Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 184 - 184 - One Word Hurts

"What's all this fuss?" Aeri asked who had just come. Indeed, she deliberately did it to come later so as not to be too suspicious.

"Aeri, just beat this girl. Looks like she intends to seduce your husband," the woman in red said.

 Soo Yin's body shook with sweat starting to run down her body. Her current feeling was really bad, she kept clutching her stomach. Hope Aeri didn't do anything wrong. To get away from them seemed very difficult.

 "Wow, really?" Aeri made a face as if she was surprised to hear that.

 "You must be kidding, how could she possibly seduce my husband," Aeri continued with a chuckle.

 "Look at this photo." The woman in yellow showed a photo of Dae Hyun and Soo Yin staring at each other.

 Soo Yin was quite surprised to see the photo. It showed as if their gazes were very affectionate. She drank her dry saliva.

"Geez, I never thought an innocent girl like her turned out to be a hypocrite. No wonder she also seduced Jo Yeon Ho to be close to her. So that's all your goal?" Aeri said with a sly grin looking at Soo Yin.

 "How could that be. It's not true," Soo Yin said stuttered trying to defend herself. Said the bitch, it hurt too much for him.

 "You bitch!" Aeri cursed, her hand was about to slap Soo Yin's cheek but when she was about to land on Soo Yin's cheek, Aeri's hand couldn't be moved.

 Soo Yin had closed her eyes in preparation for a slap from Aeri. But nothing happened so Soo Yin slowly opened her eyes.

 "Aeri, what are you doing?" Dae Hyun roughly grabbed Aeri's wrist and then threw her away. Made Aeri's body almost fall.

"Dae Hyun?" Aeri widened her eyes to see Dae Hyun was standing between them.

 "I… I'm just trying to warn a bitch like her," Aeri continued stammering as she pointed at Soo Yin's face.

 "What did you just say?" Dae Hyun asked with a cold tone and a fiery gaze. He was not willing Aeri to call his little wife a bitch.

 "She's trying to seduce you. She approached our family because she just wanted money," Aeri said.

 "You two please leave from here if you don't want to get into trouble," Dae Hyun said to the two women who were with Aeri.

 The two women looked at Aeri and then chose to leave them.

Soo Yin was silent with pain in her chest. Her tears almost fell if she didn't try to hold back. Aeri's words hurt her so much.

Was she really like a bitch? One word but was able to crush her heart to pieces. But what Aeri said was true if she married Dae Hyun just because of money. But she was not a bitch like what Aeri said.

 Dae Hyun gave a quick glance at Soo Yin's dim complexion and teary eyes. He can also see crystal beads that have pooled in the corner of her eye. Surely at this time her heart was beaten.

 "Don't tell anyone else if you did it yourself. Didn't you marry me just because you wanted property?" Dae Hyun asked with a lopsided smile. He was not stupid to realize that.

 Dae Hyun had realized the irregularity that night but Jo Yeon Ho's presence made him unable to move. That's because his extended family continued to insist on marrying Aeri.

 "Of course not, I married you because after what you did that night to me. I ... I just want you to take responsibility," Aeri said stammering trying to hold back her nervousness.

"It's different from that bitch girl who tries to seduce someone's husband," Aeri continued while glancing at Soo Yin who was silent.

 "Nonsense! Don't ever call Soo Yin a bitch again! Or I'll make you regret it," Dae Hyun said with a high tone staring into Aeri's eyes sharply. Emotions already in the crown.

 "So you threaten me? Why do you always defend her?" She said in a rising voice.

 "Of course, because she is much more valuable than a woman like you," Dae Hyun said. It didn't matter if Aeri will be angry, because this was all to remind Aeri not to mess with his little wife.

 "She's just a poor girl. I wonder with all of you, why do you like girls like her so much?" Aeri sneered as she chuckled. Her gaze towards Soo Yin was cynical.

 "That's because she is…." Dae Hyun almost lost control.

"Sir, that's enough," Soo Yin said with a pleading look, trying to break up the argument between them. Soo Yin was so sure that Dae Hyun will say that she was his wife that he tries to change the subject.

 "You bitch! Don't pretend to be nice, you better get out of here!" Aeri sneered with a grin. Her hands violently pushed against Soo Yin's body. Luckily Dae Hyun was behind her so it didn't make Soo Yin fall to the floor.

 Dae Hyun's chest heaved up and down, holding back the anger rumbling in his chest.

 "Didn't I tell you not to say that!" Dae Hyun shouted in a high voice. He was about to land his palm on Aeri's cheek.

 "Dad, Eunnie, it turns out you are here," Jo Yeon Ho said with a glowing face.

 Instantly Dae Hyun's emotions faded so he lowered his hands to his side. There's no way to be violent in front of his son.

 Hearing his son's voice Aeri put a genuine smile on her lips.

"Yeon Ho, honey," Aeri said, about to hug Jo Yeon Ho's small body. However, the boy actually stepped back. There was a line of disappointment that ran across Jo Yeon Ho's face at Aeri.

 "Yeon Ho, let's go home," Dae Hyun asked while holding Jo Yeon Ho's wrist.

 "Let Yeon Ho come home with me," Aeri said as she pulled Yeon Ho's other wrist.

 "No, aren't you too busy? I'm afraid you can't take care of Yeon Ho properly," Dae Hyun quipped with his side lip raised upwards.

 "Soo Yin, let's go home." Without waiting for an answer from Aeri Dae Hyun took Jo Yeon Ho's hand to follow him. Will not let Aeri instigate his son back.

 Soo Yin also followed Dae Hyun's steps behind him with her lips pressed tightly together.

 "Arghhh!" Aeri shouted with hatred.

 "Look, you will regret for teasing my husband," Aeri said with trembling lips and fiery eyes. With slow steps, Aeri walked towards the parking lot to catch up with them.

This time she couldn't do much by complaining to her mother-in-law because it was her fault too.

 Dae Hyun's car was no longer visible in the parking lot. It seemed they had already left even though Aeri still wanted to persuade Jo Yeon Ho. It's a shame they were gone.

 Irritated, Aeri got into the car with slamming the door hard. 

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