Adeline staggered backwards, her eyes trembling. She glanced at her fingertips, which had gone cold with fear. Her face paled and she dashed for the doors. 

"Your Grace?" Stella cried out, startled by the abrupt opening of the doors. 

Stella was just about to enter with the new tray of snacks that the Queen had requested. She blinked once, and already noticed the Queen racing down the staircase, as if she was chased by a demon.

Adeline could hear the quickly approaching footsteps of her entourage, not far behind her. She continued onwards, dashing down the staircase, whirling through the corridors, her dress caught in between her legs. She tripped a bit and grabbed the sides of it, lifting it so that she could run easier. Out of all the days, she had to wear heels and a long dress today!

"Woah there," Weston muttered, just as the Queen nearly bulldozed into him. With her urgent and huffing chest, he was certain she'd knock him over.

"Where are you heading to in such a rush?" Weston asked, blocking her path and grabbing her elbows. When she came to an abrupt stop before him, he instantly dropped his hands.

Elias would kill him if he found out someone had touched the Queen. Weston had never doubted Elias's bloodlust, but sometimes, he wondered if the King was willing to cut down a friend for the sake of a woman.

"F-for a second there, I thought I saw…" Adeline trailed off, her breathing unstable

Adeline noticed a menacing presence approaching in the distance, their footsteps quiet but forceful. The temperature dipped around them, her heart racing at the sight of him.

Elias wore a murderous expression on his face. He looked like he was ready for war. He'd be the victor. He always would. He would be the Commander that beheaded the enemy Captain's head and hold it up for his soldiers to see. Elias would be the knight that slain the dragon without a second glance.

Adeline swallowed, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest. She wasn't terrified of him, but she hadn't seen him for a few days now. With his expression, she knew he had figured everything out. Despite that, she stubbornly jutted her chin in the air. All she did was feed Asher. She did nothing wrong.

"Are you going behind my back now?" Adeline said the second Elias stopped in front of them. 

It was difficult to not be intimidated by Elias's large presence. His squared shoulders towered over her, his muscular arms hugged by a sleek black button-up. A vein popped on his neck, his eyes narrowed into slits. He did nothing to her, but Adeline felt like she was held at gun's point.

"Are you?" Elias harshly returned. 

Adeline gritted her teeth. "Who was it that just entered the castle?"

Elias's brows shot up. "And who was it that entered the dungeons at night?"

Adeline pressed her lips together. What was he? A parrot? Wordlessly, she glanced at Weston who frowned at the King's words. He must've thought the same thing.

"I hear you've been skipping your meals," Elias coldly bit out.

Adeline hesitated. She wasn't in the mood to eat. Her appetite had worsened and everything tasted bland, despite the ample seasoning in the food. She couldn't find a way to refute his words.

"Just worry about yourself," Adeline snapped.

Adeline brushed past him, but he grabbed her wrist. She yanked her hand back, but his grip was tight. He tugged her forward, a threatening look in his gaze.

"How can I worry about myself when my wife acts like a child and refuses to eat her meals?" Elias hissed, his words a sharp jab at her chest.

A child? Was that how he viewed her? A kid throwing a temper tantrum. Instantly, she was offended and hurt. 

"Why am I even your priority? Don't you have a wife to betray?" Adeline demanded, pulling her hand away from him. 

Elias stepped towards her, the sound ringing in her ears. Her heart was violently racing in her chest, slamming the cages, until all she could hear was the rush of blood.

"A wife to betray?" he repeated, his voice raised an octave, much like his brows. "Last I checked, my wife betrayed me first with poison."

"It wasn't poison!" Adeline whispered, glaring up at him. "It was just a tester sleeping medicine because vampires are having insomnia since they don't sleep—"

"You're telling me you poured a tester medicine, one that isn't approved by our Department of Food and Drug Management, into the soup of the King of your country, who happens to be your husband?"

Adeline opened her mouth and clamped it shut. When he put it like that…

"And then you go behind his back to enter the dungeon you specified you wouldn't go into. You slapped me, but given my actions, I'll accept that. Next, you kick me out of our bedroom, skip your meals, and avoid me like the plague. Who do you think betrayed the most? The wife or the husband?"

Elias glowered down at her, a tiny little prey. She was so small before him, the tip of her head barely reaching his shoulders. The more he looked at her, the more he scowled. She was unable to refute his words.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth. "You kidnapped my bodyguard, tortured him downstairs, kept him there chained up and without food or water, then pretended to not know anything was wrong. You limited my contact with friends and murdered my relatives claiming it was all for me. So I don't know, my dear husband, who is the biggest traitor here?"

"That is one fucked up marriage," Weston muttered under his breath. 

Instantly, the married couple's attention snapped to him. Adeline glared at him, wondering what he was still doing here. Meanwhile, Elias threw a warning look towards Weston, threatening the man to hurry up and leave.

"We have company," Weston said in a sharpened voice, clearing his throat and glancing towards the ends of the hallway, where Adeline's entourage was beginning to catch up.

"Thank goodness we do," Adeline spat out. "I don't want to spend another minute in your presence."

Adeline yanked her hand back. She touched her wrist, but paused. It didn't hurt. Despite his unyielding grip, he had not harmed her. 

"When you're done with this foolish tantrum, come and find me. I am a forgiving man, so long as you beg on your knees," Elias muttered, turning his back to her.

Adeline gawked at his large back. He was not serious, was he? "Beg you for forgiveness? Shouldn't you be doing that?"

Elias sharply turned around. "Do not test my patience, Adeline."

"If this is how our marriage will be, then I'd rather we end it here."

"Your Grace!" Weston exasperated.

"I do not like our relationship dynamic," Adeline instantly added on. "You wield so much power over me. You can do as you please to me and I will never possess the ability to refuse it. In the end, I am but a doll that follows your command—forever and always at your mercy."

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