres would die many times over if it means that giving up his life would be the only way to keep her alive. Heaving a sigh, Alex wondered why was it that things had to turn out this way. This is really too cruel.

"Have you forgotten what you have promised me before? That you’ll be the uncle to my children?" Alex murmured as he threw his head back and stared at the sky, knowing that Zeres could hear him.

"Forget that I have ever said those words, Alexander. Kiel will be taking over that place for me. Now come at me and... kill me." His words were so bleak and detached. However, there was a slight wistfulness that flashed ever so quickly pass his eyes. But it was too fleeting that Alex did not catch it.

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