Soo Yin took a deep breath to recover her strength to refuse Park Soo Hyun.

 "Sorry, but I can't…." Soo Yin's words were cut off.

 "I know, if this might be too fast for you. I'll give you one month to think about it carefully," Park Soo Hyun said hopefully.

 "But I …."

"Never mind, you don't have to worry because I will wait patiently. Now we better just continue eating," Park Soo Hyun said as he removed Soo Yin's fingers from his hand. Then cut a large portion of the Cheese cake back into Soo Yin's plate.

 How could she possibly refuse him if she just said a few words but Park Soo Hyun had cut her off.

 There was no more appetite for food. Soo Yin was very regret that she came to this place. Now what was in her mind was Jean, who must have been hurt. After this she had to go to the hospital to see Jean.

 "I have to go home," Soo Yin said as she put the spoon on the plate. She immediately put the bag strap on her shoulder, was ready to stand up.

 "We haven't even finished eating yet," Park Soo Hyun said.

 "Sorry sir, I have to go to the hospital to visit Jean's mother," Soo Yin said.

 "Let me take you," Park Soo Hyun said who had risen to his feet.

 "No, sir," Soo Yin said. If she came with Park Soo Hyun, Jean's heart would hurt even more while she was there to explain everything. If there wasn't any relationship between her and Park Soo Hyun. In fact, she had planned to say that she was married.

 "Soo Yin, I want you to bring this necklace. If you accept me later then you will wear it but otherwise you can throw it away," Park Soo Hyun said with a heavy sigh. Park Soo Hyun had put the necklace forcibly on Soo Yin's finger.

There was no more time to argue so without thinking Soo Yin put it in the bag.

 Soo Yin stepped quickly to leave the Sky Rose Garden without caring about Park Soo Hyun who kept calling her name.

 Park Soo Hyun let Soo Yin go even though he had the intention of chasing her. He had to give Soo Yin some time to think. Perhaps that was just an excuse. According to the book he read, a girl tended to be shy if a man had just told her about his feelings of love. She wouldn't want to answer right away, that's why Park Soo Hyun gave her time.

 With a little disappointment, Park Soo Hyun watched Soo Yin's departure. Earlier he was very regret for giving a month. Why not just one week? Park Soo Hyun cursed himself for speaking wrong because he was too nervous.


 Soo Yin immediately stopped a taxi after arriving at the roadside after exiting Daehan Cinema. Along the way, Soo Yin was still trying to contact Jean but there's no answer.

 Now Soo Yin was even more worried. Hopefully nothing happened to her friend.

 Soo Yin headed to Hallym University Medical Center Hospital. Since the then, Jean's mother was in and out of there. Never moved to another place. Soo Yin hoped that everything was fine and Jean's mother was still being treated there.

After arriving, Soo Yin immediately asked where Jean's mother was being treated at the registration department. But the nurse said if there was no patient's name that she meant.

 Finally, Soo Yin moved to visit a hospital which was not too far away. Soo Yin had visited several hospital to find Jean's mother but she was not there.

 Now that the night was getting late, Soo Yin had just been discharged from the private hospital she last visited. Now her legs felt tired so Soo Yin sat down at the taxi stop. She massaged her legs while waiting for the taxi to come.

 It's been half an hour Soo Yin was waiting for a taxi but none of them showed up so she decided to call Chung Ho. Just got connected, her cellphone was already dead.

 "Ouch! How is this?" Soo Yin said, panicked. Why should there be obstacles at such a critical time.

 If she had contacted Chung Ho earlier, she would have been able to help find Jean. If it's like this, Soo Yin was forced to walk to the bus stop. Hopefully there were still buses operating. Given that it was past nine in the evening.

 Slowly, Soo Yin dragged her leg which already felt sore. She took off her shoes because her ankles hurt because the friction between the shoes and the skin made her feet blister.

 The strong wind blew even more until it got into the pores of her skin. Soo Yin continued to tighten her sweater.

 Soo Yin was very grateful that there was a bus that stopped right when she reached the stop. Inside the bus was quiet, there were only a few passengers. Most of them were male passengers. Soo Yin got scared when a man kept watching her.

Feelings of anxiety haunted her. But she had to endure because soon she would arrive.

 When Soo Yin got off, it turned out that the man who had been watching her also got off the bus. Making Soo Yin even more afraid if the man will do something to her. The bus only stopped near the intersection and did not reach the front of the villa.

 There was a restaurant that was still open, so Soo Yin decided to go in there. Plus her stomach also asked to be filled, Soo Yin immediately ordered a bowl of Jjajangmyeon to block her hunger while waiting for the man to leave.

 When finished, Soo Yin came out of the restaurant. Her eyes wandered over to find the man who had already left.

 With fast steps Soo Yin immediately walked towards the villa which was not too far away.

 Didn't know who the man was nor why following her. Soo Yin never seemed to had seen him. Never mind, she didn't want to remember. The most important thing now was to hurry home.

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