He took a deep breath before finally entering the room. His gaze is immediately fixed on Soo Yin's table. Looks like the girl hasn't arrived yet so Park Soo Hyun decided to wait a while. Maybe while on the way the taxi got stuck or damaged.

Half an hour has passed but Soo Yin didn't show herself. Until someone suddenly pushed the door from outside.

 Park Soo Hyun immediately stood up and smiled broadly to welcome his idol. When he saw who was coming, Park Soo Hyun's smile immediately disappeared because it was Chang Yuan who came.

 "Good morning, Sir," Chang Yuan said, frowning. He was surprised that Park Soo Hyun stood in front of Soo Yin's table instead of going to his room.

 "Morning, Assistant Chang," Park Soo Hyun said with a flat face.

"What are you here for?" Chang Yuan asked.

"Do you know why Soo Yin hasn't come yet?" Park Soo Hyun asked.

"Don't you know if Mr. Dae Hyun took Miss Soo Yin away with him?" Chang Yuan said.

 "What?" Park Soo Hyun shouted. He could not believe what he had just heard.

 "Mr. Dae Hyun called earlier if I had to replace Soo Yin's job to help you," Chang Yuan said.

"So my brother took Soo Yin with him?" Park Soo Hyun asked with a little emotion. He was really angry this time with his brother.

 Park Soo Hyun immediately reached into the cellphone in his pants pocket. Trying to contact Dae Hyun but his number was not active as well as Soo Yin.

 "Damn, it looks like they deliberately turned off their cell phones," Park Soo Hyun grumbled.

 "Then I will follow him," Park Soo Hyun said to Chang Yuan.

 "Sorry, you can't go because there will be a meeting soon. You should stay at the hotel until Mr. Dae Hyun returns," Chang Yuan said to remind him because there were so many schedules today.

"Can't you take care of it?" Park Soo Hyun protested.

"No, sir," Chang Yuan said.

Park Soo Hyun ruffled his hair in frustration that his plan had to fail again this time. Without saying anything else Park Soo Hyun immediately came out of the room and slammed the door very hard.

 Chang Yuan only shook his head looking at the boss's brother. He also wondered why should they love the same woman.


Pyeongchang-dong Villa,

 Soo Yin just came out of the house but suddenly a silver Maybach car came into the yard. Soo Yin frowned when she already found out who the owner of the car was which was none other than her husband.

 Soo Yin wondered why Dae Hyun came so early like this. Did he miss her so much that he can't wait to see her at work.

 Soo Yin just stood on the terrace carrying her bag then put it on her shoulder. She waited until Dae Hyun got out of the car.

 "Good morning, honey," Dae Hyun said as he landed a brief kiss on the sweet lips of his little wife.

 "Morning," Soo Yin said.

"Honey, please pack some clothes," Dae Hyun said.

Soo Yin knitted her brows together. She was surprised because he came so early and then told her to pack clothes.

 "Where are we going?" Soo Yin asked. She was a little confused because her husband arrived early in the morning and told her to bring clothes. Instantly Soo Yin immediately widened her eyes. She remembered her husband's invitation to leave Seoul.

 "You're not planning on taking me away from Seoul, are you?" Soo Yin who was suspicious asked. She was afraid that her husband would be that desperate.

"We'll go to Busan," Dae Hyun said.

"What are we going there for?" Soo Yin asked.

 "Grandma wants to meet me. I also want to introduce you to grandma. Didn't I say it a few days ago?" Dae Hyun said.

Soo Yin started to remember when Dae Hyun intended to take her to Busan but now she has changed her mind.

"Hmm, I better not have to come," Soo Yin said.

"Come on, accompany me to meet grandma," Dae Hyun persuaded. He will still carry her even if Soo Yin refuses.

 "Grandma only wants to see you, not me." Soo Yin remained adamant in refusing.

"Honey, I beg you," Dae Hyun said while holding Soo Yin's fingers with a sad face.

"Why don't you go with Aeri?" Soo Yin said.

 "Never mind, I'm not in the mood to talk about that woman. I just need you to come with me," Dae Hyun said.

Soo Yin rolled her eyes until she finally agreed to Dae Hyun's invitation to go to Busan.

