Chapter 740 - Picture

In the old library that was located across the girl's dormitory, Lilith had purposely let herself get locked inside. She had stayed hidden until the librarian had left and locked the library after him.

She did not want to head back to her dormitories yet because she could no longer stand Agnes. It was not because of her being talkative as usual as she had already started to get used to her verbal diarrhoea. However, what she could not tolerate was that when every time Agnes mentioned Kyle, Lilith felt needles stabbing severely into her heart.

When she had seen him with Agnes, Lilith had felt an emotion that she had never felt before. There was a raging hot hatred broiling within her. She hated that he was with another girl.

Lilith had initially planned to immediately reject Kevin when he had asked her for her number. But when she had seen from the corner of her eyes at how Agnes had wrapped her hands around Kyle's arm as she pulled him over to show him off to her as though she had already owned him, Lilith just changed her mind and gave her phone number to Kevin. She was pissed that Kyle did not brush Agnes' hands off him – which she had thought he would have done.

Then she had left as fast as she could, just so that she could hide her almost out of control emotions. She quickly reminded herself once again when she was back in her room to put Kyle, and anything related to him out of her mind. But when Agnes arrived, she was jumping all around in utter excitement, as if she had hit the jackpot. Agnes told her proudly that Kyle had given her his number too. She blabbered on and on at how the campus' prince charming was so interested in her.

That stabbed Lilith's heart once again. Her throat hurt so badly that all she could respond to Agnes was 'that's great', then she quickly left their room, telling Agnes that she needed to go to the library to do some advance research for her studies.

While she's at the library, Lilith tried her hardest to do and think of anything and everything to distract herself from having her mind wander back to thoughts on Kyle. In her attempt to coax herself, she had coincidentally discovered a secret door that was built into one of the shelves that was located further in. This discovery had caused Lilith to decide to get locked up in here, thinking that she might have finally found her very own secret place. She needed to get this place checked out and being locked in without anyone interfering with her snooping around was the best.

So after the librarian had left, Lilith came out of her hiding place and attempted to open the secret door. It had led her into a small passageway and then a stairway. It was pitch dark, so Lilith used her mobile phone's light to illuminate the way. Though no one seemed to be around, Lilith still strongly told herself not to use magic.

She discovered a small empty chamber at the end of the stairway. The place was also filled with old books. But Lilith could tell that no one seemed to have been here for quite a long time. Most probably, it might only be the librarian who knows of this place and Lilith was quite certain that no human would definitely come into this place at night.

Somehow, Lilith managed to take off Kyle from her mind as she was embarking on her little adventure as a human. However, she needed to go back now. It was already past ten and she was certain that Agnes would have tonnes of questions for her again. She might get suspicious if she takes any longer than this to get back to her dorm.

Lilith thought that she would sneak out and come back here once Agnes falls asleep.

She was closing the secret passage and walking back toward her seat by the window to pick up the book she had brought along with her when something just happened to catch her eyes as she looked through the glass window.

Her body froze at what she saw. Kyle was there… with Agnes. The two of them were standing behind the tree trunk.

And the pain that she had been trying so hard to shrug off and ignore from earlier came crashing back on her like a tidal wave. Why? She wondered why watching this scene seems to be more painful to her than when he had told her goodbye. She wondered why seeing him with another girl like this just hurts her so bad. She already knew that they could not be together.

The book in her hand fell from listless fingers and tumbled onto the wooden floor. That jolted her out of her daze, but what shocked her even more was when Kyle suddenly whipped his head around and looked right at where she was standing!

Lilith dropped down immediately onto the floor to hide her presence. Then she collected her book and ran towards the secret passage. Her heart was hurting so badly, and she was gritting her teeth as she entered the chamber and clenched her hands over her chest. Jealousy… this must be the sting of jealousy!

She never would have thought this 'jealousy' could feel this awful. She did not know that she would feel like this if she saw Kyle with someone else. Never did she imagine that Kyle would be with another girl. She often thought about him in the past months and wondered how he was doing, but not even once did she imagine him with another girl.

Now she wondered how many girls he had been with since he left her. And then her mind just pictured him holding onto someone else's hand the way he had done with her when they were still together, his lips against someone else's lips…

That picture in her mind made her feel like she wanted to yell, when out of the blue... someone called out her name.


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