Hellbound With You

Chapter 673 - Senseless

Chapter 673 - Senseless

Zeres’ laughter was hysteric and villainous. His once clear and pure eyes were currently unrecognizable to all who had known him as their friend, and they were horrified at the insanity that blazed with an unholy light in those two used to be moonlit eyes. Madness had filled them, and it seemed nothing would be able to ever pull him back to sanity any longer. The Zeres that they knew and cared for is no more. Instead, in his place was this demented witch who was crazy strong and an immortal at that, going around summoning high-level demons from the underworld and doing his best to usher in the end of the world.

Nearby, the vortex he had initially created had now grown too large that its epic proportions were truly a sight in itself to behold. Though there were nothing positive nor visually attractive that could make one appreciate looking at it, however, there was still that compulsion that drew everyone’s eyes to look at that viciously spinning vortex which was like a black hole appearing at the heart of the abandoned city.

As it became larger, it seemed to have gained a certain sentient characteristic to it if one were to focus their gaze on it a little longer. The spinning of the black shadows surrounding the centre of the vortex had somehow developed a rhythmic pulse to it – not unlike the rhythmic beating of a heart. Those who realised and noticed the pattern that was being displayed by this vortex had a very bad feeling and a premonition that worse things were about to happen.

There was nothing to say that this vortex would be able to run itself without being controlled and constantly being supplied a power source from its summoner – in this case, would be Zeres – and carry out the act of summoning powerful demons from the underworld all on its own. If that were to happen, then Zeres would then be freed up. An insane and freed up Zeres was not something good at this moment in time.

It did not take long for Zeres to continuously summon more than twenty high-level demons and though the skies and the ground were already ravaged with battles caused by these newly summoned demons, there was still no sign of him stopping his chants and hand signals – which meant that more demons were on their way in crossing through the portal.

Alexander was back from wherever he had lured the first batch of demons away to fight them off, and now he was attempting to approach Zeres. But the demons who were just summoned formed a barrier surrounding Zeres and blocked Alex from approaching any closer and he ended up fighting the numbers of demons all by himself.

"Zeres!" Alex shouted at Zeres, trying to get his attention whenever he had a breathing space in between exchanging blows with the demons he was fighting against. But his shouts seem to not have made even a single impact upon the crazed witch who was hell bent on summoning as many demons as he could. Alex could be seen to be a little more frantic in fighting with the large group of demons who had now surrounded him and block his path towards Zeres. He knew that he had to somehow reach Zeres before things got even worse – not that the currently situation was not already bad enough.

"Stop what you’re doing Zeres! Damn you! Stop this madness!" he yelled as he suddenly slashed his sword out at one of the demons’ head, causing the demon to go stiff and its head rolling its shoulders the next second. Alex’s eyes were also becoming more and more severe, and his moves were getting sharper and more intense, bringing a pressurising force to the demons who were surrounding him. He too, was close to going berserk.

These demons came at Alex all at once until he was not visible to those looking on anymore. Kyle, Lucas, Alicia and Lilith who were keeping track on Zeres’ and Alex’ situation was slightly concerned when they could not see Alex any longer and continued to be swarmed by those ferocious demons for longer than expected.

Just when they had the thought that they could not stand it any longer, the next moment, all the demons swarming around Alex were thrown away as though a blast had just occurred within the centre of them all.

Alex’s torn body parts were coming together and patching itself up as he remained where he was, eyes intense and blazing like golden lava. His aura progressively darkened, and a wave of strong power exploded out all around until it even reached the ground.

He too was quickly losing his mind in this ongoing fight that seemed to have no end. He seemed to be just on the verge of fully losing himself and going on a berserker rampage.

Even the demons looked a little shaken and fearful of the powers that Alexander emitted. But like puppets, they soon regrouped and simultaneously attacked Alex again when Zeres gave out the order to them with just a wave of his hand.

Alex spread his arms wide, out to his sides, fingers splayed opened and lips smiling as he began to work the wind. There could be seen little cyclones spinning around the tips of each of his fingers and around his wrists. As he stood there, the strength of each cyclones continued to build.

"Fine! Call all the demons from here Zeres, I’ll entertain them all." Alex shouted out his challenge and the dark clouds in the sky began moving. Thunder and lightning intensified as Alex created a strong tornado with crystalized weapons.

The demons who got hit by the tornados got pierced by the crystalized ice. But like him, they too simply healed and reconnected their body parts after a while. It truly was a senseless battle where both sides were not winning nor losing. A battle that somehow would seem will be lasting for eternity. Those looking on could not help but feel helpless. Is everything lost? Is this the end?

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