Chapter 677 - Baseball

The sight of that purely ebony eye, without a single trace of white in it truly gave everyone who looked the jitters. Even the demons were not exempt from that same reaction.

The sight of these mighty and supreme demons that had been summoned from the lowest depths of hell, shaking so badly as though a kitten thoroughly drenched in ice cold water and were literally trembling in fear before Zeke was truly unthinkable. This just made everyone on the ground gape in utter shock, with the exception of Alicia, who had her face completely passive as if the shocking event was barely any news to her. Her mind did not seem to be focused on the happenings that were playing out before their eyes. It was as if she was lost in some other more important thoughts.

"Lucas..." Kyle said, unable to take his gaze away from the unbelievable scene that was folding out before his very eyes, "do you know about this? Did you have any idea... that my brother..." his speech was not smooth, and it petered out. It was a clear testament to how disturbed his inner thoughts and feelings were about the things he was seeing being exhibited by his very own brother.

Lucas turned slowly to face Kyle fully and could only shake his head dumbly, his mouth opening and closing but, in the end, there was not a single sound that came forth from his lips. He could not even utter a single word due to the shock in seeing his lord exhibiting such weird and powerful characteristics.

"Tell me, Lucas... that person up there could not possibly be my brother, right... ?" the young vampire prince asked again, disbelief was plainly etched on his handsome face, and denial evident in his voice. But Lucas could only give Kyle the same response he had given him a few seconds ago. There was nary a word that he could respond to the young prince.

"I mean, look. It doesn’t quite make sense, does it?" Kyle’s lips curved into a forced smile, "Why would powerful demons such as those summoned by Zeres even tremble before a vampire? It would’ve made more sense if they acted this way when they were fighting with Alexander. Alexander is not only a dragon but more importantly, he’s immortal too! As for my brother ... he’s powerful, yes, I admit that. I know that Zeke is the most powerful vampire that ever existed. But ultimately, he’s just a vampire! And yet, this... person up there could actually turn demons to dust in just one single move and make them tremble before him? The same demons, Alexander couldn’t even kill with his immense strength? It’s almost like he’s not the king of the vampires anymore but the demons!"

Shaking his head, Kyle ran his fingers through his hair and tugged them hard. His young mind just could not grasp nor understand what was going on anymore and he was utterly overwhelmed. If that scarily overpowered person up there was indeed the same brother he had and knew, then Kyle had that sinking feeling that after this, if he survived through this battle, there was no way he would be able to look at Zeke and see him as a mere pure-blooded vampire anymore. What was happening here is truly mind-blowing and could shake the beliefs in the foundations of certain things one thought was true and unchangeable.

Up in the sky, Alex had been closely observing all that was happening, and now a devilish smirk grew across his lips. His eyes were now gleaming with triumph as his face showed the look of ’as expected of Ezekiel’ as he glanced over at Zeke.

But on the other side, Zeres was expressing a totally opposite reaction. The mad witch roared menacingly and suddenly the demons spread their numbers out across the visible expanse of the sky. Even though the demons were trembling wretchedly, they were still forced to move as though they had no power at all to resist their summoner. They literally had no choice in the matter.

The world seemed to have stopped revolving as everyone held their breath, eyes locked on and attention fully on what Zeres was going to do next.

Zeres laughed hysterically and with another single snap of his fingers, the demons turned away from Ezekiel and Alexander.

Zeke and Alex seemed to immediately realize what Zeres was planning to do and in flash, as the demons began to fly away to leave the city, Alex moved forwards and attempted to block them. He grabbed at the demons closest to him and threw them as though they were like bags of rice, two at a time towards Ezekiel with overwhelming power that the demons could not even resist and ended up reaching Ezekiel at lightning speed.

Zeke who had already whipped out his sword out stilled in the middle. His fearsome weapon was suddenly enveloped with viscous, black smoke – its darkness as deep as his one aberrant eye.

That weapon he wielded it so skilfully as it flashed about, slashing so ferociously at the demons that Alexander so very helpfully threw towards him. As his sword cut through his unfortunate victims, it could be seen that those demons immediately turned into swirls of dark coloured dust – just like the one before.

Alex continued grabbing the demons and throwing them over to Zeke, getting himself into a rhythm, not letting even a single one of them leave the city. It was somewhat morbidly amusing that the way he threw them to Zeke’s direction were very similar to throwing baseballs. The duo truly looked as though they were playing a baseball game, with Alex as the pitcher and Ezekiel as the batter. Only that the balls were substituted with demons and Zeke’s bat seemed to be a demonic longsword.

"Haha. You had better not miss a pitch from me, Zeke or you’re dead!" Alex barked out in laughter, smiling so wide with much thrill and excitement brimming in his eyes. There was no more restraint left in him.

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