Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 216 - 216 - Cappuccino

Dae Hyun took a deep breath to calm himself down so as not to get carried away by emotions.

 "I just don't like that you receiving flowers from other men," he said.

 "Okay, later I'll give it to someone," Soo Yin said while rolling her eyes. Now their characters were reversed, she used to be so childish but now it was her husband. Maybe that's the way life was, whose heart was sometimes turned upside down.

 "If I come back later, this flower is still there. Don't blame me if I'm really going to destroy it," Dae Hyun threatened.

"Calm down, after this I will get it out of this room," Soo Yin said.

"Good girl." Finally, Dae Hyun was able to smile back after his face was more like a robot.

 "Am I going to the meeting?" Soo Yin asked.

"No, I don't want yesterday's incident to happen again." Dae Hyun gently rubbed the top of Soo Yin's head.

 "Too bad," Soo Yin said with a sullen face.

 "I don't want you to feel tired either." Dae Hyun tried to give understanding so that his wife didn't feel sad.

 "Very well," Soo Yin said at last. There was also some truth in that, it was impossible for her to be there but not knowing what they were talking about.

"See you later." Dae Hyun immediately stepped outside. Now Soo Yin was alone.

 Before Soo Yin could say thank you, Dae Hyun was out of sight.


Soo Yin felt bored to be in the room all the time. Jean had promised to make coffee for her but hadn't shown up since this morning. Even though Soo Yin really wanted to taste it.

 There was nothing she did there because Dae Hyun didn't even let her to do anything. With the excuse that she should not be fatigue that always be his words that cannot be denied.

 There was regret for not following her husband into the meeting room. There was no way if now she suddenly be there. All Soo Yin was doing right now was sitting around playing with her cell phone. Really like a useless person.

 Knock ... knock ... knock ....

 There was a knock on the door from outside. Soo Yin lazily lifted her head which was resting on the table. By dragging her feet, Soo Yin walked towards the door.

 "Jean?" Instantly Soo Yin's eyes lit up. The sleepiness and boredom that had accumulated now all disappeared when she saw her best friend who came. She had been waiting for Jean but she never showed up.

 "Sorry, I'm late. I have work to do first," Jean said.

 Soo Yin grabbed Jean's hand to enter the room with her. Eager to chat after all this time no chat had been created between them.

 "Jean, can we chat for a moment. I'm alone and need a friend to chat."

"I have a lot of work, if you want to chat maybe tonight. Don't you have a job? Mr. Dae Hyun looks very busy earlier," Jean said while knitting her eyebrows. There was a sense of suspicion that usually a secretary was very busy in contrast to Soo Yin who looked relaxed.

 "I… I've done all my work," Soo Yin said, stammered. In this world no one would believe that a secretary's job was easy. Always busy if the boss was busy too.

 Jean's eyes were fixed on the flower bouquet on Soo Yin's neat table. That flower was the one she saw this morning holding by Park Soo Hyun. Although many of the flowers were the same, Jean was very sure it was the same.

 Soo Yin noticed that Jean seemed interested in the flowers on her desk.

 "Jean, can you take these flowers away?" Soo Yin said. She almost forgot to get it out of this room. Didn't let Dae Hyun do what he said.

 "Why?" Jean asked, frowning in confusion.

 "I have a cold so I can't breathe pollen," Soo Yin said while covering her nose. Quickly hand it over to Jean. Hopefully Jean won't get suspicious.

 "Very well," Jean said.

 "I'll go first, don't forget about tonight." After placing the cup on the table, Jean immediately went outside with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Even though this flower was not directly from Park Soo Hyun, Jean still felt happy to receive it for some reason.

Soo Yin's saliva felt like dripping so she immediately sipped a cup of cappuccino Jean made while warm. Apparently Jean still remembered her tastes.

 Soo Yin returned to be alone so she decided to go into the room to lie down. Drowsiness began to come because last night she only slept a little after almost morning.


 Dae Hyun had just finished chairing the meeting after midday. The meeting this time was quite long because they discussed the newest building used for the spa and beauty salon which all facilities will be renewed. Soon it will be inaugurated, just waiting for everything to be ready.

 A tired face reflected on his face. His mind was divided into three problems right now. Must think about Soo Yin who was pregnant. Arranging his divorce from Aeri. Not to mention having to work hard to keep the hotel moving. Dae Hyun was getting impatient to live in peace if it continued like this.

Dae Hyun massaged his temples as he stepped into the room.

 It was empty, there was no one in the room. Even though Dae Hyun hoped that when he entered, he can see his wife's cheerful face that can restore his mood. A smile from Soo Yin was able to revive his spirits.

"Soo Yin!" Dae Hyun called while casting his gaze to every corner of the room. At first he thought that Soo Yin had come home but when he saw that her bag was still on the table he became doubtful. There was no way Soo Yin came home without her bag.

 Dae Hyun immediately checked the toilet but it was also empty. It was impossible if she was asleep. To be more sure, Dae Hyun immediately went into the room.

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