Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 177 - 177 - Is She Your Sister?

Dae Hyun looked at Mi Young for a moment. The face of the woman he had loved for the first time was now in sight. That was quite a shock for Dae Hyun. He thought the name was just the same. Unexpectedly it turned out to be the same person.

"It's okay, we just came," Soo Yin said with a sweet smile on her lips.

Dae Hyun turned his gaze in another direction, not wanting to stare at Mi Young. For him Mi Young waa the past and his current future was Soo Yin.

"Dae Hyun, is she your sister?" Mi Young asked courageously. She immediately closed her mouth because she had missed. After remembering that Dae Hyun did not have a younger sister, Mi Young felt that she was wrong to speak.

"She's my wife," Dae Hyun said in a flat tone.

"You know each other?" Soo Yin asked with a frown.

"We were only from the same high school," Dae Hyun said quickly. Didn't want Mi Young to say strange things to his little wife.

"Are you here because Doctor Kang made an appointment?" Mi Young asked, changing the conversation to just confirm it. Even though she actually knew about it beforehand because Doctor Kang had already said it.

"Yes," Dae Hyun said with an expressionless face.

"Honey, didn't we enter the wrong room?" Soo Yin whispered. They should went to a general practitioner not a gynecologist.

"No," Dae Hyun said deliberately bringing his lips closer to Soo Yin's face.

"Hmmm," Mi Young said.

"Miss, come with me in," Mi Young said as she stood up. The atmosphere in the room felt so awkward. She did not expect that after not seeing him for so long, they were now reunited with an unexpected thing.

Soo Yin followed Mi Young's steps into a room used for ultrasound. Dae Hyun of course continued to follow her with a flat face.

Soo Yin was now lying on a bed. In front of her was a monitor screen that will show the results of the ultrasound.

A nurse came in then applied a special gel on Soo Yin's stomach to prevent friction between the skin and the transducer. The gel also made it easier to transmit sound waves into the body.

After that, Mi Young attached a tool called a transducer to Soo Yin's stomach.

Dae Hyun sat beside Soo Yin while looking at the monitor screen in front of them without saying a word. If only he knew that the female doctor that Doctor Kang was referring to was Mi Young, he'd better go find another hospital.

 "Look, that on the screen is the fetus in your womb. It turns out that it is already 7 weeks or almost two months old. However, your womb is a bit weak, so you aren't allowed to do physical activities that are too heavy …." Mi Young explained how Soo Yin's fetus was doing in detail while continuing to move the transducer in Soo Yin's stomach.

 "What do you mean Doctor?" Soo Yin asked with an innocent face as soon as Mi Young finished examining it. She was still too ordinary to digest Mi Young's words because she was focused on the monitor screen instead of listening to Mi Young's explanation.

 "It means that your current womb has been running for almost two months," Mi Young said, repeating her words with a smile. She glanced at Dae Hyun who seemed to have a flat face.

 "So Doctor mean I'm pregnant?" Soo Yin hurriedly sat down. She felt like she dreamed of hearing Mi Young's words just now.

"Dae Hyun, doesn't your wife know about this?" Mi Young asked.

 "No, because we haven't checked it," Dae Hyun said while massaging his temples.

 "Honey, tell me if I'm not dreaming," Soo Yin said with a glowing face. Soo Yin loudly patted her cheek with her palm. Even though at first she didn't want it, but knowing that she was pregnant made her heart happy.

 "You don't dream, we will soon have a baby." Dae Hyun now had a smile on his lips. He didn't expect Soo Yin to look that happy even though he was already worried if Soo Yin didn't want it.

 "Congratulations, is this your first child?" Mi Young asked while glancing at Dae Hyun.

"Yes, Doctor. This is my first child," Soo Yin said as she rubbed her stomach. She did not think that soon she would have a baby.

 "If I may know how old you are now?" Mi Young was very curious to know Soo Yin's age because her face looked much younger than Dae Hyun.

 "I'm only 18 years old," Soo Yin said.

 "Dae Hyun, you better take care of her properly because she's too young to be pregnant," Mi Young suggested. Her heart felt jealous to see Soo Yin, who at such a young age, could become pregnant. It was very different from her, who already has a fairly mature age but has not been gifted with offspring. Her husband even had the heart to leave her with another woman.

 "Is it too risky?" Dae Hyun asked. At least he had to know all the possibilities in order to make him even more careful.

 "Actually not really. It's just that your wife's womb is rather weak. I also suggest that you reduce your activities at night," Mi Young said. She didn't dare to say it clearly because it was a very sensitive matter.

"I already know," Dae Hyun said curtly. Without Mi Young teaching it, he would know about it.

 "Okay, let's go outside. Later I'll give you a prescription for the medicine," Mi Young said while looking at Soo Yin.

 Dae Hyun helped Soo Yin to get out of bed then led her outside. Shamelessly Soo Yin walked on while clinging to Dae Hyun's arm. Soo Yin didn't feel embarrassed at all despite being in front of Mi Young who kept glancing at her.

 Mi Young just sighed softly when she saw Dae Hyun so attentive to Soo Yin. There was a hint of regret to remember that she had preferred another man a few years ago.

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