Chapter 853 Original

Alicia swallowed on her saliva. Her mouth watered just by staring at Ezekiel's throat as an indescribable feeling burst out from within her. Then his scent wafted over and hit her.

She had always been drawn by his masculine and unique scent. She had always loved it. But now, that same scent seemed to have increased in its headiness and now seemingly had an underlying narcotic fragrance that was strong enough to make her feel high by just inhaling it. This was bad… she could feel her whole mouth salivating involuntarily the more she inhaled that addictive aroma.

He slanted his head back and slightly to the side. That one gesture was enough to tell her he was offering himself – his blood. He wanted her to bite him and to feed from him.

And that bewildered her a little. Right. She was already a vampire now. She needed to drink blood to satiate this thirst that was so severe. She thought that it would not be hard to do that. But… biting and drinking Ezekiel's blood was…

Her heartbeat hastened at the thought.

She did not have any idea, but Ezekiel could see her irises turning red. And he could not keep his gaze off hers. He could not count how many times he had imagined Alicia turning into a vampire.

Now that she had truly become one, it seems that his imagination did not do her justice at all. More than he had ever imagined, she had turned into a goddamned alluring siren. The goddess of light had now transformed into a ravishing goddess of the dark. If he were asked to choose, he would not be able to. That was because he loved both versions of her. He knew that her interior did not change at all. She was still the same Alicia. So nothing actually changed but he could not deny that he preferred her like this right now. Because she did not look so damned pure and breakable for his darkened soul to touch.

"Have a taste of me, Alicia." He said in a playful and teasing tone, trying to get her to relax before she could have her first go at drinking blood. He knew she was a bit tensed up right now. Knowing her, she might try to hold her thirst back because she was worried for him again. What a silly girl…

However, he could not deny that he was enjoying all of these immensely. Everything they both did to each other was such a thrill and a bliss at the same time. He loved watching her every expression, her every reaction. Everything she did or say… hell, he just wanted to savour them all. Every nuance of the changes that occurred to her was precious to him. Every single one of them.

Shaking her head, Alicia pressed her palms over his chest. Pushing him away gently. "Don't you have uhm… a bottle of blood that I can drink from in the cabin? You know… like how you do it usually?"

He shook his head.

"How about we go out and hunt instead?" she suggested hopefully.

He brushed the hair off her face as his lips curled up on one side.

"Are you telling me that you prefer to bite on a deer's neck rather than mine?" he lifted his brow as he questioned her, and she coughed.

Somehow, just imagining it made her realize that she might not be able to do that.

"Here's a delicious and sexy neck right here for you, Alicia. No one has ever bitten into it yet…" he suddenly trailed off and Alicia knew why. She had heard about it from Abi before.

"Lies. I heard that Alexander had bitten you before." Alicia scoffed as she called him out on his lie.

It was his turn to clear his throat after his face darkened a little. "That was an unfortunate accident. Honest! And I didn't offer my neck to that little… Anyway, you will be the very first person that I am offering it to. Also, you will be the first woman who will ever taste my blood." He explained.

Her heart warmed as she saw how he was taking the trouble to explain. This was Ezekiel. He never explains anything. But he had made her an exception. And that knowledge made her swallowed her saliva again. Her eyes bore at the pulsing vein in his throat.

"I'm a bit scared." She said, breathless, tearing her eyes off his throat before looking into his eyes helplessly.

"Why? This badass woman of mine is scared to take a bite?" he teased, trying to encourage and bump her confidence in doing so.

She blushed hard at those words.

"Go on Alicia. Don't be afraid." He distracted her immediately, grabbing her hand and running her fingers up and down his throat. "Right here. Just sink your fangs here."

"Fangs…" she echoed. She lifted her hand to her lips in curiosity and wonder, parting to touch to see if her fangs had actually grown in.

When she touched it, her eyes circled wide. Though she knew that her fangs would have come with the whole package as a vampire, she still was shocked when she touched it.

Zeke understood her desire to look at herself. So he moved and with her securely tucked in his arms, they returned to the cabin.

There was a rectangular mirror standing by the wall that was covered with a long coat.

He put her down before it. Both of them were still naked. But neither of them was bothered about their state of undress anymore. Alicia's attention was focused solely on her own face. Her appearance had changed. Her eye colour too. It was back to its original colour. Before she was crowned to be the witch queen. Her eyes were no longer silvery but now a pure and clear hazel. Her hair also seemed to have gone back to its usual dark shade as well.

Somehow, it was a bit strange to see her appearance back to how it originally was. It was nostalgic but a bit… she took a deep breath and internally shook her head. Her time as the queen of witches had long been over. That appearance was the borrowed one and this was her original one.

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