Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 148 - 148 - Don't Want To Eat It

Soo Yin continued to stand by the door while looking at her husband who was wearing his coat.

 "You better just stay here. Later I'll buy food for you," Soo Yin said. She didn't want to get into trouble if he was caught going out of the hospital because the restaurant she was going to visit was quite far from the hospital area.

 "I'll come!" Dae Hyun said quickly and didn't want any arguments from Soo Yin. He will not rest easy letting her go out alone in a strange place.

 "Up to you." Soo Yin gave up on persuading Dae Hyun to stay because it was useless.

Soo Yin and Dae Hyun walked sneakily afraid of being caught by the doctor who treated them. While walking in the hospital hallway, Dae Hyun continued to grip his wife's wrist tightly. As if not willing to let go even if only for a moment.

 After 10 minutes, they managed to get out of the hospital building.

 "Honey, I want food that is on the side of the road over there," Soo Yin said, pointing to a fairly busy street. When leaving earlier she accidentally saw several kinds of food that suddenly wanted to be eaten.

 "We'll order a taxi first," Dae Hyun said. Even though it was not far away, Dae Hyun did not want his wife to be exhausted, especially since she would have been shaken because Aeri kept blaming her.

 "I don't want to take a taxi. I want you to carry me," Soo Yin whined like a child.

Without thinking, Dae Hyun squatted down so that it would be easier for Soo Yin to get on his back. His wife's small body wouldn't feel heavy at all.

Soo Yin immediately got on Dae Hyun's back then put her hand around his neck. Dae Hyun propped Soo Yin's legs with his wrists so she wouldn't fall.

 Dae Hyun continued to walk nearly 100 meters. Last time he carried Soo Yin her body was light but this time it felt heavier so Dae Hyun was a little breathless. Or because his body is weakened so Soo Yin felt heavier.

"You're a little heavier now," Dae Hyun said as he kept walking. He walked on the sidewalk, which was rather quiet.

 "So now I'm fat?" Soo Yin asked who was offended by her husband's words.

"No, honey. You're just a little fuller instead of fat but I like you even more. You look prettier now," Dae Hyun said to restore the mood of his little wife. Looked like Soo Yin was menstruating so she's more sensitive.

 "Don't lie," Soo Yin said with a sullen face.

 "Why would I lie? For me you are always beautiful no matter what your circumstances," Dae Hyun said softly as he tilted his face a little to see his wife's face.

 Soo Yin snorted while resting her cheek against Dae Hyun's back without responding to her husband's words back.

 "If Aeri says anything that hurts you. I want you not to think about it," Dae Hyun said as he kept walking.

"Why?" Soo Yin asked.

 "I don't want her to poison your mind which will make you doubt. So whatever she says that hurts your heart, you don't need to listen to it," Dae Hyun said.

 "Calm down, I never thought of anything she said," Soo Yin said. Since childhood, Soo Yin was used to hearing insulting words, so now she has started to become immune.

Soo Yin leaned her head on Dae Hyun's back. It felt so comfortable that it made her eyes sleepy.

 Not long after, they finally arrived at their destination. The streets were already very crowded with visitors.

 "Honey, we've arrived," Dae Hyun said, but there was no answer from his little wife. The man tilted his head to the side to see Soo Yin who was asleep. No wonder it felt heavier.

Dae Hyun stepped into one of the long chairs under the tree. He put Soo Yin down on the chair because she hasn't gotten up yet Dae Hyun moved his waist twisting to the right and left to get rid of a little soreness.

 "Honey, wake up." Dae Hyun shook his little wife's body slowly for fear of startling him.

 Soo Yin yawned then covered her mouth with her hand.

 "We have arrived?" She said while rubbing her eyes.

 "If you're sleepy we should just go back," Dae Hyun said.

 It has been a few days that Soo Yin has experienced excessive drowsiness so that when her head touches something that felt good, her eyes will quickly close.

"No, I want all the food I saw." Soo Yin hurriedly stood up to get rid of the drowsiness. She didn't want to go home until she got what she saw this afternoon.

