Chapter 712 - Book

Alicia could only stand there, her fists clenched into tight balls as she stared at the buttons of Zeres’ shirt that fell next to her feet.

"You might be right," she grudgingly forced the words a little angrily through her teeth as if to her, the buttons now had become Zeres himself. "This might really look a little like obsession to you. But it’s not the kind of obsession you’re thinking about, you, idiot. You think I enjoy thinking about that cold hearted vampire prince?! He’s literally an ice block! You think trying to figure him out is fun?! I have no choice but to think about him because this is my duty now. Why can’t you understand that and just listen to me and help me out?"

Frustration filled Alicia’s eyes and she felt like she wanted to pull chunks of her hair out. Why must Zeres be behaving this way?! She was trying to understand Zeres but lately, her patience was running out. He had purposely avoided her for months on end and when they finally met, he was getting mad at her for doing what she was supposed to do. He was the only one who knew the very reason why she was doing this, but now he was acting as though he did not understand why she was doing all this at all! The way he was behaving really was driving her nuts!

"Fine!" she said, "if you don’t want to cooperate, I’m not going to force you anymore. I’ll just have to do this on my own!" Alicia snapped out and gave up on trying to be patient with him.

And she left, still feeling a bit mad at Zeres’ attitude towards her. She even thought that he had acted like that with her because he was angry that she had interrupted his fun time and she could only flare up even more at that thought as she left Zeres’ apartment.


When Zeres stepped out of the bathroom, he immediately sensed that she was gone. He leaned against the wall and let his eyes fall close.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as he ruffled his wet hair. He then violently snatched up his coat and left as well. He knew that he would not be able to sleep at all anyway, so he decided to just go out and continue on his search again, or else, he would probably go mad.

"You just said yesterday that we’ll be taking a couple of day off, Zeres. What happened to that?" Jude, the rogue witch Zeres had caught months ago and who was now his search assistant, said with a tired sigh. He was truly looking forward to having a break but he guessed that that is going to be another faraway dream of his now.

"Let’s go," was all Zeres said, causing the man to roll his eyes in exasperation as he stomped his feet and followed after Zeres.

"Oh, and by the way, I just received a call from that pretty witch... what’s her name again? That famous movie star?" Jude remembered to report this to his boss.


"Ah! Yes, Kathleen Snow. That’s the one." Jude moved in front of Zeres, stopping him as they walked down an empty street. "She said she’ll be giving us the information about this mysterious lady Calliste we have been searching for god knows how long. But... she did say that there is one condition to it..." Jude raised a brow, looking at Zeres with a knowing gaze. "She wants you to be the one to go to her. And she had very clearly stressed on this... that you must be alone."

Zeres’ expression did not change even at Jude’s suggestive look.

"When." He asked in flat tone, not even batting an eye.

"Hey, hey... you should at least have some reaction, right? Don’t forget Snow is known as the vixen witch. You’re definitely aware of what she might want you to do in exchange of that information, don’t you?" Jude said. He was a bit concerned about this ancient witch who was his boss right now, because he knew how unworldly he was! Though right now, he is no longer as innocent as he previously was, there were still things he had yet to encounter in this vast world.

"It’s no big matter. I even kill just to get information that I need and yet you didn’t even react then. Are you saying now that sex is a big deal?"

"Well..." Jude scratched at his hair. "I forgot to tell you that that woman’s a sadist."

Zeres creased his brows after hearing that. Hmm...

"And I am certain you do not have any idea what a sadistic woman likes to do for sexual pleasure, right?" Jude craned his neck out and observe Zeres’ blank face, quite sure of his prediction.

"Right, I don’t have any idea on that issue. But it doesn’t matter to me, anyway. You already know that." Zeres walked past him. "As long as she gives me the information I need. Now let’s go and bring me to her."

Jude’s mouth fell opened, completely speechless at how flippant Zeres was being in regard to this. In the past months that he was with this silver haired male witch, Jude had already given up stopping him from going even to the extremes just to find any answer about what he was looking for. Zeres had done all sorts of things... torture and killing... but that just does not work for witches. Especially the rogue ones and in the end, Zeres could not find anything at all. However, lately, Zeres had changed his tactics. He had stopped with the violent approach and had switched to using a more gentle style somehow. And the result was far better than expected. Now he was able to find clues until it led to this. To the existence of a mysterious lady that might possess the answer he was searching for all this while.

They had said that this lady’s name was Calliste. And she possesses a book that her ancestors stole from the dark forest a long time ago.. This book was said to contain the answer Zeres was looking for.

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