His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 68 - Let's Get Married

''I didn't want to rush it, but since she has mentioned it, let's get married. ''




Shock, bewilderment, confusion, surprise, astonishment all washed over Tiana's face.

Did he just fake-propose to her in front of his whole family?!

Tiana didn't even want to think about the repercussions of what he had just done.

Michelle dug the pit, but he just made matters worse by pushing them right into it. She didn't even know how to reply, her throat was so dry from shock.

''Beautiful, will you marry me? ''

Nicklaus asked again, pulling Tiana from her daze; if she was thinking she had misheard earlier, his voice resounding in her ears at that moment proved that she had not heard wrong.

He was gazing at her so intently, deep emotions engraved in his eyes. If she didn't know that he was just faking it, she would have really thought he meant it. But what was his plan? Tiana wondered, but she knew that there was no time to think about that. She had to play her part.

Swallowing hard, her tiny hands raised to his face, and she cupped his chin, his stubble tickling her palm as her fingers caressed his face.

''Nicklaus… are you… are you serious now? ''

She asked endearingly, her eyes searching his features for any element of falsity in them.

When her hands touched his face, Nicklaus felt his heart skip a bit. Earlier, when he heard what Michelle said, he had thought of the surest means to save them from that dilemma and proposing to her there was the only way he could think about. Although he was sure that she knew it was a fake proposal; when he felt her hands on his face, and her piercing gaze searching his, he couldn't help but wish that it was real. That the look she gave him was that of deep love and affection and not of shock and bewilderment.

''Beautiful, I can't be any more serious; I just can't imagine myself with anyone else... ''

''Oh my god, Nicklaus… ''

Tiana's hands went to her mouth, and she covered them as though in shock, her eyes glistening. The next second, her hands flew around his neck like a baby who had just seen her mother after a long day at school.

Nicklaus was not expecting her to hug him so heartily; for a split second he actually forgot that she hated him. He toppled backwards on the couch before he stabled with her in his arms, her head nestled in the crook of his neck.

''Yes, baby, yes! I'll marry you. God! I can't believe this is happening! ''

''Did he just propose? ''

Grandma asked, her voice resounding in the living room. Everyone was gaping at them as though they were some alien who just fell from the moon.

''I think he just did. ''

Grandpa completed with a vibrant smile.

''Nicklaus is getting married?!''

Elizabeth asked as though she could not believe the exchange that just happened in front of her.

Everyone was extremely surprised. It wasn't enough shock that he got a girlfriend, now he was getting married?

Nobody even expected it in the least. Now that he proposed to Tiana in front of them all, no-one could say that he was a gay or that he had hired her to act as a girlfriend.

The other occupants of the room were chatting amongst themselves and didn't notice the exchange going on between Nicklaus and Tiana at that moment.

When Tiana threw her arms around him, Nicklaus reflexively hugged her around the waists. Her scent enveloped his senses. She smelt so sweet, and he felt himself getting drunk with her scent that he didn't want to let her go.

Tiana hugged him for a little while more and then she released her grip around his neck to sit back properly, but when she tried to shift from him, he tightened his grip around her, pulling her further towards him.

Her brows creased in shock;

What the hell was he doing?

She waited a moment and tried again, but Nicklaus didn't show any sign of letting go;

''what are you doing? ''

She whispered in his left ear;

Her breath tickled his ears, and Nicklaus' throat tightened.

He didn't even know why he was still hugging her; he just didn't want to part with her scent, as though he was engraving it into his deepest memories. even when he heard her call out to him, his hands tightened even more.

''Alright, lovebirds, you can let go of each other now. ''

Grandpa said, and almost everyone in the room laughed. Nicklaus slowly let go of Tiana's waists when he heard grandpa call, and they turned to look at the rest of the family;

''I think this calls for a celebration, hurry, go get the drinks. ''

Grandpa ordered and Richard, being the youngest around, stood up and left the room for the wine cellar.

Michelle couldn't believe how the tables turned around. Her heart was slamming rapidly against her chest as her face grew pale.

She could swear minutes ago that she was sure that Nicklaus had hired Tiana, but at that moment, she was no longer sure.

Did he know what proposing meant? He would really have to marry her because grandpa and Grandma were involved, and it was a Howells wedding. The entire world would have to know about it.

Or wait… was he planning to dissolve the engagement later on and claim that it didn't work out between them?

Ha! Then he really must be delusional because she wouldn't let him go away with it!

Since he had proposed in front of everyone, then rest assured, he would carry on till the end.

''congratulations to the both of you; it's really a thing of joy to see that you're working hard to replace your late father. Nicklaus, hope the wedding would be soon? Ah, grandpa, since it's a Howells Family Wedding, it should be announced to the media quickly! ''

Michelle exclaimed, turning to Grandpa with a sweet smile. Just when Grandpa was about to reply, someone, who had not spoken since they sat in the living room, spoke, making everyone turn to him.

''No, don't you think it's rushed. They should have enough time to themselves. Besides, Tiana is very new to public eye; she may not cope with it if everything is so fast. They should take it slow and everything should be well planned to avoid mistakes. ''

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