His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


In the converted hangar, Zhong Feng looked over the information collected by Interpol. He had not imagined that there was so much that he did not know about the organisation after exhausting all his intelligence on learning about them.

He dialled the international number he had called earlier and waited for his contact in Interpol to pick the call.

"Mr Zhong, how are things progressing? I apologise, but this is the only team available at your location." The man responded without waiting for him to speak.

"Agent Larsen is quite helpful. It seems that we have the same target." He paused deliberately. He did not believe in this coincidence. "I would like to know your progress with the matter we talked about earlier. If possible, I would like to take down the organisation in one fell swoop."

There was a sigh from the other end.

"We have put a lot of resources into the matter. However, we will not be able to convict without information about their research activities." He said. "According to the latest report, the information about research studies is controlled by the woman Agent Larsen is pursuing, Dr Brown. We have not informed the agents because the matter is currently need-to-know only."

Zhong Feng frowned.

"We sent in our best intelligence personnel to infiltrate the board members and find actionable information. However, there is no indication of any related data from all ends. Our theory is that they caught wind of your sniffing around and Interpol's involvement, and they trashed their data." The man continued.

"Are you saying that there will be no enough evidence to convict even after they have targeted and kidnapped my wife?" Zhong Feng asked coldly.

"We have informed Agent Larsen to recover all information from the woman's ship. If our intelligence is right, she is the only one with any useable records at the moment. If we lose this chance, the opportunity for taking down the International Health Alliance will be lost forever." The man said solemnly.

"I understand."

"I am reassured with you there. I know your technical skills are superior to our best agents." The man laughed a little.

Zhong Feng disconnected the call, unwilling to hear more.

For him, this case was about Hu Lei. However, for the man at Interpol, it was an opportunity for a promotion. After all, it would be a great merit for him to be responsible for taking out a human trafficking ring that violated tens of international laws under the guise of charity.

The hangar door opened, and Kaito and two agents entered. Kaito had changed from his fine suit into more rugged clothes. Moreover, there was a scar on his face.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think?" He paused.

"Are you sure that woman is interested in you?" Zhong Feng asked with sincere seriousness.

After all, Kaito's role in finding Hu Lei was not small. He had also seen the photos of the people that she had taken. They were all lively sunshine young men. It was strange for a psychopath to change their taste suddenly.

"You wound me." Kaito sighed. "She picked me from a group of other mercenaries without hesitation. She can tell a gem beneath the scar."

"Are you sure you would like to have her interested in you?" Kristian asked.

Kaito felt a shiver down his spine when he remembered the various appearances of the beautiful boys who had been found dead a few months after brief disappearances around the world.

Kristian turned to Zhong Feng.

"Are you sure that you do not want to choose a long con? We will have a higher rate of assured success in finding that woman. If we act rashly, we might lose her. She is experienced. Despite watching her this whole time, we have been unable to identify her ship or any other base." He said.

"The priority is my wife. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to find her. She can fend for herself for a while, but I do not want any delays. The fact that the woman is cautious and experienced means that we have to act as fast as possible." Zhong Feng responded.

Kristian nodded and looked at Kaito. He wondered how he had come to work with a criminal.

"You cannot wear a wire, but we will be watching you." He told him with a hidden gaze. "For your protection, of course."

Kaito smiled. "Then, I am reassured. I am afraid that the beast has plans to take me quickly and ravage me."

Kristian scoffed.

Zhong Feng stood up. "I will see you out."

Kaito nodded.

The two men walked outside under the watchful eyes of the agents. Once they were far enough, Zhong Feng looked at Kaito with intense seriousness.

"I want a location before you return. I am sure that you can coerce information before calling in Agent Larsen." He said in a low voice.

"I understand. Do not worry. We will find Hu Lei in no time." Kaito reassured him.

If he could not break the person sent to pick him up in a few minutes, he would not deserve the title of the most feared assassin.

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