Hellbound With You

Chapter 670 - Not enough

Chapter 670 - Not enough

But he had to hand it to them and admit it to himself that they were strong. The demons Zeres had summoned were not ones to be taken lightly not were they the small fries in the underworld.

He had no idea about how these monsters were ranked but he knew that they definitely belonged to the supreme ranks of demons. These were the big fishes – those who lord it over the others and cause fear even in the land of death. And that was why Alex was forced to unleash the strength that he was unable to awaken during his earlier fight with Zeres. If one were to compare, that earlier exchange could only be called a play fight while this was genuinely the real deal.

Alex’s eyes were piercing gold and his hands and arms were already covered with dragon-like scales as he dealt with the demons, figuring out how the hell could he kill these immortals. Was it even possible? And if it was, one was already challenging enough. But now he had to be dealing with three of them! And that is if there are no others joining in the fun – as it seemed that Zeres was still not done summoning these calamities from the vortex.

Alex had to pull out every move he had from his repertoire of skills and lethal attacks which he had perfected over the millennia he had lived. Strike after strike, some imbued with magical powers, others just relying on pure brute strength, Alex actually found himself working up a sweat. However, after innumerable exchanges between him and the demons, Alex caught an opening and headed in for the kill. After successfully beheading one of them, Alex tried the method of burning the demon’s head to finish him. But unfortunately, just like him, the demon did not die. The next second, he saw the beheaded demon fuse his chopped off head back to its body, standing up again as if the beheading had never happened.

"Damn!" he cursed aloud but as he looked at the three demons before him, Alex smiled. "It seems I’ll just have to enjoy beating all of you black and blue until you run away screaming back into to the underworld." He said, cracking his neck and fingers as his amiable smile widened into an evil grin. "Back then, I quite enjoyed torturing creatures, you know?" He added before disappearing from his spot and attacking them.


Meanwhile, on the ground, shadows began to thicken again as Zeres prepared to summon more demons. He was hellbent in making Zeke lose his cool and composed attitude and attack him all out with the intention of killing him.

Zeres had never seen this man lose his temper in person. He never lost his temper. Not even during the most extreme situation. No wonder some people call him the Ice Prince! Some even wondered if it were ice that were flowing through his veins rather than blood. Nothing seems to ever faze him.

However, it was thanks to the witch queen’s memories that he had received, Zeres now had an idea of the kind of powers Ezekiel was truly hiding. And now, Zeres would do anything to bring out the real Ezekiel to finally be able to die in his hands.

And summoning more supreme level demons would certainly fit the bill. Because Ezekiel knew exactly how dangerous and threatening these demons were if they were to be let lose to rampage in the world.

As Zeres continued to chant the complicated spell, with no warning, a powerful force slammed into him. And in the blink of an eye, the earth shook as Zeres came crashing to the ground.

The dark vortex of shadows that was building treacherously around him suddenly dispersed as Ezekiel walked through it in measured steps towards Zeres. His eyes were like dark red blood and his aura had finally darkened – as dark as the shadows gathering behind him.

Zeres smiled in satisfaction as he lifted his head and saw Ezekiel who was looking down at him from his higher position. This vampire prince was finally serious. But it still was not enough. This was not the Ezekiel that he wanted to see. Not yet. Perhaps his ’persuasion’ was not enough.

Rising from the rubble, Zeres attempted to catapult into the sky to prepare for another summoning spell that he intended to use to taunt Ezekiel. But Zeke moved a little faster and had him held down with an incredible force.

Zeres fought to break free and the two engaged in another deadly battle. Zeke did not allow Zeres any breathing space to have the chance to retaliate nor chant his blasted spells to summon even more of those annoying demons.

However, realizing that time was running out and a total waste of time in him trying to fight Zeke when he was still in full control of his power, Zeres unleashed his dragon power. His scales appeared and his skin darkened.

The next instant, he managed to break free and he catapulted into the air and the shadows appeared again, and this time in a larger volume. The vortex he created was immense this time around. Blood spilled from his body as he chanted his spells.

They could only watch as another demon appeared from the vortex and joined in the fight against Alex.

Kyle and Lucas also arrived not long after as another demon came out from the vortex, and it immediately went after them.

By the time the seventh demon came out, something unthinkable happened.

Black large wings suddenly grew from Ezekiel’s back.

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