Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 390 - 390 - Latest Punishment

Her hands gripped the sheets tightly as Dae Hyun played with her sensitive areas. Moans and moans sounded very sexy out of her lips.

 Dae Hyun increasingly wanted to bring Soo Yin up in the air with a sweet touch that he will do. His subconscious didn't care if they were in the hotel.

 The sound of groans made the atmosphere of the room that was once quiet now looked more alive. With two people who were making love.

 An hour had passed that they united their love that was increasingly burning. Now Dae Hyun threw his body at Soo Yin's side. Too bad, he didn't have breakfast this morning. If only he would punish Soo Yin with a sweet punishment like this, he would definitely eat more to be more energetic.


Soo Yin was still lying down tiredly with Dae Hyun's arm being used as a cushion. Her brain couldn't think straight at what they had just done in the morning.

 "What about the punishment I gave? Do you like it?" Dae Hyun changed his position from supine to sideways. His hand reached out to brush away the messy strands of hair on a beautiful face that could make him want her all the time.

 "Where is this kind of punishment?" Soo Yin pursed her lips but her eyes lit up, showed that she was enjoying the morning.

 "That's the latest punishment that I will give if you are naughty," Dae Hyun said with a chuckle.

 "Then I will make you angry all the time," Soo Yin said while pinching Dae Hyun's waist who pretended to be groaning in pain.

 "No problem, all the time, I will punish you." Dae pinched Soo Yin's nose out of excitement.

 Soo Yin looked towards the window. Dimly seen the sun was getting brighter.

 "Go take a shower first. It's already noon, I don't want anyone to come," said Soo Yin.

 "Okay, why don't we take a bath together to save time?"

 "No, I won't." Soo Yin immediately moved her body away.

 "I mean, you shower inside and I outside," said Dae Hyun. He shook his head because his little wife must have thought something dirty of it.

"Okay." Soo Yin inched to the side of the bed while holding the pain in certain parts of her body.

 Without thinking, Soo Yin rushed into the bathroom before Dae Hyun wanted her back. She had to quickly change her clothes.

 Fifteen minutes later, they had finished bathing. Dae Hyun was already wearing his clothes while Soo Yin was still sitting in front of the mirror to dry her wet hair.

 "It seems like every morning has to be like this to make me more excited," said Dae Hyun while looking at Soo Yin in the mirror reflection.

 "I don't want it anymore," Soo Yin said with a smile.


 There was a knock on the door from outside.

 "Who is that?" Soo Yin suddenly stood up. Picked up her clothes that were scattered on the bed. Quickly she wore them all out of fright.

 "Don't be in a hurry, no one will dare to enter," said Dae Hyun casually. He grabbed his cell phone that was on the table. Then looked for the number to call.

 "Assistant Chang, please see who's outside. Tell the person if I'm busy so I don't want to be disturbed," said Dae Hyun who was talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes sir."

 After a short talk, Dae Hyun hung up the phone.

 The knocking on the door continued until Soo Yin was worried that it was Park Ji Hoon. She felt ashamed if her father-in-law caught them.

 "Honey, who exactly is outside? Why don't it stop?" said Soo Yin who was drying her hair. Her clothes were worn, though they wrinkled and messy.

 "What if it is father outside?" She added while turning her body towards Dae Hyun.

 "No way, it must be just an employee," said Dae Hyun.

 "It's impossible if it's an employee. They wouldn't dare to knock on the door that often," Soo Yin said while biting her lower lip. She had a bad feeling about this.

 "Stay here, I'll be out for a bit." Dae Hyun rubbed Soo Yin's shoulder first before stepping out and closing the door tightly.

 "Actually, where is Assistant Chang? Didn't I say that I'm busy," Dae Hyun grumbled as he continued to walk. He saw something that was wrapped around his hand. It was nine o'clock now. It turned out that they had been inside for quite a while before they realized it.

 Dae Hyun reached for the key from his trouser pocket then immediately opened the door.


 Dae Hyun was so surprised to see his mother and Aeri were at the door. There was also Chang Yuan behind them, he seemed to try to say it but he hadn't succeeded.

"Dae Hyun, what exactly are you doing? Why did it take you so long?" Mrs. Park said while knitting her eyebrows.

 "I'm really busy checking the monthly financial reports, Mom. It requires high concentration so I don't want to be disturbed," said Dae Hyun.

 "What are you guys doing here?" Dae Hyun was suspicious of their arrival.

 "So what? Can't mother come to this hotel? We were just passing by and suddenly we wanted to stop by. Won't you let us in?" Mrs. Park said because Dae Hyun actually closed the door from the outside.

 "No, it's just that you don't normally visit here." As much as possible, Dae Hyun was relaxed and not nervous. Didn't want to let her mother get suspicious.

 "Where is Soo Yin? Is she busy? Today mother wants to take her for shopping," said Mrs. Park.

 Dae Hyun scratched the back of his head with a pounding heart. He hesitated to say about what Soo Yin was doing right now.

 "She's inside, mother. She helps me to check the reports."

 "Then let mother come in and see her. She was in such a hurry last night that I haven't had a chance to talk to her." Mrs. Park stepped her feet without caring about Dae Hyun who was right in front of the door to block her. Then she opened the door, while Aeri continued to follow behind.

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