After Park Soo Hyun came out, Dae Hyun then locked the door while holding back the emotions in his chest. Angry, so angry that he went back to punching the door so hard. He was angry because Park Soo Hyun was more annoying every day to tease his wife. Whereas he can't do many things.

Soo Yin even rubbed her chest in surprise. She looked at the face of the man who had occupied the highest position in her heart.

Dae Hyun then put his fist against the wall with a bowed position.

Soo Yin slowly stepped over to her desk to pick up her bag. Unexpectedly, her purpose to give him a surprise today would've ended up with a commotion between the two brothers.

Soo Yin let out a deep sigh as she continued to walk toward her husband.

"If I'm just making a fuss here, I'd better go home," Soo Yin said with trembling lips. Trying to be strong so that the crystal ball didn't fall out of the corner of her eye.

 Soo Yin didn't regret coming to the hotel early in the morning but she was sorry that she will cause a fight between them someday. It was already like that now, what about later. Really Soo Yin couldn't imagine if Park Soo Hyun would find out everything.

 Dae Hyun turned his head to hear his little wife say that. His eyes looked very clear to reduce anger. Without saying anything then he stepped his feet toward Soo Yin.

 Seeing her husband's expression made Soo Yin move backward. Never had seen Dae Hyun look at her like that.

 Dae Hyun quickly grabbed Soo Yin's nape so that she couldn't move then landed a kiss on her lips.

Soo Yin was suddenly surprised by what Dae Hyun did because she thought he was going to do something else. When Soo Yin's mouth opened, Dae Hyun then played with his tongue to explore every corner of his wife's mouth.

Until Soo Yin slowly closed her eyes and put her hand around Dae Hyun's neck. She felt that Dae Hyun's kiss this time was very different from being hasty. Not the soft, affectionate kiss he was used to. Dae Hyun continued to crush her lips roughly for a long time.

 Dae Hyun let go of his grasping after his emotions started to stabilize and he realized what he had done.

"Sorry," Dae Hyun said softly as he moved his body away. He almost lost control.

 "Are you mad?" Soo Yin said, while looking into her husband's eagle eyes. She moved her lips a little because they felt a little swollen.

Instead of answering, Dae Hyun hugged Soo Yin's body tightly. Trying to convince himself that his wife was only his and will not be owned by anyone else including Park Soo Hyun.

 "I'm just mad at myself for putting you in a difficult situation like this." Dae Hyun kept stroking Soo Yin's hair then kissing her forehead repeatedly.

 "Then what should I do? Sooner or later Park Soo Hyun will definitely ask me to answer him," Soo Yin saidsadly. Really can't bear if she had to reject Park Soo Hyun after giving him a long time.

 "I promise that after this meeting it will all be over. You just have to turn him down." Dae Hyun grabbed Soo Yin's face then kissed her forehead for a few moments before finally letting go.

"Hopefully everything goes well. Now go, didn't you say the meeting will be hold soon," Soo Yin said.

"Hmmm, it's okay to be late sometimes. Are you coming?" Dae Hyun asked.

"For what? Isn't the meeting attended only by family and important people?" Soo Yin just asked back.

"With you being there will make me feel much stronger," Dae Hyun said with a smile and then rubbed his wife's lips with his thumb.

Seeing Soo Yin's face this morning made Dae Hyun even more determined to immediately end his term as director of the hotel. He was sure that he will never regret his decision.

 "I'm just gonna be here waiting for you," said Soo Yin with a smile. She grabbed Dae Hyun's finger which was still on her cheek and squeezed it lightly.

 "Okay, stay here," Dae Hyun said before finally stepping out. He was ten minutes late which was sure to piss off the board of directors. It's actually even better, making it easier for him to step down from his position.



In the meeting room,

 Sure enough, as expected by Dae Hyun, all the chairs were filled with important hotel people. There was also Park Ji Hoon who had sat across the table. He seemed silent while massaging his temples. There were also his two uncles, namely Jung Woo who represented Aunt Hyun Bin and Goong Min who represented Aunt Shin-hye.

The others were investors who had invested a considerable amount of money in The Silla Seoul Hotel. Although there were some who did not come because some were outside the country.

Meanwhile, Park Soo Hyun sat next to Park Ji Hoon.

Dae Hyun first looked at everyone present and then bowed his body as a sign of respect and courtesy. The one who knew about the meeting that was held that day was Park Ji Hoon. Others didn't know anything about it because Dae Hyun didn't tell them when the invitation was given. They just thought it was like a regular meeting that was held every month.

 Dae Hyun took a deep breath of air from his nose then exhaled from his mouth to get rid of all his nervousness. Without sitting down first, he immediately stood at the place usually used for speeches.

 "Good morning, everyone. Thank you for coming to the meeting this time," Dae Hyun said while catching his breath.

The others seemed to be focused on listening while wondering what Dae Hyun's purpose was to gather them all.

"To the honorable Board of Directors, I would like to thank you all because all of you have entrusted me to lead this hotel. After much deliberation, it seems that we have to replace the head of this hotel with a new director." Dae Hyun paused for a moment.

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