The residents continued to shout very loudly until now more and more residents were coming even though the snow had not yet subsided. They came in droves with their children and wives.

 "How is it?" Soo Yin's body trembled with fear. Afraid that people will do something bad. She pulled the sweater that wrappedaround her body.

 "Calm down." Although Park Soo Hyun panicked but as much as possible he tried to calm Soo Yin down.

 'Daehyun, help me. I miss you,' ~ Soo Yin thought. Tears slowly trickled down her cheeks. She really regretted of not being obedient.

 "Hurry and drag them!" shouted the people in a crowd.

"Park Soo Hyun, I'm scared," Soo Yin sobbed louder.

 "Relax, everything will be fine." Park Soo Hyun continued to think positively even though he was currently also scared. He must be able to assure her that they will definitely get out of this problem.

 Park Soo Hyun spread his arms when the residents were about to drag them. Tried to prevent them from touching Soo Yin.

 "Enough, please don't take the law into your own hands," Park Soo Hyun snapped.

 But it was a shame because the residents didn't even listen to him.

The citizens seemed to have no mercy at all. Didn't care about Soo Yin who had difficulty of walking. They kept dragging Soo Yin and Park Soo Hyun to the village head's place there. The residents paraded until Soo Yin's body ached all over.

 Park Soo Hyun couldn't do anything because the more they refused, the more people would beat them. If Soo Yin's legs were fine, maybe they could run to escape.

 Park Soo Hyun and Soo Yin were pushed to the ground in front of a house. Some of the residents even pelted them with mineral water bottles and stones.

 Park Soo Hyun tried to cover Soo Yin's body from the people's wrath. He couldn't bear to let Soo Yin get stoned.

The atmosphere was getting busier but very tense for Soo Yin. More and more citizens came as if they were a show to watch.

 Soo Yin snuggled under Park Soo Hyun's body. She continued to sob, if only her legs weren't hurt she might have fought them a long time ago.

 "What's with this crowd?" A middle-aged man came out of the house with a woman. His body was tall and his chest was perfectly straight.

 "Master, punish them right now!" shouted one of the residents until it echoed throughout the open area.

 "That's right, punish them right now!"

The atmosphere was getting busier and out of control. They kept throwing pebbles until it hit Park Soo Hyun's head. As much as possible Park Soo Hyun covered Soo Yin's body so as not to be hit by their throws.

 Park Soo Hyun had to look down because his head hurt quite a bit from the stone.

 "Park Soo Hyun, get out of the way. Don't stay on top of me because you'll get hurt," said Soo Yin.

 "No problem at all. Your safety is much more important. Being this close to you is enough to make me happy," said Park Soo Hyun with a smile. However, their current situation was precarious.

Soo Yin just sighed resignedly to hear Park Soo Hyun's brag.

 "Please calm down everyone," said a man who looked dignified and his appearance was very calm.

 He was a village chief.

 Soo Yin was able to breathe a little relieved because the man's calm words were able to silence the people even if only for a moment.

 "Please explain, why did you make a fuss like this? Then who are they?" said the village chief. His gaze wandered around, looking at the residents before finally looking at the two humans who were still curled up on the ground.

Felt that it was safe enough, Park Soo Hyun shifted his body. He helped Soo Yin to get up.

 "They are a couple who want to commit nasty things in our village, sir," said one of the residents so loudly.

 "No, sir. They all misunderstood us." Soo Yin continued to refute what they said. Tears were now streaming down her cheeks.

 "Where's the thief screaming thief! It's clear that we saw them kissing."

 Soo Yin glared at the residents' words. What kiss? They didn't even hold on eachother. Soo Yin couldn't help but think that the citizens thought so lowly of her.

The village at the foot of the mountain was still too traditional. They still highly uphold the values ​​and customs of their village. Residents didn't like it when a couple did something before getting married. Their behavior gave a negative impact to the villagers.

 They also thought that if a couple did nasty things on their village, then the village will be affected by disaster.

 Park Soo Hyun reached into his cellphone but before he had time to open the screen, the cellphone had been seized by the residents.

 Park Soo Hyun could have fought back, but there were too many citizens. On the other hand, Soo Yin's leg hurt so he didn't want to take a big risk.

"We didn't kiss!" Soo Yin stated as loudly as possible. Although her voice sounded low.

 "Park Soo Hyun, why are you silent? We didn't do anything." Soo Yin shook Park Soo Hyun's arm as she continued to cry.

 "It's useless for us to argue because people won't believe it. They are already very emotional." Park Soo Hyun sighed in resignation. He believed as long as there was the village chief, the residents will not do anything.

 "Hey young man, would you please explain?" The village chief looked complicatedly at Park Soo Hyun and Soo Yin. There was a pity when he saw Soo Yin's face that looked disheveled and messy.

"Sir, I beg you to help us. The residents just misunderstood. We were just sheltering in the hut. I swear we didn't do nothing." Soo Yin ran over to the Village Chief, then knelt down in front of him. Tried to forget the pain in her feet.

 "Get up, miss." The Village Chief helped Soo Yin to stand up.

 Park Soo Hyun immediately approached Soo Yin. It was unbelievable that Soo Yin would do that.

 "That's right, sir. We really didn't do anything." Park Soo Hyun tried to speak but the citizens looked impatient to punish them.

"Punish them now! After that, we will marry them in the village tonight. It's better than them doing something indecent in another place."

 Residents kept cheering saying that they should be punished and then got married.

 "Marry?" Soo Yin mumbled with a body that was already shaking violently. She shook her head, didn't believe what she heard. Her mind swayed and she was almost collapsed if Park Soo Hyun didn't support her.

 For some reason, when the residents wanted to marry them off, Park Soo Hyun actually felt very happy. He would happily marry Soo Yin right now because that was what he wanted for a long time.

 The chaos was getting more and more unstoppable because now the residents were throwing stones and wood again.

 Soo Yin tried to cover her head with her hands because her forehead was already bruised.

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