Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 128 - 128 - Understand

"Wait for this soup to cook in a little while," Dae Hyun said with a smile. He was very happy because his wife was no longer angry.

 "You're not even wearing clothes," Soo Yin says as she pressed Dae Hyun's abdominal muscles which made the man feel amused.

 "I was hot so I took it off." Dae Hyun pointed to the white shirt draped over the chair.

 "Aren't you embarrassed if Auntie Xia sees you?" Soo Yin raised an eyebrow. She was a little unwilling to let her husband's body be spread over to many women. Although Soo Yin realized that Aeri had definitely seen him too.

"Okay I'll wear my clothes again." Dae Hyun didn't want to argue with his little wife. He was afraid that his wife would get angry again like yesterday. It was better if he obey her words which were not too difficult to do.

"Hurry up and take a shower, you'll be late." Soo Yin pushed Dae Hyun's body out of the kitchen.

 "Okay." Dae Hyun immediately left Soo Yin after making sure the food was cooked.

Soo Yin starts to put the soup into the bowl. It turned out that Dae Hyun cooked Seolleongtang, a food made from beef bones, beef head and beef. All these ingredients were cooked in milk broth for hours until the sauce was clear.

Soo Yin wondered what time did Dae Hyun wake up so the food was cooked. It must be that the man worked really hard to made it. Soo Yin only knew a little about how complicated it was to cook the menu.

 While waiting for Dae Hyun to come down, Soo Yin immediately arranged everything on the dining table. Soo Yin kept trying to hold back her saliva from coming out when she smelled that very seductive scent. Even Soo Yin thought that the food asked to be eaten immediately.

 "Geez, he took so long," Soo Yin grumbled while holding her stomach that had been rumbling for a long time.

 Fifteen minutes later Dae Hyun headed for the dining room wearing his tie. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Soo Yin instead put her head on the table.

 "Honey, are you sleeping again? If you're still sleepy you shouldn't have to go to work," Dae Hyun said. He didn't want her to be exhausted after what he had done last night.

Hearing that her husband had come, Soo Yin immediately lifted her head by pursing her lips.

 "You've been so long, I've been starving for waiting for you," Soo Yin said while narrowing her eyes.

"Sorry, then let me get the food for you." Dae Hyun immediately brought the rice and side dishes into Soo Yin's plate until it was full. Actually, there were several types of food prepared by Auntie Xia on the dining table.

 "Geez, do you want to make me fat?" Soo Yin shook her head at the rice and side dishes piled up like a mountain.

"You will look prettier if you are a little chubby. Look at your body that is so thin. Don't let your father meet him that he thinks that I don't feed you," Dae Hyun said.

 "I will not be fat. I've always been small. Would you not like me if I was thin?" Soo Yin said. She immediately spooned the food into her mouth, impatient.

 "I like whatever your body shape," Dae Hyun said, who did not want to make his wife's appetite disappear.

 Soo Yin didn't answer anymore. She lowered her head to savor all her food.

 Dae Hyun just looked at his little wife who looked really good at chewing food. Looked like he has to cook every day if he wants to see Soo Yin like that.

"Don't look at me. Hurry up and finish your food if you don't want to be late," Soo Yin said, who lowered her head. She realized that Dae Hyun had been looking at her. She didn't care if Dae Hyun didn't like her sometimes excessive appetite.

After finishing breakfast they immediately went to work. Dae Hyun went first, followed by Soo Yin, who got into the car with Chung Ho. Soo Yin refused Dae Hyun's invitation to get into his car. Moreover, they also had to hide their relationship from Park Soo Hyun.

 After arriving at the hotel, Dae Hyun immediately ordered Chang Yuan to check with all the investors, maybe there were those who suddenly withdrew their investment. However, something was a little strange, according to Chang Yuan, none of them had attracted their investment. Dae Hyun could breathe a sigh of relief but he also had to be aware of Aeri's plans. He really believed that Aeri must be planning something to survive like she did before.


Dae Hyun was not overtime tonight. He intended to return to UN Village to finish his relationship with Aeri. He also wanted to confirm whether the woman had left or not.

 "Honey, tonight I can't go home with you," Dae Hyun who approached Soo Yin's desk said.

 "It's okay, I can understand," Soo Yin said with a smile.

"But I can take you back to the villa first," Dae Hyun said.

 Today was somewhat safe because Park Soo Hyun was busy holding several meetings with relatives. Soo Yin was invited by Park Soo Hyun earlier but fortunately Dae Hyun was able to thwarted him.

"No, I have sent a message to Chung Ho to pick me up immediately." Soo Yin stood up as she put the bag on her shoulder. In a few minutes Chung Ho will definitely arrive so she will be waiting in the lobby.

 "No need to hurry, let's just wait for Chung Ho here first." Dae Hyun blocked his wife's path and then he grasped Soo Yin's fingers tightly. Put it on his lips to kiss his wife's hand.

 "Tonight I will finish my relationship with Aeri," Dae Hyun said. This was the most awaited time for a long time.

"Are you sure? What about Jo Yeon Ho?" Soo Yin said doubtfully. There was a sense of sadness when knowing that if they split up, Jo Yeon Ho will definitely live with Dae Hyun. She felt sorry if Jo Yeon Ho had to be away from his biological mother.

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