Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 186 - 186 - Stupid Man

"Welcome, sir, can I help you," the woman said in charge of receiving guests with a sweet smile on her lips. Moreover, seeing Dae's very handsome face made her embarrassed by trying to fix his make-up and clothes to make her look neat.

It's a shame Dae Hyun didn't even glance at her. He was busy circulating his gaze to the visitor table.

 "I wonder, is there a woman named Aeri ordering a VIP table in this restaurant?" Dae Hyun asked with a flat face without expression. Seeing the woman in front of him embarrassed made him so sick.

 "Sorry, sir, we can't tell you who has made the reservations," the woman said without winking at Dae Hyun. But immediately bent her body politely in a sign of apology.

 Without speaking, Dae Hyun took out a wallet from his pocket which was quite thick. Take out a few dollar bills then put them on the table towards the woman.

 The woman widened her pupils at the sight of enough money to unconsciously sip her saliva. Who didn't widened at the $ 1000 in cash. That money was very much for her who was only a girl from the lower class.

 "Tell me where the woman named Aeri ordered," Dae Hyun said who was impatient.

"Al ... well, sir." The woman immediately checked the book that made guest bookings for the VIP room. There was indeed someone who ordered with the name Aeri.

 "Miss Aeri booked room number 10, sir," the woman said.

 "It is…." Just as the woman was about to explain where the place was, it turned out that Dae Hyun had already left. She immediately took the money and put it in her bag while looking around. Didn't let the boss find out what she has done. If caught, she will be fired.

Dae Hyun was no stranger to the restaurant because he has often visited to hold meetings with his relatives. He hurried down the hall to get there. Indeed, the VIP room was separated slightly to the back. The place was also comfortable and quiet.

 As soon as he arrived in room 10, there was a loud laugh. There was a woman and a man who was chatting. Could be heard joking between the clink of plates shouting to each other when they touched the spoon.

 Dae Hyun stood at the door to find out who the man was with Aeri.

"How is your relationship with your husband now?" a man's voice asked.

 "What are you asking that for?" Aeri asked with a frown.

 "I just want to know if a director like Dae Hyun pays attention to his wife," the man said.

 "Of course, he was very attentive and spoiled to me," Aeri lied. She didn't want everyone to know her true personal secret. In order to maintain her pride, Aeri hid the truth.

 "There's no need to lie to me. Wasn't your relationship never good? Or maybe he never touched you again after that night," the man guessed.

 Aeri sighed softly, it seemed like it was useless to hide it if the man had guessed it.

 "As usual he always ignores me, but it doesn't matter at all while I'm still the mistress there," Aeri said while chuckling softly.

 "Aren't you tired of being with him? Didn't I tell you for a long time to part with him. It's better if you marry me," a man said, who was interspersed with laughter.

"I've been very difficult to get into their family so there's no way I just let it go," Aeri said.

 Dae Hyun continued to listen to their chat even though it was only vague. Looked like this was the right time to finish his relationship with Aeri. With wide strides, Dae Hyun returned to the parking lot to get something from his car. He tucked a brown envelope into his coat pocket then returned to the place where Aeri was with a man whose voice could not be heard in his ear.

 Dae Hyun eavesdropped on their conversation for a while to find out what they were talking about. Looked like the goddess of luck was on his side so Dae Hyun can hear everything.

 "I wonder why a man like Dae Hyun is so easily fooled," the man said.

 "He is really stupid and easily fooled," Aeri said while chuckling softly.

 Dae Hyun had already lost his temper this time. Indeed he admitted that he was so stupid all this time. If Soo Yin wasn't present in his life, maybe until this moment he wouldn't really care about his personal life. What had been imagined so far was to work hard to bring his family hotel to the peak of success.


 Dae Hyun very rudely opened the door. It didn't matter if both of them will have heart disease.

The sound of the door banging against the wall made a sound that was loud enough to startle two people who were chatting.

 Aeri, who was spooning the food into her mouth, immediately put her spoon on the plate. She widened so that her eyes almost fell to see who was currently standing in the middle of the door.

 "Dae Hyun, w… what are you doing here?" Aeri asked stuttered until cold sweat came out of her forehead. If Dae Hyun caught her with another man for her it was fine because they weren't doing anything so Aeri could find an excuse to evade her. What Aeri was most afraid of was if Dae Hyun would listen to what they had just talked about.

 "Sorry, I think I interrupted your dinner," Dae Hyun said, pretending to be surprised. As if he accidentally broke the door.

 "Mr. Dae Hyun?" Lee Young Joun was quite surprised to see Dae Hyun suddenly entering their room.

 "Looks like you guys are in the middle of a romantic dinner," Dae Hyun said, trying to act like normal. Even though his lips had been trying to hold back the mouth that wanted to swear roughly

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