Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 370 - 370 - A Surprise Failed

"How did you know it was a gift from me?" Dae Hyun asked. He didn't remember mentioning the name on the card. After all, two flowers were sent.

"Of course I know. It's impossible for you to give a greeting card with excessive words. You are not that type," said Soo Yin followed with a crisp laugh.

"Looks like my attempt to make a surprise failed because everyone was following me," Dae Hyun grumbled.

"Then who gave the roses?" he added.

"Of course your brother, who else is it? If I was an unstable girl, I might be flowery with his words," said Soo Yin with a chuckle. The look on her face looked very happy, forgot about the jealousy that had been burning.

"I'm a little lucky because he can't walk yet. I'm sure he'll probably be a lot more horrendous," Dae Hyun muttered under his breath but the words could be heard in Soo Yin's ears.

"Don't be angry. No matter how beautiful the writing is, I will be more impressed with what you gave," Soo Yin said spoiled. She embraced Dae Hyun's arm and rested her head on his shoulder for a moment.

"You're really good at seducing," said Dae Hyun. His face already looked much better. Like a flower that had just bloomed.

"Oh yeah, how are you going to take care of Hyo Rin? I'm really scared of her." Soo Yin sighed softly as she straightened herself back up to sit.

"Don't worry about it because I've already taken care of it. I just found out that her name is Hyo Rin," said Dae Hyun with his eyes fixed on the front. Focused on the street.

"How to?"

"You don't need to know, the most important thing is that she will keep her mouth shut," Dae Hyun said casually.


"Where are you going after this?" Soo Yin asked because Dae Hyun didn't answer her question when she was about to get into the car.

"Just go home, I want to rest. But before going home, get rid of those annoying flowers from my sight. I don't want to see them because they make my mood worse," Dae Hyun said while looking in the rearview mirror of the flowers on the back seat. Since the first time, Dae Hyun wanted to wipe them out of sight.

"Honey, the flower is innocent after all," Soo Yin coaxed while pouting her lips.

"I don't care, with other men's gifts. I feel like they all sit in the back. If you want flowers like that we can stop at the flower shop first," Dae Hyun said with great emphasis. Didn't want his words to be refuted.

"Okay," said Soo Yin, relented, instead of Dae Hyun's mood getting worse. She also did not want to argue at length with her husband.

"Next time if you're jealous just say it, there's no need to bring up the past." Dae Hyun had to straighten out Soo Yin's assumption because she thought strangely about him and Mi Young.

"I don't feel jealous. I'm just annoyed that you still seem very close to her," Soo Yin said without realizing it, because it was a natural thing.

"I just accidentally bumped into her who was carrying a book. The book fell scattered so I helped her. There was no purpose whatsoever for my good attitude towards her," said Dae Hyun with a long sigh. Explained a bit about what happened earlier so that Soo Yin would understand.

Soo Yin didn't admit that she was jealous even though her face was very sullen like a tangled thread. Maybe if no flower deliveryman came, until now she would still angry.

"I thought you two were together on purpose," said Soo Yin.

"Come on, let's not talk about it anymore." Dae Hyun didn't want the already good atmosphere to deteriorate again.

Dae Hyun still regretted because the surprise he gave her was too ordinary. He should have given a different one because he didn't know if Park Soo Hyun would do the same.

"Don't you want to go to the hospital?" Soo Yin asked. Actually there was a sense of wanting to invite him but she cancelled her intention.

"Later when I'm leaving," Dae Hyun said briefly.

"Alright." Soo Yin chose not to ask again. She chose to lean her head back spoiledly on Dae Hyun's shoulder.


It wasn't long before they arrived at the Pyeongchang-dong villa. Before they arrived, Soo Yin had already given the bouquets of flowers to someone else on the side of the road.

Leaving only the tulips that Dae Hyun gave her which now was in her hand. She was about to put it on the table even though Dae Hyun had asked to her throw it away. The reason was that there was nothing special with his gift this time. Even though according to Soo Yin, even the smallest gift would be very meaningful if it was from Dae Hyun.

Once in the room, Dae Hyun immediately threw his body on the soft bed. His body felt tired from lack of sleep last night and then in the morning he had to arrive in Seoul.

Soo Yin had just cleaned herself up when she came out and found her husband already asleep. She then sat on the side of the bed while she was looking closely at her husband's face which looked peaceful when he fell asleep. His face looked tired with fine lines etched on his forehead. His eye circles also darkened upon close inspection.

Ever since Park Soo Hyun was admitted to the hospital, Dae Hyun had to do his work by himself so he was very busy. Soo Yin regretted that she had made him angry and upset. But grateful that his heart had melted.

Being loved by a man who was too serious in all matters made their relationship went up and down. It didn't always go smoothly but Soo Yin felt that their relationship was full of color.

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