His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


In Yama Plaza, Yamazaki Daiki was concentrating on his work. He wanted to finish up quickly so that he could spend some time with Akira. If he left work early, he could perhaps have a moment to teach her Go or classic chess.

It could be their father and daughter activity.

The blissful man was lost in his imagination as he thought of how Akira would be happy as they challenged each other in a battle of wits.

Unfortunately, he did not know the mishap which had befallen his beloved wife.

As he continued working, his office phone buzzed. He accepted absentmindedly.

"President Yamazaki, Mr Ito Sanraku is here!" His secretary spoke in her usual calm tone.

Daiki felt irritated because this person would cause his work period to extend a little longer. Still, he could not ignore the man, even though he felt they were barely related. His wife treasured her sister, so he could only accept the situation.

"Send him in." He responded curtly.

After a few moments, a man entered the room with a smile on his face. He was not an ugly man. He was of average height and average build, but he did not stand out at all. Also, his facial features made one feel like he was untrustworthy.

"Brother-in-law!" He shouted.

Daiki was repulsed by the name and felt even more impatient. He could be finishing up his work and on his way home.

"Mr Ito, please have a sit. What can I do for you?" He asked directly to avoid wasting time.

As Ito Sanraku sat on the comfortable chair, he realised that Daiki was a little put off by his sudden appearance. However, he could not give up easily. He did not want to keep swimming in the small pond. He wanted to get into the big leagues.

So for now, he needed to bow his head to the arrogant man before him.

"Brother-in-law, I know I am taking up your valuable time. But I need your help for a matter." He said with a hint of begging.

Daiki had expected as much. "What do you need?"

"You might have heard that someone is building a racetrack just outside mountain ridge as well as a luxury car complex. It is a major project!" He paused. "It is not only going to be a big-money development. It will change the position future of the companies involved."

Daiki had a bad feeling about the direction of the conversation.

"Can you help me get the contract for the construction? It will change everything for my family!" The man asked.

Daiki looked at the man and felt like Ito Sanraku lacked enough brains.

"I do not know how I can help you. I have heard of this matter, but I have no connection with it. The racetrack is being built by the owner of Clarion Motor City. You know as well as I do that he is from Supreme City. How could I have anything to do with him?" Daiki did not want to waste more time.

The other man laughed a little unpleasantly.

"You have a connection. You just do not know it yet." He said.

"What connection?" Daiki asked impatiently.

"You have a good relationship with the Furukawa family, don't you?" He asked.

Daiki did not know if he should consider the relationship good. The Furukawa family had moved to Mountain Ridge not too long ago. However, they were an affluent family with a major company with extensive international connections in the security market.

He had handled a few business dealings with the family. As the CEO of an electronics company, he always prioritised security, and the Furukawa family was the best in the area. His relationship with them was primarily business-based although their private interactions were also not bad.

In the end, Daiki nodded.

The other man laughed a little vulgarly.

"I have looked into the life of the owner of Clarion Motor City, and I found out that the youngest Furukawa son had a very good relationship with him." He said suggestively.

Daiki frowned.

"What do you mean?" He asked even though he had an idea of the underlying meaning.

"You know, that kind of relationship. Moreover, based on my findings, he dotes on that Furukawa boy quite a lot." Ito added.

Ito knew that his information was not very reliable and was based on loose speculations made on tabloid websites. However, he did not think there was smoke without fire.

"What does their relationship have to do with your business?" Daiki frown lines became even more prominent.

Ito felt awkward because Daiki was not being cooperative. However, he did not want to say expressly that he wanted Daiki to talk to the Furukawa family so that they could ask their son to get his business the contract for the construction.

Daiki sighed in repressed displeasure. "Let me ask you, you have spent so much time plotting how to use your relationships to get the contract. But have you considered the practical issues if you were to get the contract by some miracle?"

"Do you have the professional knowledge and experience for designing and building a racetrack, more so, on a meandering and dangerous hill? If one thing is not perfect, people will die. How would you take responsibility then?"

"Have you also thought about the potential costs of the project? It is not like you are unfamiliar with the construction industry. You will not get upfront payment for the entire project. How do you plan to cover the expenses during the construction period?"

"Do you assume that the materials used in building these kinds of places are the same as regular roads? The operational costs for the project will be astronomical. Moreover, you will need a lot of skilled labourers. Do you have the management capabilities?"

Daiki knew that his tone was rude, but he was quite displeased with the man. He had helped him with a few small projects when he heard of something suitable. However, why was he trying to swallow an elephant?

Ito felt embarrassed after being lectured even though he knew that everything Daiki had said was true. However, he was not willing to give up the opportunity.

Moreover, he felt like Daiki was deliberately trying to stand in his way.

He stood up.

"If you do not want to help me, just say it. No need to use so many words." He spat out before walking out the door.

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