Soo Yin reached out to grab a cell phone that was nearby. She immediately typed a message then immediately sent it.

Dae who leaned against the door immediately checked his cellphone when a text message arrived.

 [Do not bother me! I want to be alone!] ~ Soo Yin.

[Honey, come out. I beg of you] Dae Hyun immediately sent a reply.

After waiting for a while, Soo Yin no longer replied so Dae Hyun tried to call her cell phone. It's just that the cell phone turned out to be inactive, looked like Soo Yin turned it off on purpose.

"If you don't want to come out then I'll sleep at the door!" Dae Hyun exclaimed so Soo Yin could hear him.

 Soo Yin didn't care at all. She wouldn't just believe him after feeling cheated twice. It hurts so much. Soo Yin immediately threw away the piece of paper containing Park Soo Hyun's poetry from the balcony.

She immediately rushed into the room while wiping the tears that rolled down her cheeks. It turned out that the tears could no longer be contained.

 Soo Yin curled up on the bed. Regretting all the trust she placed in Dae Hyun. She didn't want to be fooled anymore. It could be that Dae Hyun was lying about something else.

"Honey," Dae Hyun called from outside the door. He was still trying to get his little wife to open the door to the room. But still Soo Yin didn't want to open it even though Dae Hyun kept begging.

Two hours later ….

At two o'clock in the morning it was quiet. There was no sign of Dae Hyun at the door.

"You liar!" Soo Yin grumbled as she got out of bed. She firmly believed that Dae Hyun must have left the villa by now.

Soo Yin slowly opened the door as her throat felt dry since a long time ago. Because there was Dae Hyun Soo Yin holding her thirst until late at night like this.

As soon as she opened the door, Soo Yin widened her eyes. She could not believe what she saw. It turned out that Dae Hyun was actually curled up at the door.

Soo Yin pretended not to see him. She continued her steps towards the kitchen. It must have been Dae Hyun's trick. Soo Yin can't stop thinking that Dae Hyun was good at acting.

"He thinks with him sleeping on the floor like this I'll be sorry," Soo Yin said with an irritated snort. She took a glass of drinking water from the refrigerator then gulped it down.

"At nights like this, why do you wake up?" Auntie Xia who had just come out of her room said.

"I feel so thirsty," Soo Yin said.

"Have Mister fallen asleep?" Aunt Xia asked.

"Yes, Auntie," Soo Yin said curtly.

"Thank God, he looked very pale. Even he looked unsteadily up the stairs. I hope he don't have a fever," Auntie Xia said.

"Cough… cough… cough…." Soo Yin coughed at Aunt Xia's statement.

"Are you all right, miss?" Aunt Xia asked.

"I'm all right, Auntie. Have mister ever had a fever?" That's Soo Yin's question which didn't make any sense. Of course a human must have a fever.

"Rarely, it's just that if Mister feel cold he will usually have a fever. Once Mister had a fever for a week and lied to his family if he was out of town to take care of…." Aunt Xia said, who was cut off.

"Auntie, I'll go back to the room first," Soo Yin said, she immediately rushed to see her husband's condition.

 Dae Hyun was curled up with his hands between his legs. His eyes were closed while biting his lower lip. Soo Yin didn't pay attention earlier because of the dim light.

Soo Yin squatted down to see how her husband was. Seeing him like that made her even more afraid. Soo Yin held Dae Hyun's palm which was really cold. Then holding his head with the back of her hand that feels hot. Soo Yin got confused, actually Dae Hyun was hot or cold. Why was his temperature like this.

"Dae Hyun," Soo Yin lifted her husband's head to place it on her lap.

Dae Hyun opened his gloomy eyes with a smile. He grabbed Soo Yin's hand to hold it tightly.

 "Finally you came out too," Dae Hyun said as he put Soo Yin's palm that was holding on to her lips. His face was really very pale.

Soo Yin didn't think that a man who looked strong like Dae Hyun can get a fever too.

"Come on, let's go inside. Looks like you have a fever," Soo Yin said, about to stand up but Dae Hyun held her wrist.

"I'm fine," Dae Hyun said as he rubbed Soo Yin's cheek. Seeing his beloved wife nearby made him feel fine.

 "Come on, stand up." Soo Yin tried to stand up even though it was difficult because she had to carry Dae Hyun's body which was quite heavy.

 With great difficulty and slowly, Soo Yin finally managed to bring Dae Hyun onto the bed. She was confused about what kind of medicine to give because Dae Hyun was shivering but his body felt hot. Soo Yin only covered her husband's body with a thick blanket.

Soo Yin waa about to go downstairs to get the remote to set the warm temperature but Dae Hyun pulled her.

 "Don't go," Dae Hyun said with trembling lips and closed eyes.

If he didn't suddenly get sick like this Soo Yin made sure to continue to let him sleep outside. She just didn't want to be a cruel wife right now.

 "I'm just going to take the remote so the temperature is warmer for a while," Soo Yin said as she took Dae Hyun's hand off her waist.

"I just need you," Dae Hyun whined.

 Soo Yin rolled her eyes seeing her husband acting like that.

 "I should just call Doctor Kang. I'm worried about your condition," Soo Yin said, she was about to reach his cell phone which was on the nightstand.

"No! I hate getting injections." Dae Hyun opened his slightly red eyes.

 "Okay." Soo Yin didn't want to argue so she chose to comply with Dae Hyun's request. She only stood for a moment to adjust the temperature using the remote then rushed up to the bed. Really she didn't know what to do at this time. Her heart was now between resentment and pity.

 Dae Hyun inched his head against Soo Yin's chest. Soo Yin felt Dae Hyun's body feel cold now. Soo Yin gripped Dae Hyun's hand tightly. Now she could see the figure of a mighty man she knew seemed helpless to endure the pain.

"Is it still cold?" Soo Yin asked.

"Soo Yin, please forgive me," Dae Hyun said with a sad gaze. He was really guilty of lying to his little wife.

"It's not the time to talk about all that," Soo Yin said. She will keep that in mind after Dae Hyun recovered.

"Aren't you going to forgive me?" Dae Hyun said with a pleading look.

"No need to talk about it now. Go to sleep, so you can get well quickly," Soo Yin said, immediately looked away. If she remembered how Dae Hyun lied to her, of course, she was still angry. But as a woman she still has a conscience where impossible she will remain angry when her husband was sick like this.

After an hour Dae Hyun's temperature gradually improved. He was not shivering anymore.

 Soo Yin who was already sleepy leaned her head on the side of the bed. When Dae Hyun wasn't there she felt she couldn't sleep but now for some reason her eyes felt so heavy.


Soo Yin blinked her eyes as the morning sunlight burst through the slit of the window. She saw Dae Hyun, who was still fast asleep, leaning his head on her chest with his hand wrapped around her stomach.

Soo Yin shifted her body to get away from Dae Hyun but the man tightened his hug even more.

"What time is it now?" Dae Hyun asked in a hoarse voice.

"It's seven in the morning," Soo Yin said curtly as she tried to escape.

"Really? I have to go to work right away." Dae Hyun immediately sat up and held his head which felt a little dizzy.

"Are you going to keep going to work even though your body is still in pain? You work even harder than your employees," Soo Yin exclaimed while chuckling. Really, she could not stop thinking if her husband was always concerned with work rather than body condition.

"Honey, I have to finish my work," Dae Hyun said hoarsely.

 "Then go and never see me again," Soo Yin threatened. All night she was worried about him until she only fell asleep for a while, but now the man was going to go to work instead. Soo Yin felt regretful about her worry last night.

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