 "Buy everything you want," Dae Hyun said who also stood up and then ruffled Soo Yin's hair.

 Dae Hyun always followed Soo Yin's steps wherever she wants. Now his hands were carrying several kinds of food that his little wife has bought. Dae Hyun can only shook his head to see Soo Yin who was not over even though they have been around.

 There were Odeng or fish cake, tokkebi hot dog, twigim or tempura, bungeoppang, gyeranppang, octopus and dried squid.

 "Are you sure you're going to finish all this?" Dae Hyun asked as he raised his hand which was already struggling to carry a plastic bag.

"Of course," Soo Yin said with sparkling eyes.

 Dae Hyun invited Soo Yin to sit on a long bench located not far from the place.

 Soo Yin felt her saliva dripping when hse saw the food in front of her that looked very tempting. She started tasting the food with gusto but had just tasted dried squid now she has no appetite to eat it.

 "I don't want to eat it," Soo Yin said as she handed it all to Dae Hyun.

 "Didn't you ask for it earlier. Then what is all this for?" Dae Hyun asked.

 "I want you to eat it," Soo Yin said.

"My stomach won't fit eating all this," Dae Hyun while said massaging his temples.

 Soo Yin looked around until she found some homeless people sitting on the side of the road.

 "Come on, just give it to them instead of being wasted," Soo Yin said, who immediately took the plastic bag containing the food. She walked towards the homeless then gave them all the food. Seeing their trapped state without any place to take shelter made Soo Yin's heart touched. If Dae Hyun didn't help her family, maybe now she will have the same fate as them.

 Soo Yin kept giving it to several people until there was nothing left. It turned out that she had a lot to be grateful for because her life was much more worthy. She never imagined what would happen if she didn't marry Dae Hyun. Patient and affectionate man.

Seeing the homeless people who looked happy to get their food, unconsciously tears rolled down her cheeks.

 "What is wrong?" Dae Hyun asked, who was standing beside Soo Yin. He was confused when his wife suddenly became sad.

 "Nothing, let's go home," Soo Yin said while smiling as she wiped the tears pooling on her eyelids.

 Soo Yin continued to hold Dae Hyun's wrist. She leaned her head on her husband's shoulder on the way back to the hospital.

After returning to the hospital, Soo Yin first washed her face in the bathroom. The room that Dae Hyun occupies was a VIP room so it has quite a large room and its own bathroom. But no matter how comfortable the room in the hospital waa, there will still be no one who felt comfortable living there.

 "Honey, come here," Dae Hyun called when Soo Yin just came out of the bathroom. He patted the bed beside him which was still empty.

 "What is wrong?" Soo Yin asked while drying her face with a small towel.

 "Sleep here," Dae Hyun said, who was lying down first. The bed could fit two people but if they moved a little then one would fall over.

 "I'll just sleep on the sofa," Soo Yin said. She stepped her feet towards the sofa. It was more comfortable there than sleeping in a narrow bed.

Soo Yin immediately lay down on the sofa because it was almost midnight so her eyes were sleepy heavily.

 Dae Hyun immediately got out of bed and rushed to his stubborn little wife. He immediately lifted Soo Yin's body who had almost closed her eyes. Immediately Soo Yin felt her body floating in the air so she immediately grabbed Dae Hyun's arm.

 Dae Hyun lay Soo Yin's body on the bed. He couldn't bear to let his wife sleep on the sofa because it must be so uncomfortable.

 "Honey, go to sleep." Dae Hyun kissed the top of Soo Yin's head gently.

"Where are you going?" Soo Yin said while holding Dae Hyun's arm.

 "Let me sleep on the sofa," Dae Hyun said with a smile.

 "Sleep here with me. Looks like this bed fits both of us which is important not to move too much," Soo Yin said.

 "Fine, if you ask." Dae Hyun happily climbed straight into bed because this was what he expected. He turned off the light first because it was too dazzling.

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