Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 288 - 288 - Sexy Lady

Soo Yi looked from top to bottom of the woman who was wearing a very sexy dress that showed her cleavage. The two breasts were sticking out, looking so tight. The long hair that had been let loose by her flicked back. Soo Yin estimated that woman was the same age as Dae Hyun.

Soo Yin immediately looked displeased and made a sullen face.

"Are you only the three of you? Where is your mother?" asked the woman as she approached Soo Yin and Yeon Ho who were sitting.

 Soo Yin just kept quiet with no intention of answering the question.

"My mom didn't come," Yeon Ho said honestly. According to his teacher at school, it was not okay to just keep quiet if someone asked.

"Then let aunt help you," she said.

"No need," Soo Yin said sarcastically.

"Sir, your children are very cute," said the woman, chuckling with amusement at the look on Soo Yin's red face.

 Dae Hyun, who was busy making the fire, turned his head back when someone called. He didn't really listen to what they were talking about. For a moment he looked at the woman and then stood up.

 "What a good father," the woman said, while smiling as sweet as possible.

Dae Hyun felt that he had known the woman but didn't know where. Her face was very familiar like he had met her several years ago. But maybe it's just the same.

"Your son said you didn't take your wife with them," the woman continued.

Dae Hyun scratched his temple. Wanted to say if Soo Yin was his wife but no way. Surely she wouldn't believe it, Jo Yeon Ho was also with them right now.

"Introduce me, my name Min-seok," said the woman introducing herself as she stretched out her hand to shake hands with Dae Hyun.

Dae Hyun glanced at the face of his wife who had put on a dark face.

 "My name is Dae Hyun," he said without returning the woman's handshake.

 It was only after becoming acquainted with Dae Hyun that Min-seok introduced herself to Yeon Ho and Soo Yin. Made Soo Yin roll her eyes in disgust.

Min-seok didn't leave either even though Dae Hyun had asked her to leave even if subtly. It would be rude to openly throw her out.

 Since the first time she saw Dae Hyun, Min-seok was very interested in the handsome man's face. It didn't matter if he still had a wife while she can be close to him, it didn't matter. Now there were also many women having relationships in front of their wives. Even more so, Dae Hyun looked like a rich person. That made Min-seok even more incessant to approach him.

Soo Yin was about to wash the rice that had been provided. She was very upset with the woman who never left.

"Come here, let me wash the rice. You better take your brother to play with the others," Min-seok softly throw them away as she took the bowl filled with rice from Soo Yin's hand.

 "We came here to learn to cook rice, not just play," Soo Yin said curtly.

Dae Hyun was very aware that Soo Yin was very angry right now. Since Min-seok's arrival, her face had changed drastically. Not the slightest smile etched on her lips.

Soo Yin invited Jo Yeon Ho to come with her away a little. They had to do something to get the woman to leave right now.

"Yeon Ho, looks like that woman is trying to get close to your father. We better trick her out of here," Soo Yin whispered.

 Jo Yeon Ho just blinked his eyes repeatedly which indicated that he did not know about Soo Yin's meaning.

Soo Yin sighed softly.

 "Look, if that woman is with us we won't be able to learn to cook rice. We have to make her leave here," Soo Yin said.

"How to?" Yeon Ho asked with an innocent face.

Soo Yin raised her gaze while looking for an idea how to drive the woman away. Her gaze was fixed on the woman's skirt, which was made of wool.

 "Yeon Ho, you have to approach her and stick this twig in her skirt and then you pull it out and throw it away," Soo Yin said, trying to make Jo Yeon Ho understand what they should do.

Jo Yeon Ho began to nod his head and began to understand what he had to do. Soo Yin gave him a short branch that she found on the ground. It didn't matter if the woman got embarrassed later. It's her own fault to bother someone's husband.

After they finished washing the rice thoroughly, Soo Yin and Jo Yeon Ho approached the woman and her husband. The woman kept on chatting even though Dae Hyun didn't really respond. Even now she had dared to touch Dae Hyun's shoulder. Made Soo Yin even more furious.

As ordered, Jo Yeon Ho began carrying out his mission by tying the thread of the woman's skirt to a twig. Then he continued walking away. It turned out that the thread he was pulling was getting longer and longer. Meanwhile, Soo Yin was in charge of diverting the woman from feeling it. By inviting her to chat constantly.

Jo Yeon Ho then walked away from the tent according to what Soo Yin ordered. Exactly because he found an adorable little dog. It looks like the dog asked for a branch that Jo Yeon Ho brought for a toy. Before Jo Yeon Ho had time to give it, the dog had already taken it. Then took it while running farther away among the crowd who were playing kites.

Finding her son who hadn't returned, Soo Yin looked for him, worried that he might get lost. Luckily she could see the child not too far away.

"Yeon Ho, where was the branch?" Soo Yin asked when she saw that the branch was not in his hand.

"The little dog took it," Jo Yeon Ho said, pointing at the dog that was running while the branch was still in its mouth.

"You are really very smart. We better go back now," Soo Yin said. She took Jo Yeon Ho's little hand, which felt very smooth.

It's true as Soo Yin had expected, right now the woman's skirt was only half covering her thighs. She really didn't realize that her skirt was almost finished. Now her smooth thighs were even half visible.

Soo Yin glared hard at her husband so that he wouldn't look down at her.

 "Auntie, it looks like your skirt is stuck," said Soo Yin after standing near Min-seok.

Min-seok then looked down.

 "Arghhh!" she exclaimed, while covering her thighs with her palms. Her face immediately flushed in embarrassment.

Soo Yin who was beside Dae Hyun immediately pinched his waist to look away. Until it made Dae Hyun grimace in pain.

 "I'll excuse me first to change my clothes. Later I'll come back again," Min-seok said, who immediately walked with short steps away from their tent.

Soo Yin laughed cheerfully. Very happy to have gotten rid of that woman. No one will be allowed to seduce her husband.

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