Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 236 - 236 - You Can't Come

Soo Yin was still lying with Dae Hyun's hand as a cushion. She still closed her eyes to treat a little of tiredness.

 Dae Hyun's cell phone sounded, which kept ringing several times. It was upsetting Dae Hyun, knowing that it must be Chang Yuan who called his number. Only Chang Yuan who knew about his new cell phone number because the usual one was being deactivated.

 Dae Hyun used his left hand to reach his cell phone which was on the bedside right beside the bed. After checking it, it turned out to be a video call. This was the first time Chang Yuan had video called him.

 "What's calling me?" Dae Hyun asked with a flat face.

 "Sir?" Even though he thought that his boss was alone with his young wife. But it was unexpected that Chang Yuan had to see the faces of the two of them who looked exhausted. Chang Yuan could also see Dae Hyun's shirtless body.

 Soo Yin opened her eyes when she heard a sound which disturbed her sleep quite a bit. She immediately kissed Dae Hyun's cheek because she thought it was just a call, not a video call.

 Soo Yin's eyes were perfectly rounded when she saw Chang Yuan's face on her husband's cellphone. She then smiled shyly so that she covered her head with a blanket.

 Chang Yuan's expression turned flat. Regretted to have made a video call. Should have made a normal call earlier so he wouldn't see the sight that gave him a stomach ache. His young wife also couldn't kept her attitude in front of a single man like him.

"Assistant Chang, what's the matter calling me?" Dae Hyun asked with a slightly annoyed face because Chang Yuan had contacted him at a bad time.

 "Y… your brother called me earlier. Said that Mrs. Park asked you to come home. There was a little chaos at home," Chang Yuan said with a little stammer. Seeing his boss who seemed to be passionate about his young wife made him very uncomfortable.

 "So, you only bothered me because of that? I can already guess what chaos happened. Surely Aeri wants to end her life, right? If so, I already knew about it," Dae Hyun said. It's up to you if Aeri will commit suicide. In fact, it must be just a threat. Aeri had said it since a long time, but it never happened.

 "I'm sorry, sir. Then please continue. I will not disturb Mr. and Miss," Chang Yuan said.

 "Hmmm, alright."

 Dae Hyun immediately turned off the video call. Then tossed the cell phone over the nightstand again. Until it made a loud sound of collision.

 Soo Yin lowered the blanket from her head a little to peek if Dae Hyun had finished his call.

"Are you done?" Soo Yin asked.

"Yes, don't hide your head anymore. No need to be afraid because it's just Assistant Chang who called," Dae Hyun said as he rubbed Soo Yin's shoulder.

 "I know but I'm embarrassed because I kissed your cheek in front of Assistant Chang. He must be uncomfortable seeing it," said Soo Yin who had all her head out of the blanket.

 "What are you ashamed of, there's no need to be ashamed because you did it for your husband," Dae Hyun said with a smile.

 "I can't afford to meet with Assistant Chang tomorrow," Soo Yin said, blushing.

"Here I treat you so that you are not embarrassed anymore." Dae Hyun now changed his position by sleeping on his side so he can see Soo Yin's face.

 "How?" asked Soo Yin with an innocent face.

 Dae Hyun cupped Soo Yin's cheeks and then looked at her closely, made Soo Yin could not blink her eyes. She was currently stunned by the good looks of the adult man in front of her.

Dae Hyun then alternately kissed Soo Yin's cheek then turned to her eyes and nose. Soo Yin stopped Dae Hyun when he was about to trace her neck. It was certain that Dae Hyun will definitely do it again.

 "Enough! My stomach is very hungry. Do you want our child to starve in there?" Soo Yin grumbled as she tried to sit up with her hands on her back.

 Finally Dae Hyun only sighed in resignation if she had said that she was starving.

"Alright, now let's take a shower first and then have lunch," said Dae Hyun, who had also sat down.

 "I take a shower alone because you will definitely interfere," Soo Yin said, who had shifted her body to the side of the bed. Her feet were already on the floor with her body still covered in a blanket.

"No, I promise I won't do it again," said Dae Hyun as he raised his two fingers with a meaningful smile.

 "Watch out if you're lying," Soo Yin threatened while narrowing her eyes.

"I will not."

Dae Hyun was now standing while wearing only shorts then immediately carrying Soo Yin's body into the bathroom.

The bathroom now sounded like an occasional laugh, which was quite crunchy from the lips of Soo Yin and Dae Hyun who joked, accompanied by the gurgling of the pouring shower. They rubbed each other's bodies until it was finally over.

 After finishing the shower, Dae Hyun immediately invited Soo Yin to the dining room. As promised at that time, Dae Hyun prepared a meal for Soo Yin while at the Pyeongchang-dong villa. He did not want to miss their time together, which was not much time.

 Soo Yin always liked whatever her husband cooked. For her there were no food that tasted better than what her husband made.

"Honey, the next few days I might not be able to accompany you," Dae Hyun said. He just finished eating.

"Why?" Soo Yin knitted her brows together. Her facial expression turned sad.

"I'll be out of town but it won't be long. It's only about two days," Dae Hyun said, who could capture the sadness in Soo Yin's heart.

 "Can I come?" Soo Yin asked hopefully. She did not want to be away from her husband.

"Sorry, I can't invite you. Because if you are with me then I might not be able to work," said Dae Hyun.

 Soo Yin pursed her lips. Actually she really wanted to come along. If Dae Hyun wasn't around then her life would be unpleasant even for a few days.

 "I promise I only stay one night there. I'm afraid I'll hurt our child. Do you want something happens to the baby?" Dae Hyun asked as he sat with his hands on the table.

 "Alright," Soo Yin said with a chuckle.

 "Where are you going?"

 "To Nami Island again because the project there hasn't been completed. I also did it for you and our baby," Dae Hyun said.

"Don't forget to bring me gifts," Soo Yin said.

 "Of course, I'll buy you whatever you want," Dae Hyun said while ruffling Soo Yin's hair. 

Dae Hyun's greatest wish is that they will age together without anyone intending to separate them.

Although a little disappointed that she can't join, Soo Yin can accept the reason. It was true that if she came she would interfere with her husband's work.

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