 "Thank you, dear." Dae Hyun held Soo Yin's body for a while to express his joy.

 "Dae Hyun, don't go overboard like that," Soo Yin protested.

 "I'm just too happy," Dae Hyun said.

Dae Hyun trailed Soo Yin up the stairs. Then went into the room to accompany his wife in packing the clothes to be brought.

 Soo Yin only brought a few clothes because they weren't there for long too. Maybe tomorrow afternoon they will return to Seoul.

Before leaving, Soo Yin said goodbye to Auntie Xia because she didn't want the middle-aged woman to worry about her if she didn't come home tonight.

Meanwhile, Dae Hyun first checked his car before leaving together with Chung Ho to ensure the safety of his car. The trip to Busan took a while so Dae Hyun wanted his car to have no trouble at all.

 "Ready, honey?" Dae Hyun asked when he saw his little wife come out of the house.

Soo Yin nodded her head.

Dae Hyun opened the car for his wife to get in. He was also the one who put the seat belt on Soo Yin's body. Made Soo Yin felt touched because her husband cared so much for her.

 Dae Hyun also turned off his cell phone and Soo Yin's cell phone so that Park Soo Hyun can't contact them. Dae Hyun firmly believed that if Park Soo Hyun found out that he brought Soo Yin with him, he will definitely be furious. After that Dae Hyun immediately drove his car through the streets of Seoul in the morning.

 "Shall we take the car?" Soo Yin said when Dae Hyun wasn't driving to the station.

 "Driving is more comfortable, and the distance is not too far," Dae Hyun said. He continued to focus on staring at the road in front of him.

 "Honey, what if grandma get suspicious of us later?" Soo Yin said. She was really nervous about meeting her grandmother-in-law.

"Don't worry too much, I will find the right reason why I took you there," Dae Hyun said, who reached out a hand to stroke Soo Yin's hair.

 "I feel scared." Soo Yin leaned her head on Dae Hyun's shoulder.

 "Don't worry," Dae Hyun said to comfort his little wife.

Soo Yin just snorted then took a deep breath to ease her nervousness.

 "I'm sure Park Soo Hyun must be very upset right now." Dae Hyun chuckled at the thought of his brother who must be very busy and angry looking for Soo Yin.

 "What did you do to him?" Soo Yin asked while looking up to see the look on her husband's face, which looked happy.

 "Nothing, I just taught him a little lesson for trying to seduce my wife," Dae Hyun said with a smile full of victory. Park Soo Hyun must have thought he didn't know he was up to something. Dae Hyun got news from Chang Yuan about Park Soo Hyun's plan to propose to Soo Yin on the hotel yard.

"Tell me, what the hell are you doing?" Soo Yin looked at Dae Hyun suspiciously.

 "I just foiled his plan to propose to you. He thought he could win against me." Dae Hyun chuckled in annoyance and admiration.

 "Propose to me?" Soo Yin narrowed her eyes to reveal the astonishment in her heart.

 "Don't think about it, I just want you to think about me," Dae Hyun said as he grabbed his little wife's waist for a while before finally refocusing on driving his car.

"Since when did you become possessive like that?" Soo Yin grumbled.

 "Since I found out that you love me too," Dae Hyun said while glancing mischievously.

 Soo Yin only smiled when she heard her husband's statement. Suddenly Soo Yin yawned so she covered her mouth with her hands. For some reason, Soo Yin felt that in the past few days her eyes wanted to always close, especially in the morning like this.

"Didn't you sleep last night so it's still early in the morning you're sleepy?" Dae Hyun asked.

 "How can I not be sleepy? You always drive me home after midnight," Soo Yin grumbled while pursing her lips.

 "Sorry," Dae Hyun said while grinning as he scratched his head which was not itchy.

 Soo Yin yawned again, it seemed like her eyes really wanted to close.

 "Go to sleep if you're sleepy, anyway our trip to Busan will takes about two hours. You can sleep first," Dae Hyun said. He could not bear to see his little wife who had repeatedly yawned.

 "Okay, I'll sleep," Soo Yin said, who immediately leaned her head on the chair. Five minutes later she was really fast asleep.

Dae Hyun rubbed the top of Soo Yin's head for a moment then focused on staring at the long road he was going to walk through.

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