The Silla Seoul Hotel,

As per Soo Yin's request not to make a fuss, Dae Hyun came to the hotel to meet his brother. It was not too late yet so there was no way Park Soo Hyun had gone home.

 Dae Hyun observed the hotel which now felt very foreign to him. The hotel already looked different from the last time he'd seen it. No hotel visitors are as crowded as they used to be.

The normally bright rooms now looked dark without any light. The number of bright rooms was not even half of it though they were usually always crowded. That meant only a few were occupied by visitors.

 Dae Hyun let out a long sigh as he was thinking about the current condition of the hotel. He didn't think that his departure would have such a far-reaching effect.

 "Master Dae Hyun, you're finally back." There was a man who looked very happy to see Dae Hyun's arrival.

Dae Hyun, who was looking at the hotel building, immediately looked back. There was a middle-aged man walking towards him.

 "How are you, sir?" said Hae Kang who was one of the deputy directors at the hotel.

 "As you can see now I'm fine," said Dae Hyun flatly.

"Since you left this hotel, everything has become very messy. Especially after your two uncles interfered with the many rules that were made," said Hae Kang, who immediately released his anxiety.

 "Why did you tell me? I'm no longer in charge of this hotel because there are other leaders," said Dae Hyun. There was sadness in his heart when he saw that the hotel that he had been fought for for a long time was now very pathetic.

"Sir, can't you return to this hotel? Only you can make this hotel survive again. Many employees even resigned because of inadequate wages," explained Hae Kang.

 "You can protest to the finance department."

 "The service for guests is also very bad now. Many guests have complained about it."

"Enough, you should have told Park Soo Hyun not me, because only he can change the rules. After all, I came here only to meet my brother, not to return to the hotel," said Dae Hyun with a distant gaze.

 "Since morning Mr. Park Soo Hyun hasn't come to work," said Hae Kang.

 "Is that true?" Dae Hyun frowned.

 "Really, sir. We can't even contact him," said Hae Kang.

"Then I have to go now." Dae Hyun immediately got into his car then drove quickly to the UN Village.

 Not long after, Dae Hyun had parked his car in the UN Village yard. He didn't come down for a while as he was trying to contact Park Soo Hyun. It turned out to be true if the number was no longer active.

 Dae Hyun just realized that there were two cars parked in front of the house. So he immediately got down out of curiosity and stepped into the house.

It turned out that the living room was crowded. There were Jung Woo and Hyung Sik who were both Dae Hyun's uncles. The atmosphere there was tense because it seemed like they were discussing something very important.

 Dae Hyun massaged his temples as everyone's faces looked serious. Jung Woo and Hyung Sik's faces immediately showed their dislikes when they saw his arrival. Their eyes looked like they were looking at the enemy.

 In contrast to the facial expressions of Hae Sok, Park Ji Hoon, and Mrs. Park who can slightly breathe a sigh of relief. They seemed to have hope to see Dae Hyun suddenly come there.

"Well, it turns out that there are guests here. No wonder it sounds very crowded from outside," Dae Hyun quipped to his two uncles. They must want something right now so they came to visit.

 Instead of answering, the two men just looked the other way. Looked like this time their efforts will fail.

 "Dae Hyun, sit here," Hae Sok said as she patted the empty sofa next to her.

Dae Hyun then sat down according to his grandmother's request.

 "What are you guys talking about? It seems very serious," said Dae Hyun, he pretended as if he couldn't guess what was going on.

 "Dae Hyun, go back to work at the hotel again if you still love grandma," Hae Sok asked hopefully.

 "Your brother can't be contacted since last night. We don't know where he is right now. If the director's position is vacant, the hotel situation will be even more difficult," explained Hae Sok to give understanding to her eldest grandson because he was the only hope.

"What a coward! He actually ran away in times of need like this," Dae Hyun cursed angrily.

 "Mom, we don't agree if Dae Hyun comes back again. He has brought shame to the family and the hotel as well. It's not appropriate for a leader to have up to two wives, especially since one of his wives has no clear origins. How could he ever control the hotel?" said Jung Woo who strongly disagreed.

 "That's right, wasn't there an agreement long ago. If a director can only have one woman," Hyung Sik replied.

Dae Hyun only gritted his teeth when he heard his two uncles said that Soo Yin had no clear origins.

 "Indeed, there used to be an agreement like that. But I don't agree if you take the lead because it destroys the hotel. You are only the son-in-law in this family so you have no rights. Besides, in the past you had led the hotel. But what did we get? You two would actually have made the hotel bankrupt if Dae Hyun didn't hurry back from abroad and take over," said Park Ji Hoon with a chest that was heaving up and down.

"That's in th past. Now everything's different, even though Dae Hyun returned, it'll still be useless because his life is full of scandals. The hotel will be labeled bad because of a bad leader," Jung Woo argued fiercely.

 "Because of Dae Hyun and Park Soo Hyun's actions now the hotel is getting quieter. If you give it to us, it will certainly be able to rise and triumph again," said Hyung Sik while looking at Hae Sok.

"What did you say? Weren't you the ones who changed hotel policies on your own? Many employees even resigned because of inadequate wages. How long are you going to act like you used to again." Dae Hyun smiled lopsidedly at his two uncles as they sat opposite each other.

 "How did you know about that? Of course the policy must be changed so as not to harm the hotel," said Hyung Sik.

They continued to argue non-stop, causing Hae Sok to feel dizzy and her chest felt tight. She really didn't want her son and son-in-laws to be divided like this.

 "Enough," Hae Sok said while holding her chest which was getting tighter.

 "Grandma," Dae Hyun said in a panic when he saw Hae Sok who suddenly fell unconscious.

 "Mother, wake up," said Mrs. Park who was hysterically afraid that something will happen to her mother-in-law.

 Everyone who was wearing a tense face was now very worried.

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