"Father didn't do anything. Yeon Ho, let's go home," Dae Hyun persuaded him without caring for Aeri who kept sobbing.

 "I'm going to go home, but after Dad apologized to Mom. You also have to take my mother home," Jo Yeon Ho said, who then approached Aeri. He embraced Aeri's legs with his little hands.

"Son-in-law, if you have a problem you should solve it carefully. Don't be like this which can sacrifice Yeon Ho's feelings." Mrs. Sun Book joined in the conversation. She will try hard so that Dae Hyun would not divorce her daughter. She didn't want to lose her running ATM so she didn't have to bother to work.

 "Mother, never mind. Dae Hyun will not listen to what you say," Aeri said during her sobs.

 "Yeon Ho, I'm sorry I haven't taken good care of Jo Yeon Ho all this time." Aeri knelt down and grabbed her son's face.

 "Mother, I wouldn't go with father if you didn't come," said Jo Yeon Ho while wiping Aeri's tears with her tiny hand. He didn't want to see his mother sad.

Dae Hyun didn't know what to do. No wonder he felt something was wrong with Aeri this time. It turned out that she already had Jo Yeon Ho on her side. If he left his son he was afraid that Aeri would do something bad to him.

 "Yeon Ho, go with Dad." Aeri reached out to rub the top of Jo Yeon Ho's head.

 "Dad, please take mom with us," Jo Yeon Ho said, who suddenly hugged Dae Hyun's leg tightly. He sobbed. The child did not want to be separated from his mother.

Dae Hyun really can't bear to see his son cry. Aeri's actions were now completely beyond his expectations.

"Father, I beg you not to separate us," Yeon Ho said, who kept tightening his hug at Dae Hyun's feet.

Dae Hyun was now in a dilemma. Wanted to leave his son with Aeri but he really can't do that. He didn't want to lose his son.

 "Okay, let's go home with mom," Dae Hyun said, forced to obey his son's wishes.

 Aeri felt like jumping because she was so happy. Her efforts to survive through Jo Yeon Ho seemed easier than having to meet old man investors who often want her body. However, Aeri only put on a flat facial expression so as not to show too much joy.

 "Is it true?" Jo Yeon Ho said, who immediately stopped his tears. His eyes sparkled at his father's statement.

 "Hmm," Dae Hyun said lazily. Looked like he must have other plans in order to completely escape from Aeri.

"Thank God, it turns out that you just misunderstood. Aeri, you also shouldn't just walk away. I'm sure because Dae Hyun is emotional so he talks like that," Mrs. Sun Book said. She smiled happily as she glanced at her daughter. It turns out that her idea to do good to her grandson was very useful

 "Well, we should go right now because my parents are waiting for Jo Yeon Ho," Dae Hyun said, who didn't want to linger at the house any longer.

 "Then be careful on the road. Mother sends greetings to them," Mrs. Sun Books said.

 Dae Hyun finally nodded his head before finally inviting Jo Yeon Ho to get into his car. While Aeri of course immediately got into the car without caring if Dae Hyun was not happy.

The image of being immediately released from Aeri has yet to materialize. This annoyed him even more. Dae Hyun let Aeri sat in the back with Jo Yeon Ho even though it's something that was very rare.


 During the trip, Dae Hyun did not intend to say anything even though Aeri kept talking to him.

 When he arrived at UN Village, it turned out that Jo Yeon was fast asleep so Dae Hyun immediately took him into the room.

 Meanwhile, Aeri was still down to meet her in-laws.

 "Aeri, you can't go suddenly like that," Mrs. Park said, who sat beside Aeri.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I just obeyed Dae Hyun's words so that I would leave this house. Even though my heart was very sad when I stepped outside," Aeri said with tears welling up in her eyes.

 "Dae Hyun is probably just jealous so he becomes emotional like that. A man is like that, he will be very angry if he finds out that his wife is with another man," Mrs. Park said with a smile to calm her daughter-in-law.

 Park Ji Hoon was silent while listening to his wife who was seducing Aeri to stay. He didn't know what had happened before, but he was very sure if Dae Hyun did that there must be a strong reason behind it.

 Aeri leaned her head on Mrs. Park's shoulder. If she can't conquer Dae Hyun with his heart then she will conquer Dae Hyun with his family members. She had to get his family on her side so Dae Hyun definitely couldn't do anything about her.

"Go upstairs. Follow Dae Hyun in his room, explain to him if you do not do all that you are accused of," Mrs. Park said. She wanted to see her son's household return to its original state.

 "Okay, then I'll go upstairs." Aeri immediately climbed the stairs, wiping her tears. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long to get back into the house.

 Aeri immediately climbed the stairs to her room. She slowly opened the door to the room, it turned out that Dae Hyun had just cleaned himself and changed his clothes.

 "Thank you for bringing me back into this house," Aeri said while smiling brightly.

 "I did it for Yeon Ho. You don't have to think that I still want you to stay in this house," Dae Hyun said in a flat tone as he clicked his shirt button.

"For me it doesn't matter at all. Dae Hyun, you won't be able to kick me out of this house," Aeri said with a sly smile. She didn't need to be nice to Dae Hyun because it seemed useless.

 "We'll see," Dae Hyun said. He grabbed a pillow and blanket to carry him into his study. He was better off sleeping there than sleeping in a bed with a cunning woman like Aeri.

 Aeri was so angry that she threw away everything that was on her dresser.

 "You'll see, I'll make you bend your knees before me!" Aeri said with fiery eyes while clenching her fists tightly.

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