His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


The chauffeur dropped off Akira and her parents outside a large gate made of solid dark brown wood. The engraved sign above the gate was large and ostentatious with clear golden words: Celestial Blossom Garden.

The garden was surrounded by a tall brick fence covered in creeping ivy with small purple flowers smattered across the surface. In essence, the garden was a delight even before one stepped into the sacred land.

The double sliding gate opened as the three people walked towards it. Akira looked to the corner and noticed the cameras used for monitoring the guests.

She glanced away nonchalantly and looked at the garden.

She immediately understood the reason guests could not enter the garden in vehicles. The Celestial Blossom Garden did not have an internal roadway.

The garden looked raw and untouched. The flowering trees seemed to grow freely and wildly, making one forget that it was a controlled environment. Moreover, the grass covering the ground was also thriving.

The entire sight was like a paradise secluded from the hustle and bustle of the city.

"What do you think? Isn't it beautiful?" Sayaka asked with a smile.

Akira nodded distractedly.

The cherry blossom scent intoxicated her for a moment before she realised the reason the aroma resonated with her. It is the fragrance that always followed that man. Unfortunately, the scent lacked the coolness of mint.

She tried to shake him from her head.

She wanted to focus on him as a mission target. If she was distracted, she might miss out on something important.

Moreover, if he was as dangerous as the chief and Rai had said, it would be best not to think about playing with him.

She lifted her hand to adjust her hat as the natural flowery breeze hit her.

The soft ring of the bell around her wrist made her heart feel a little uncomfortable. She did not know what possessed her to ignore the new jewellery Hina had brought her and wear the ornate silver bracelet she had gotten from Kaito.

She told herself it was because it is the only thing that matched her casual spring dress. However, she knew that it was a lie.

"Akira, there is something that we did not tell you about this flower-viewing party," Sayaka spoke up as they walked through the forest of trees.

Akira lifted her brows in surprise.

"As I said before, the owner of the garden is a bit eccentric." Sayaka continued.

Akira nodded. She had learned earlier that the man had many rules concerning his flower viewing event. He did not even allow people to come to his garden with high-heeled shoes.

"Well, it is not a major matter, but I do not want you to get caught off-guard in case of anything. The owner is a bit of an art enthusiast, so he appreciates if his guests create and leave something artistic in the pavilion at the centre of the garden." Sayaka said.

Daiki scoffed. "Don't put it so mildly. For every invitation, the owner requires something in exchange. It can be calligraphy, a painting or a musical performance. Otherwise, he will not allow an offending person back for the next party."

Akira frowned. "Is it that important for people to attend this flower-viewing party?"

Sayaka and Daiki both sighed.

"This place is the same as an ancient gathering centre where the literary capabilities of scholarly families are judged. A lot of important teachers, political figures and business people attend this annual party. If someone, especially from the younger generation stands out, their future is set." Sayaka said.

"Not only the young people. An old patriarch was able to earn national recognition online and revive his artistic career after creating a beautiful painting here." Daiki sighed. "Unfortunately, any art made during the flower viewing party belongs to the owner."

"What if someone performs a play or a song?" Akira asked with curiosity.

"He owns the right to that specific performance and can distribute or sell it as he likes," Daiki explained.

'What a bizarre man!' Akira thought.

Moreover, he was also a cold-hearted profiteer. If an important scholar or artiste created something good, he could earn a couple of million in a single moment.

"Don't worry. I will represent the three of us since we are under one invite." Sayaka said quickly, thinking that Akira was worried. "I have not picked a brush for a few years, but I can still manage."

Akira nodded.

She did not have any intention of actively participating in this strange event.

The three walked to the central area of the garden in silence. Once again, Akira was impressed by the beauty of the garden and the meticulous thoughts of the creator. He had probably thought about holding these parties from the beginning.

At the centre of the garden was a large and raised futuristic pavilion. The floor was made of light brown solid wood while the convoluted, geodesic top seemed to be moulded from a glass-like material, possibly polycarbonate.

The interior space could be seen from the multiple entrances and at angles. Moreover, the different pavilion sections seemed to be set up as workstations. Multiple easels were placed around the pavilion, and calligraphy paper, brushes, pens and other supplies were placed on worktables.

If an unrelated person came to the garden, they would assume it was some kind of school competition.

As they walked up the steps and into the pavilion, Akira was drawn to the centre of the pavilion. The centre was raised higher than the rest of the floor. This area had multiple instruments set up around the small lighted stage.

The garden owner did not leave anything to chance. He intended to milk the opportunity for all it was worth.

As Akira was thinking about this matter, two older women approached them.

"Mr Yamazaki, Mrs Yamazaki, it is good to see you here." One of the women spoke up with an insincere smile.

"We thought you would surely not come because of your family situation." The other woman added with a shake of the head.

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