Hellbound With You

Chapter 795 - Attachment

Chapter 795: Attachment

"And the very first step for them to do is to slaughter us all. All the royal vampires except himself, of course. I have learned about their plans earlier, so I plotted our escape. But my siblings were too weak to endure after all the long years of being imprisoned. And Seb had it way worse than any of us. His situation was so bad that he couldn't even get up.

And with my miserable powers back then, it truly was not possible for any of us to be able to escape successfully. But I eventually found a way. My siblings told me to go alone.

They were all aware that I was the only who would manage to escape with that plan that I had hatched. Left without a choice, I did exactly what they told me to, promising them that I would be coming back for them soon."

His grip on her wrist tightened as he shut his eyes closed again, seemingly lost in his memories. He only looked up and spoke again after a long time of silence. But Alicia patiently waited for him to speak.

"Before mother died years ago in the hands of that witch, she had told me to go to a certain place. So I went there... many things happened... I was pursued for I don't know how long. Forced to the brink of death. I didn't reach the place that my mother had wanted me to go. Because something in me had awakened. My demonic powers, something I didn't know I even possessed had somehow awakened. It was then that it all started. I became invincible. I rushed back to the Black Forest to save my family. But..."

The heavy and dark aura oozed from him in an instant, turning the entire living room ominous and suffocating.

Panic instantly gripped Alicia's heart. But the very first thing she did was to touch his face, caressing his cheek as gently as she could instead of trying to pull as far as she could away from him.

Her touch seemed to do something to him. The heavy and suffocating atmosphere seemed to break, and he took in a silent breath and the air around them cleared. It was as if he had sucked in every bit of what had come out of him and locked them securely within him again, leaving nothing behind. As if the outburst had never happened at all.

And he looked like the usual ever so calm and collected Ezekiel again.

Chapter 791: Guinea pig

This chapter ia dedicated to @Lola_13! Thank you so much for the supergift!

The statement shocked and confused her but she did not move and just looked up at him. Her eyes that were full of confusion bored into his own, wordlessly asking him to explain what he meant with that sentence.

"I know a way to make it happen without anyone needing to make any sacrifices." He said quietly, never breaking his gaze off her.

Those words made her prop herself up. Her eyes a little wider as she shook her head. "If that's true, you wouldn't have to let your brother Skyler turn human, isn't that right? If what you're saying is true, you wouldn't be so against Kyle and Lilith being in a relationship. And... you wouldn't have held back with me."

He pressed his lips tight and she struggled to understand the expression that was swimming in his eyes. "Because this only works betvveen a witch and a vampire. And for your information, I'm not against Kyle and Lilith being together just because of that. And I wasn't holding back all these damned times just because of that. I am not in the practice of torturing myself because I think I will kill you if I do fuck you."

The fact that he actually answered all three of those questions at once was surprising. Alicia had not known Ezekiel to be a person who would voluntarily give up information just because someone asks him for it, no matter how important the question or person was. So all the words he had just said were such a huge shock to her that she struggled with which of the three she should address first.

She did not know how she managed not to ask the very first thing that her heart was burning to know.

"What do you mean? How could it work only between a vampire and a witch? What exactly is this method you are talking about?" Alicia decided on addressing this matter first. It seemed to be the most neutral and trigger safe one for now.

He leaned back. "It doesn't happen to just any vampire. It only works on vampire royals..." he paused in his explanation, and he tore his gaze off her, fixing his gaze towards the darkness outside. She could see his facial muscles working as if this was a conversation he had never ever wanted to have. She could bet that if they were not in this situation, he would have not talked about this. Ever. "Witches from long ago... they were the ones who discovered this method I am talking about."

Alicia's mouth literally fell to the floor. What?! It was the witches who found this method? To allow witches to join with vampires? She knew nothing about that. Not even the memories of the dead queens from long ago had any records mentioning about this.

"You won't know. Because of one witch queen in the history of witches, they were never able to pass her memories to the next generations. That same..." he paused again, and she could tell that he was struggling to control the rage that was boiling within him. "... it was that same queen who was the one that discovered this. She had managed to create a spell that can counter the curse between the mating of a vampire and a witch." His tone was low and severe, and his brows knitted as he told her these things.

"That woman..." he shut his eyes tightly closed as he threw his head back. "...that woman had discovered that by... goddamn..." He seemed to not be able to continue. And Alicia wondered what was it that caused him to be this agitated.

The way his darkness and rage and hate oozed from him despite him trying to suppress it made Alicia's heart just shake. She had not even heard it yet, but she could feel that whatever it was that he was going to reveal to her would be something she would never be able to even imagme.

"By using... a vampire royal as her guinea pig." He was clutching at his hair when he said that.

And Alicia could only sit there, too shock to even react. He did not need to elaborate it. Alicia had seen it in the memories how witch queens and other witches in the past created their spells. Long ago, they used to test it on themselves or other people. It was even common for them to use captured enemies, prisoners and traitors to be used as their guinea pigs for their spells. She knew what cruelty happens to the so-called guinea pigs and since this spell was intended for something sexual, she could not even stop the disgusting feeling which caused goosebumps to crawl like worms under her skin.

She heard him take in a deep breath and it was amazing how he seemed to be able to wrestle control of his emotions and calmed down again a little.

"I'm against Lilith and Kyle, on all romantic relationship between a vampire and witch because..." he suddenly jumped to the next question. Alicia wanted to know more about the earlier issue he was talking about, but she knew that this was clearly too hard for him to speak about. She just could feel it even without him telling her.

However, this next topic seemed to be as hard as the first one for him as well. "My father fell in love with a witch queen... That bloody queen of all women. And he betrayed me... us.

He betrayed his family and the whole kingdom." He gritted his teeth as he forced himself to say those words.

The dark emotions seemed to blast out of him, making the atmosphere turning incredibly dark and heavy. He had kept his eyes closed all the while, still obviously struggling to keep himself at bay.

"He chose the witch queen, fell madly in love with her and threw all of us away. He did everything unimaginable for her. That asshole went as far as allowing his own son to be used by her as the guinea pig just so he could fuck his mistress without killing her. He had ruined everything. Ruined us all. But the worse thing was that he and the witch's madness did not stop there.."

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