Chapter 804 Naughty  This chapter is dedicated to @Sacogun! Thank you so mich for the supergift!

  "No. Not afraid." He answered. She had wanted to pull back to look at his face, but he did not allow her to do so. Thus, she tried to feel out his emotion through their link between each other. But try as she did, there was nothing but calmness and certainty. He must be a hundred percent sure of what he was saying or feeling without a doubt.

  "Then why?" she prodded him.

  "There's just no use. I know it's certainly something that is never a part of my plan. Now that's enough questions and do behave, Alicia."

  She relented and did not ask anymore and just quietly rested on him and listened to the steady thumps of his heartbeat. Then her thoughts returned to his words. Now her suspicion that he might be going to go to the underworld was right. It was not that surprising to her honestly, because he does have his demonic powers. Someone like him was not meant to be here, living in the mortal realm like the rest of them.

  Demons were not supposed to be able to roam freely on the surface of the earth. They can only leave the underworld if they were summoned by a strong witch. This means that once Ezekiel goes there, he would be condemned to stay in there forever. And because he was so very strong, not even Zeres could summon him back to the mortal realm.

  Alicia could feel that Ezekiel was set in his heart to do this. It was as if he had known all along that he was fated to leave and would never be able to come back. Now she could not help but think that this was the reason why this man never considered building a family of his own for the many long years of his life that was spent here on earth.

  When she was spying on him, she had never found any information about him even having an official lover. She had found out that he has had quite an appetite like most of the vampires especially the royals, but it seemed that having an official lover was never his thing. Was it because he had never fallen in love with anyone yet? Or perhaps he did, just that he had never allowed himself to progress along or acknowledge it because he believed that there was no use since he was someone who was set to leave?

  Alicia thought that knowing Ezekiel, her theory made a lot of sense. Then her thoughts moved on to the words that had her stop breathing. How could he tell her those vulgar words?

  She tried her best to keep herself calm, not wanting to disturb his rest if her heartbeat started racing like crazy again. Was he really serious about those words?! He could not be, right?

  Maybe he did really think of wanting to do that, but Alicia was aware that it can never happen. That was just impossible. She too, would be gone all too soon. And she could not even go anywhere. Not even to the afterlife. Once Ezekiel lets go of her, she would just cease to exist, and she had long since accepted her fate that she had chosen the day that she had died.

  Less than nine days left… and after that, she would not even be able to hold him, feel him and touch him like this anymore. Their intimate moments this dawn came rushing back to her again. Those feelings that had filled her person. The ecstasy and pure pleasure of it. And to think that he had only used his… his finger to pleasure her. What would happen if… if…

  "Alicia…" she heard him call out her name in a rumbling low voice and she caught her breath. Her face burned red suddenly as though she had been caught doing something wrong.

  *Cough!* She attempted to sound innocent. "Yes? Anything wrong? Do you… need something?"

  "No. But I need you to stop thinking on whatever it is that you are thinking right now." Ezekiel had a small but knowing smile lingering on his lips.

  Her face burned even hotter now and she bit down sheepishly on her lip. "Can you tell what exactly I was thinking about?" she retorted, still hanging on to her innocent façade.

  He took a while to respond. "Yes." And her heart skipped a beat at his reply.

  Alicia pulled away, her hand pushing against his hard and broad chest – one that she fully appreciated while keeping in contact with. "Oh, really? I don't think so." she was raising her brow at him as she spoke, convincing herself that he definitely could not tell exactly what it was. Maybe he could tell she was thinking about him. But there should be no way that he could tell the very exact thoughts that she was mulling over just now, right? Right…?!

  He opened his eyes and Alicia was instantly frozen at the look that she saw reflected in those deep and profound his of eyes.

  "You are thinking about… naughty things, Alicia." He said straightforwardly, his eyes boring intensely into hers. "Silly girl. I told you to behave, didn't I? But here you are… being naughty. Again."

  "And whose fault do you think is it? It's completely your fault saying all those… those vulgar and gloriously exaggerated words!" Alicia blurted out. Her voice shaky as she felt slightly off balanced from his extremely forceful stare that had not shifted off her the least.

  He caught her chin and press his thumb on her lips again. "I don't exaggerate my words, Alicia. And I am going to put you to sleep right now since you have proven that you couldn't behave yourself." His voice came out softly, but full of promise.

  "What?! Wa… wait! Don't you dare, Ezekiel!" She cupped her palms hard on both sides of his face, pushing herself up with her knees as she pressed her palms into his face. Hard. "I told you I don't want to sleep! I am not a child that you can force to sleep whenever and wherever you want!" Alicia protested loudly, eyes flashing in indignation.

  A short silence passed. Then he sighed out in surrender.

  "Fine. I'll just make you pass out for a little while again, then." He said, causing Alicia's jaw to drop. "I believe you'd prefer that way, right? My naughty girl…"

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