Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 158 - 158 - New Atmosphere

 Soo Yin shook his head when Dae Hyun was about to drive the car back. She held Dae Hyun's arm so he wouldn't drive the car.

"I will try to survive," Soo Yin said as she closed her eyes for a moment.

 "I've already filed for divorce but the letter hasn't come out yet. After the letter comes out I will immediately ask Aeri to sign it," Dae Hyun said while wiping Soo Yin's tears with his thumb. Seeing his wife crying made the wound on his chest even more open.

 "I'm sure if Aeri won't sign it. Besides, your parents will definitely not agree," Soo Yin said while holding Dae Hyun's fingers which were still on her cheeks.

 "I don't care about it. I'll force him to sign it. You don't need to worry, I just need your trust so I can do it," Dae Hyun said.

"I trust you," Soo Yin said with a smile on her thin lips. She was now feeling calm.

 "I'll take you tomorrow to enroll in university."

 "No need, I'll just go there myself. I don't want to bother you because you must be very busy tomorrow," Soo Yin said.

 "I can get Chang Yuan to replace me," Dae Hyun said.

 "I'm really okay to go alone. You better work because I've been bothering you too much." Soo Yin insisted on refusing. Dae Hyun was a fairly well-known person plus his first wife was an artist. The students there would be suspicious if she went out with Dae Hyun.

"I'll still take you," Dae Hyun said with determination.


 Soo Yin kissed her husband's cheek.

 "I want to go alone tomorrow," Soo Yin said with a look full of hope so that Dae Hyun would comply with her request. She smiled so seductively that Dae Hyun wanted to eat those lips.

 Instead of answering, Dae Hyun put his lips on Soo Yin's lips. He crushed those thin lips filled with tenderness.

Dae Hyun used his left hand to grab Soo Yin's nape to hold her back. Meanwhile, his right hand began to wriggle along her back until he slipped into the loose clothes his wife was wearing so that he was more free to enter.

 Soo Yin's heart wanted to reject what Dae Hyun did. Moreover, they were currently on the side of the road. But Dae Hyun's intoxicating touch ability made her body respond differently and want more.

 Her heart and body were very uncompromising at this time.

 Soo Yin's body bounced when her naughty husband's hand touched one of the hills which was still blocked by the cloth. Dae Hyun smiled happily to see his little wife who seemed to enjoy his every touch.

Dae Hyun remembered last night when he saw Aeri's body that was so seductive. If last night Soo Yin dressed like that would have been very nice. Too bad it was Aeri, which made him dislike her even more.

 Dae Hyun stopped the kiss. His lips now traced the neck to the collarbone of his little wife. He can't stand anymore wanting to enjoy every curve of Soo Yin's body that he hasn't felt for several days.

 Soo Yin grabbed Dae Hyun's wrist as she remembered that they were still on their way. There's no way they did something in the car.

 "What is wrong?" Dae Hyun asked with foggy eyes because he had been trying hard all night to endure it. He's just a guy who's weak at that sometimes.

"Remember we are currently in the car," Soo Yin said as she reattached the button of her shirt that had been removed.

 "So what if we are in the car?" Dae Hyun whispered sensually in Soo Yin's ear. His eyes were gloomy and sad because he had been holding something he wanted to channel.

 "Later someone will sees us," Soo Yin said, who had finished buttoning her shirt.

 "Nobody will see us. This car glass can't be seen through," Dae Hyun said casually. He knew what his wife was afraid of.


Dae Hyun didn't give Soo Yin a chance to protest. He silenced Soo Yin's mouth even more aggressively. He used his right hand to adjust the seat so that it can be used to lie down. Now Soo Yin was on her back so Dae Hyun immediately got up from his seat.

 Dae Hyun was now on top of Soo Yin's body with a foggy look. Soo Yin can only surrender when Dae Hyun has taken off all of her clothes. Although her common sense tried to resist, her body responded differently by wanting further touches. Indeed, she now felt very weak.

 Without realizing it, Soo Yin even made a muffled sigh that sounded very sexy in Dae Hyun's ears. Making Dae Hyun even more excited. He studied every inch of Soo Yin's body which was fuller at this time.

Indeed, Soo Yin's body was still inferior to Aeri's body which always carried out expensive treatments. Dae Hyun didn't need that. He has already fallen in love with Soo Yin unconditionally so that no matter what situation Soo Yin he will always love her until the end of his life.

 After both flying up in the sky to the seven heaven, Dae Hyun let go of Soo Yin's body and returned to his seat.

 Soo Yin who felt weak still lied in her position. She felt that Dae Hyun was out of his mind. How could they still do it in the car? Really very uncomfortable.

 Dae Hyun buttoned his shirt back. As usual, his back would feel sore because Soo Yin kept scratching him so hard.

"My back feels hot," Dae Hyun said with a grimace. Dae Hyun arranged Soo Yin's seat back to normal. He also helped button up Soo Yin's shirt, which was messy because of his actions.

 "It's your fault you can't wait until we get home," Soo Yin muttered as she smoothed her hair which was very disheveled.

"We have to try several places to have a new atmosphere," Dae Hyun said with a wicked smile.

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