Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 121 - 121 - Unrequited Love

Jean had already walked ahead. She toured the campus alone and left her two best friends behind. Actually she only came there just to accompany Jae-hwa. She has no fees if she has to go to college. Just to eat everyday she had to work hard. However, if there was a choice, of course she really wanted to go to college again.

 But Jean's fate was very unlucky. She was also not smart enough to apply from the track of achievement to get a scholarship.

 Soo Yin and Jae-hwa surround the medical school alone. Soo Yin didn't even know why to visit there. Even though Dae Hyun told her to go to college, Soo Yin feels unsure. The money in her savings will not be enough to register there.

"Are you here to register? I really hope we can be together," Jae-hwa who looked very happy said as his eyes looked around the campus area.

"I don't have that much money," Soo Yin said with a long sigh. Her eyes wandered far away.

"You can definitely get a scholarship," Jae-hwa said to encourage Soo Yin not to give up.

"I'm not even as smart as you. I feel unsure," Soo Yin said.

"Soo Yin, you can't give up. I'm sure you can," Jae-hwa said. If he was not in the same university with Soo Yin, it will be very sad.

 "Anyway, you have to register with me," Jae-hwa continued.

"I'll think about it later," Soo Yin said while smiling faintly at Jae-hwa's excited statement. She is not a woman who is still alone so she can do something at will. If she weren't married maybe she would have tried a little harder.

After being satisfied touring the campus. Soo Yin, Jean and Jae-hwa decided to go home. Unfortunately Jae-hwa was already in a hurry to leave first because he has to take his grandmother shopping. Now it was just Jean and Soo Yin.

 "Jean, can we talk for a moment?" Soo Yin said hesitantly. She wanted to straighten out what really happened so Jean was indifferent to her.

"Say it!" Jean said as she continued to walk without looking back.

"It's better not to talk here. How about we chat while eating? I'll treat it because I miss our time together," Soo Yin said happily.

"We'll talk here," Jean said. This was the first time refusing Soo Yin's invitation to eat even though it's free. 

Well, Jean still felt hurt every time she remembered how the last time she was a mosquito repellent between Soo Yin and Park Soo Hyun. Especially yesterday she had just witnessed Park Soo Hyun who almost put his feelings for Soo Yin.

 "Then we'll just sit there," Soo Yin said, pointing to a long bench under a tree. Actually, there was a sense of disappointment when Jean refused her invitation.

 Jean immediately preceded Soo Yin to sit down but didn't want to look at Soo Yin because every time she saw her her heart felt very tight. Her chest cavity felt sore. She hated her friend even more even though it was not Soo Yin's fault at all. Love really has blinded the eyes of her heart.

 "Jean, actually what happened to you? Why are you seeming away from me lately?" Soo Yin said carefully, she sat right beside Jean even though Jean moved her body a little. She did not want to insult Jean's feelings.

"Nothing, I'm just ordinary. It's probably just your feelings," Jean said briefly. Her eyes didn't to dared look at Soo Yin. She couldn't possibly tell the truth that she was jealous of her. Yes, she felt very jealous because the man she loved, loved Soo Yin. Her feelings really one-sided.

 "Well, then how is your relationship with Mr. Park Soo Hyun? Have you become closer?" Soo Yin asked. She didn't want to discuss why Jean had been ignorant of her lately.

"Don't pretend to ask me that. If you just want to laugh at me," Jean said with a tone that was quite sarcastic in Soo Yin's ear.

"What do you mean? Why do you say that?" Soo Yin asked while frowning. What's the point of laughing at it anyway. She even felt happy if Jean someday had a match with Park Soo Hyun so that one day they would become family. Just imagining it looked beautiful.

Soo Yin almost forgot that she was currently upset with her husband.

 "You asked my relationship with Mr. Park Soo Hyun? Whereas you know if he likes you. What do you mean?" Jean sneered with her lips parted one way.

 "How do you know if Mr. Park Soo Hyun likes me? That's not true at all," Soo Yin argued.

 "Didn't you realize that Master was sending you flowers and chocolates every day? He even sent you a love poem. Are you playing dumb or something?" Jean said in a slightly high tone.

 Soo Yin slowly remembered that the poem she thought was written by her husband was actually from Park Soo Hyun. But she didn't think that man liked her. Because every time Park Soo Hyun gave her flowers and chocolates he always said it just as a thank you. Except for the first one sent which she thought was from Dae Hyun.

"Jean, but Mr. Park Soo Hyun always said if it was just a thank you. Nothing more than that," Soo Yin said, trying to explain so that Jean believed her words.

"Then what about the poetry he sent you?" Jean asked as she rolled her eyes.

 Soo Yin did feel a little odd when she read the poem. It really didn't occur to her if it was from Park Soo Hyun. If Soo Yin found out from the start she would return it.

 "Jean, that's not true. There's no way Mr. Park Soo Hyun likes me," Soo Yin said.

 "Never mind, there is no need to pretend to hide your feelings from me. I am also very sure that you like him too. Moreover, he is a handsome and rich man," Jean said sarcastically stabbed Soo Yin's heart.

"Jean, I don't like Mr. Park Soo Hyun at all," Soo Yin said defensively. Her chest was a little tight because it was as if Jean considered her a woman who saw a man from her face and treasure alone. How could she possibly like another man when she already has a husband who was none other than Park Soo Hyun's brother.

 "No need to be hypocritical in front of me!" Jean said while chuckling.

 "Jean, I can't possibly like him because I already have hus…." Soo Yin didn't continue. It was impossible for her to tell Jean at this time. She was still afraid that her secret will be leaked. Many people have not been able to know their relationship.

 "There will be no woman who rejects a man like him." Jean lifted her lip. She couldn't easily believe Soo Yin's words just like that.

 "Jean, enough! So just because of that you stayed away from me?" Soo Yin asked in disbelief. Jean even stayed away from her for reasons that were not certain.

"Even yesterday, didn't he confess his love for you? He even asked me about a suitable gift to give you." Jean said furiously with her hands on her chest.

 "Yesterday?" Soo Yin recalled the incident yesterday when Park Soo Hyun took her to the basement. There, suddenly opened the car cover but Park Soo Hyun only gave the same poem as at that time. That's where she found out if Dae Hyun was lying about his poetry. Is that what Jean meant when Park Soo Hyun confessed his love? Because at that time Dae Hyun rushed her to go.

 "You must be very happy, right?" Jean sneered. It's true that people say sometimes love can destroy a long-standing friendship.

 "Jean, I really don't like him," Soo Yin said honestly.

"Never mind, it's up to you! I do not believe your nonsense," Jean said as she left Soo Yin. She walked very quickly without caring about Soo Yin who kept calling her.

 With full determination Soo Yin intended to tell everything to Jean even though not at this time. Soo Yin didn't want to lose the only friend she has. She didn't want to just because a misunderstanding, destroyed a friendship that has existed for a long time. It made Soo Yin sad.

Soo Yin could only look at Jean's back which was slowly getting farther away.

 Soo Yin decided to go back to the villa because there was no more business. Just walking a few meters, it turned out that a red car stopped right in front of her so Soo Yin stopped in her tracks.

 A man got out of the car with a black glass perched on his nose. He looked very handsome and dignified. A smile on his lips that made every woman might be fascinated by him. A man who was familiar to Soo Yin's eyes.


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