Hellbound With You

Chapter 750 - What The Hell’s Wrong With These Males?!

Chapter 750 - What The Hell’s Wrong With These Males?!

Inside the room, Zeke stilled right behind the woman. His head facing over his shoulder and his eyes were trained at the closed door.

He looked as though he was trying to sense something in the silence. Then he looked back at the woman who was begging for him again, wiggling her ass impatiently.

Ezekiel ran his fingers that were covered with a pair of black gloves over the woman's spine. She moaned as if just that simple contact alone gave her an immense out of this world pleasure until Ezekiel's hand reached her neck.

His hand moved like a black snake and curled around her neck and in one swift and precise move. With one strong yank, she was pulled up from kneeling on her knees, her back now flushed against his powerful body. She closed her eyes, eyelids trembling in anticipation as her breath puffed out in shallow pants, waiting for him to kiss her nape as his gloved hand cupped her neck.

But it was not a searing kiss that came as she had expected, but his slightly curved, sharp fangs puncturing her skin, sinking into the vessel that carried her lifeblood.

The woman's eyes snapped opened wide in shock as she moaned, confusion tinging her words. "Your Highness…?? I thought we're going to –"

"I don't have time to play right now." he whispered coldly after drinking a small amount of blood from her. "Leave now. Your job is done here." His hands never touching anywhere else after leaving her neck.

He then climbed off the bed and headed back into the dressing room, leaving the vampire woman on the bed, high and dry, still naked and totally dumbfounded.

Alicia found herself travelling over to Little Flower Bookstore. She had found out that Zeres was currently residing there temporarily from Ezekiel's intel.

Her expression was still sour no matter how much she tried to reason out to herself that Ezekiel was after all, a healthy and virile man – one that seemed to be in his prime, nonetheless. Thus, she should not get so bothered about his personal matters. She was not planning to leave and just waited at the rooftop. But for some reason, her anger was not subsiding the least. In fact, she was somehow getting more angry than she was earlier.

The realization that the reason why Ezekiel never showed interest to the women hitting on him for the past two weeks was perhaps due to those women not being vampires irked and angered her. 'So, he does not even spare any woman a glance unless they're vampires, huh?' She scoffed.

When she finally reached the bookstore, Alicia let out a deep breath. She wanted to face palm again on the reason why she came all the way here and left her all-important task. But she quickly reasoned out that Ezekiel and that woman might be taking a while with their activities. So she might as come over and check on how Zeres was doing, to confirm on what he was actually up to. She must stop getting riled up over such a ridiculous and insignificant matter about that poker faced vampire prince!

Hastily, she rushed over to the bookstore and entered. She already had a gist on what Zeres was doing but she still wanted to confirm on it by seeing it with her own two eyes. This would help distract her and clear up her mind from that blasted vampire.

However, the moment she entered the room where she had sensed Zeres was in, her mouth dropped open at the sight that welcomed her.

Zeres was there… half naked and sitting on a chair, displaying his toned torso as though it was something he does every day. His eyes were closed, and his head was leaning back against the head of the chair. She had to blink a couple of times to make sure that she was looking at Zeres and not someone else. But… who else could be so good looking with that shock of silvery white hair if it were not Zeres himself?!

It was then that Alicia's eyes drifted a little to the side and looked at the girl who was sitting on the floor across from him. And Alicia noticed in her hands that she was holding onto a sketch pad. She was drawing Zeres!

Blinking, Alicia did not know how to even react. This… this was what Zeres was doing?! He was modelling for a… a female artist?!

Speechless, Alicia face palmed. Could this day get even more weird?! She could not believe that she had been worrying about this damned ancient witch only to find him modelling and even doing a naked type at that! What the hell's wrong with these males?! They just keep doing unexpected things! Ugh!! She could feel a massive headache coming on already.

The girl suddenly stilled in her movements. Her hand on the sketch pad stiffened and Alicia saw goosebumps appearing all over her skin.

That made Alicia narrow her eyes. Is this young lady capable of feeling her presence?

Alicia realized that she was somewhat like what the humans called ghost now. Feeling bad at the realization that she might be scaring the poor human girl, Alicia quickly left before she could turn around and look behind her.

But she halted just outside the door. She had noticed how peaceful Zeres looked as he sat there, sleeping. She had never seen him look that peaceful in such a long time. He had always looked so miserable ever since the day he had found out that he was the one drawing on her powers.

A small smile now curved on Alicia's face. She was glad that Zeres might be finally moving on and accepting everything that had happened so far. She was glad to find out that he was not actually doing shady or nasty things just so he could do the impossible in finding a way to bring her back to the physical realm.

Her smile slowly faded as she stood there. She suddenly remembered how gentle Zeres used to treat her before. She would not forget how he took care of her when she was at her weakest. But now, he was suddenly cold towards her, arguing with her whenever they meet or acting like he did not want to see her.

She thought that it was because he was still angry with the world.. But seeing how peaceful he looked now while he was with that human girl, she thought that perhaps… she was wrong.

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