Chapter 662 - Not yet

Kyle and Lilith materialized outside the crumbling building. Both had their eyes opened wide as they caught sight of a streak of something silver entering the ruined building. Despite the speed, both Lilith and Kyle could recognise from the outline of the figure they saw that it was Zeres.

What had happened for him to be able to be here? Had he already brought Alexander down? That quickly? Both Kyle and Lilith glanced at each other with multiple questions running through their minds.

Shock was clearly etched on Kyle’s face, unable to believe that it was actually Alexander who was the one being smashed like a fallen meteorite into the building. Alexander was the source of the sudden collapse of the building?! He could not believe Zeres could actually bring him down like that! Was Zeres actually more powerful than Alexander? But... wasn’t Alexander supposed to be the most powerful one? Having seen this occurrence was a huge shock to Kyle and totally displaced the thoughts on how God-like and untouchable Alexander was as a revered immortal.

Kyle was frowning hard but a moment later, he reasoned with himself that perhaps the reason why Alexander was losing was due to the fact he did not want Zeres to kill him, nor did he want to be the one to kill Zeres. He already knew that Alexander and Zeres were close friends even before they both became immortal. This must be why Alexander seemed to be losing against him. Perhaps fighting like this and dragging it on was a way for Alexander to stall for time?

While both the youngsters’ attentions were still fixed on the destroyed building and looking out for the two figures what caused this massive damage, the already heavy and ominous atmosphere became even heavier, as if another powerful being had just arrived. Things just had to get more complicated when it was already problematic enough.

And Kyle’s intuition was right on the money. The moment he averted his attention away from the building, he saw his brother, standing a few yards before them, staring at them, and wearing that same unfathomably blank expression. When he followed his brother’s intense gaze, it seemed to be locked onto where he was and somewhere between him and Lilith.

Kyle had not realized that he was still holding onto Lilith’s hand tightly until he nervously traced Ezekiel’s gaze and his eyes fell on their entwined hands.

Kyle froze and swore silently in his head. At what point did he hold onto her hand like this? His heart skipped a beat as he began to be conscious of the sensations created from the intertwining of their hands. How could he have grabbed her hand and held it so naturally like that and even before he himself had realized it? But one thing he knew – those sensations are nothing negative. In fact, it was generating quite a measure of positive things within him.

Aware of his brother’s gaze, Kyle knew he had to let go of her hand. But how? He truly did not want to let go of her. How many days had he dreamt of doing just this – holding these small but precious hands and being so near her just like this in the past month? He could not even tell as he has long since lost count. Thinking of how much he had thought about her and dwelled on the fact that they had been separated caused a slight flush to rise high up on his elegant cheekbones.

And now that she was actually here in flesh, no matter what changes that would happen in her, Kyle could not contain the feelings and emotions that filled his entire being, despite the situation they were in right now.

That day he had said goodbye to her and genuinely thought he would never be seeing her ever again in his long life, Kyle had felt like something in him died a little. He had spent many hours trying to understand why and how did he manage to develop such overwhelmingly strong feelings for her when they basically had just met and spent only a few hours together.

And now that he saw her again, all the feelings he thought were discarded and thrown away – no, not discarded but perhaps were buried deep – came gushing out like a geyser at the mere sight of her. The part of him that he thought had died when he said goodbye to her resurrected in an instant, just like that.

Now he felt like he would rather die than let her go and say goodbye again. Would he rather give up his life than lose her a second time?

Kyle did not realise but his eyes suddenly shone with a fierce light from within. And it made his whole countenance look more manly and grown up.

His heartbeat hastened as he raised his head to meet his brother’s gaze.

Ezekiel’s expression never gave anything away, but Kyle thought that his brother was not affected with what he was seeing. Of course, he was.

Kyle’s grip on Lilith’s hand tightened ever so slightly. He took a breath, bracing himself for what could happen next. He knew that Lilith was very powerful now. But even with the witch Queen’s power on her, Kyle knew she would never stand a chance against his brother. So, Kyle’s protective instinct immediately kicked in to protect her. It was not because he thought that Ezekiel would harm her. His brother would never do unreasonable things out of sheer impulse. But that might not say that he would not take her away... from him. And his body and soul refused to ever let that happen again. His brain and heart were a mess at that moment. So many emotions were swirling all at once, both good and bad, overwhelming him and he did not know how to sort them out and deal with it.

Something warm and soothing suddenly enveloped him. The sensation felt like magic. He looked at Lilith and their eyes met. Those unfamiliar yet breath taking moon-like eyes stared at him tenderly, as if telling him to calm down because everything will be alright. He could feel her hand that was entwined with his gave him a small comforting squeeze, telling him she was in this with him too.

Kyle’s heart skipped another beat and if not for the awareness that his brother was just right there staring at them, Kyle would have enveloped her in his arms, and hugged her and kissed her silly.

Realizing that his body had become as stiff as a rock, Kyle took in an inaudible breath. She was right. He needed to calm down. There was no point of him acting like this. Because there was no way he could go against his brother anyway. It was not yet the right time.

Returning his calmer and composed gaze to Zeke, Kyle waited for his older brother to speak, still not letting go of Lilith’s hand. But Zeke turned away and faced Lucas, throwing Kyle off for a loop. "You take them away from this place. Now." He ordered. "Don’t come close to this place unless I give any of you a signal."

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