His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


When Hu Lei woke up the next morning, Zhong Feng had already left the apartment. She did not know his plan for getting Murong Fai, but she trusted him. She only needed to focus on finding Lu Liang and having a good talk with her.

She lingered in bed before deciding that she would have to stalk Lu Liang the old fashioned way. It would not be too hard to find information by hovering around the Murong estate. At worst, she would simply find one of her stepdaughters and beat the information out of them.

Of course, that was a last resort.

When she was getting ready to leave, she received a call from an unknown number. She frowned and picked the call, but she did not speak.

"Hello, Hu Lei. This is Qi Han." A warm, cultured voice came through.

"What can I do for you, Mr Qi?" She asked impatiently.

"It is not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you." The man laughed as he spoke the cliché in an overly familiar tone.

Hu Lei almost felt her annoyance spike. "I have a busy day ahead of me, so I would appreciate if you did not waste my time Mr Qi."

The cold voice sobered Qi Han. "Actually, I just wanted you to know that I found your mother wandering a little listlessly in the city, and I helped her out."

Hu Lei sneered. Even if Lu Liang had been kicked out of the Murong family, she would hardly be destitute. She was a survivor and always had a plan. Though she had many failings, the woman was not stupid. So, she did not know what Qi Han was playing at.

"What does this have to do with me?" She asked icily.

Qi Han felt a little awkward as he looked at the older woman across him, drinking a cup of tea. Her face did not betray that she had an inkling of what was going on. But, the strain around her red eyes betrayed that she had had little sleep for a while. His heart became firmer. He was determined to help these two people reconcile.

"Your mother told me that she has been trying to get in touch with you, but she has not managed to speak to you." He said. He did not dare say that Lu Liang had told him that Hu Lei had hung up on her immediately after realising she was the caller.

Unfortunately, Hu Lei could guess what had occurred.

Hu Lei almost laughed at the woman's ability to turn things around without a hint of shame. Every time she thought that this mother had hit rock bottom in her shamelessness, she always showed her that she could go even lower.

After a moment of silence, Qi Han spoke. "Just give her a chance, Hu Lei. If there is an opportunity for reconciliation for your family, you should take it. If you wait too long, it will be impossible to resolve the problem. In the end, you will regret it if you are completely estranged."

He thought of his stepbrother who had attempted to kill him and how he had had to exile him from Supreme City. Now, he had lost a family member who he had always considered to be his real brother and thought would always stand beside him. He felt that Hu Lei was being dismissive of her mother and missing out on happiness.

Hu Lei felt disgusted by the superior tone of the advising man who thought that he understood everything. She hated when people used their own experiences and self-righteousness to judge others. There were no identical situations, and people were different. Why did he feel like he had a right to make assumptions and offer unsolicited advice without basis?

Still, she needed to see Lu Liang.

"Alright. Send me the address."

Qi Han sent her a pin of the location and looked at Lu Liang with a smile. "I told you that you just needed to reason with her. She listened, and she is coming."

Lu Liang looked at the handsome man and felt contempt for him. She had thought highly of him, but it seemed that he was not anything special. She had even encouraged Murong Yue in her crush because he had seemed like an astute man who could benefit them.

Now, she realised that he was a bit foolish and lacking in experience in spite of the rumours of a criminal background. Moreover, it seemed like he had feelings for that daughter of hers. However, the fact that he was easy to manipulate seemed to work in her favour.

When he had come looking for her, she had been worrying about her next step while in her hotel room. At the time, she had been considering calling Hu Lei and negotiating with her in exchange for some benefits. She knew that the girl wanted custody for her brother, so she had been letting her stew so that she could have the upper hand.

However, after evaluating her finances properly, she felt a little apprehensive. She had never realised how expensive life in Supreme City was. She could not afford to stay in a hotel for too long, especially if Murong Cheng delayed the money he had promised her for the divorce.

Then, Qi Han had showed up wanting to talk about Hu Lei.

She had told him about how she had been planning to reconcile with Hu Lei. She had added a little salt and spice in relation to their bad relationship until Qi Han had been thoroughly convinced that she was a good mother and a saint.

In reality, Lu Liang just wanted to use him to pressure Hu Lei into giving in to her financial demands. At the same time, she thought that if Qi Han trusted her, she would have someone to turn to in case her life became tougher.

It was even better that he was in love with that daughter of hers. She wanted him to believe that as long as he was good to her, he would have a chance with Hu Lei. If things worked out the way she wanted, she would not only be rid of that burden of a sickly son. She would have money and backing in Supreme City.

She sipped her sweet tea with satisfaction.

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