Hitman x Wives

Chapter 139 139- Moving Pieces

Chapter 139 Chapter 139- Moving Pieces

Reaching the room, Kai unlocked the door and walked inside. The place was an overkill in every aspect. The moment Kai stepped in, he found himself facing a vast living space adorned with gilded accents, velvet furnishings, and a panoramic city view through a full-length glass window. To the side were two separate bedrooms with luxurious queen-sized beds made from soft fabric that felt akin to floating amidst the clouds.

The bathroom, located next to the bedrooms, was floored with marble and gold, featuring a large soaking tub and a rainfall shower. Exclusive lounge access, epicurean delights, and a private terrace with a plunge pool completed the luxurious offerings.

"How much did you pay for this?" Kai asked as he looked around. He had never been in a hotel room as expensive as this one, so he had to ask.

"Hmm, it's a few thousand a night. But, don't worry. I have the mon-"

"We will split."

"But, I have the mone-"

"I said, we will split," Kai repeated, not letting Kaya try to convince him. If there was one thing that Kai didn't lack, it was money. If he wanted, he could even book this room for a lifetime and still be filthy rich.

"Sigh, ok." Kaya gave up as she followed her beloved inside the suite.

In reality, the woman was on cloud nine with excitement. Finally, she would be able to share a whole suite with her beloved, alone... For a whole week! If that wasn't the best thing she could ever have, she didn't know what it was.

'There isn't that kiddo to annoy us! I can enjoy my Kai alone! Hehehehe!' Kaya struggled not to let a perverted smile escape. Her excitement was hard to contain.

"Take a shower and change your clothes. We're leaving soon," Kai said.

"Huh? Where?"

"I heard there is an auction tonight. It seems that many important people will be attending," Kai said as he looked through the window.

Even at night, the city was bustling with life. Tonight was especially crowded because it was a Saturday night, so people went out to have fun.

Original: "Oh, the Red Velvet Auction? I thought you weren't interested in such things?"

The Red Velvet Auction House was a renowned yearly auction that happens in A-Country. There, many of history's greatest masterpieces, artifacts, weapons that have historical importance, and even technologically advanced items are sold to the highest bidder.

"..." Kai didn't reply as he squinted his eyes, focusing on something within the crowded streets.

"This night won't end up well." He murmured before turning around.




Inside a calm bar in the city, a man walked inside. His distinct handsome features were too eye-catching when coupled with his expensive suit.

"It's been a while, Gerard." Charles smiled as he approached the old bartender and sat down at the counter.

"Indeed, Master Charles. How have you been?" The old man asked with a calm expression as he continued wiping the cup in his hand. The place was devoid of people except for that man.

"Hahaha, good. Business is booming. I might end up buying this place in the future." Charles chuckled lightly.

"Spare my small bar, please. I can't live without it." Gerard replied with a chuckle of his own.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Even if I buy it, I will still let you work here. You make the best drinks I've ever tasted."

"I feel honored. So, I assume you want the usual?"

"You know me well."

Gerard nodded his head before he walked away to make the drink. Meanwhile, Charles just lazed around silently. His relaxed expression made him seem friendly and approachable.

"Is this bar still as unpopular as always?" He asked.

"Ah well, the business is slow. But, I like it that way. Having a few loyal customers like you is what I like this job for."

"Hm, you never know when the unexpected happens. I might not be the only customer you will have tonight."


"Speak of the devil," Charles murmured with a small smile.

At that second, the door clinged, announcing the arrival of another man.

"Welcome," Gerard said. "Oh? If it isn't Master Mikayla."

"Been a while, old boy. How are you?" Mikayla asked as he approached the counter, ignoring Charles's presence as a whole.

"Gerard, make it two drinks," Charles said as he made a sign with his hand.


Mikayla didn't say a word as he sat down on the chair. This whole time, he didn't say a word nor look at Charles. It was as if he didn't exist.

"Good to see you healthy, Dad," Charles said with a smile.


"Did Kaya find the cure? That girl always amazes me with her fits. She's truly a genius, isn't she?"

No answer from Mikayla. However, Charles didn't seem bothered as he continued to speak. "Doctors said that the poison was unk-"

"Just shut the fuck up." Mikayla suddenly spoke as he looked to the side. "Why did you come back? I was pretty clear when I said that if you ever step foot inside my house again, I will break your neck."

"Hmm, I do remember hearing something along those lines."

"Do you want to die that badly?"

"Now, now. Can we calm down? I came here because I was worried about you." Charles replied calmly, ignoring his father's raging aura. "Oh, how helpful! I don't need your worry. I don't need anything from you." Mikayla retorted.

Meanwhile, Gerard served them the drinks calmly as if this wasn't the first time he heard this conversation between these two.

"Listen here, Dad. I know we have our differences. But, let's set them aside for once, would we? Your life is in danger by an unknown individual. This poison might be only one of many assassination attempts they will do."

Picking up the cup, Charles rolled it lightly before he took a sip. "I don't want you to die and neither do you. So, how about we just work together to take down whoever this person is."

"Set our differences aside?" Mikayla asked as he suddenly stood up before he violently grabbed Charles by the neck and lifted him up. "Differences? What differences, you piece of worthless trash! What you did that day… What you did to her… I will never forgive you for it!!" Mikayla yelled.

Charles, although was being strangled alive, didn't show much reaction as he looked at his father. "The past is in the past, Dad. It has been almost 30 years. Have you not moved on yet?"

"I will never move on! If it wasn't for her words, I would've already skinned you alive and left you to die in agony."

"Since when did you even care about her words, huh? Your whole life, she told you not to do a million things and yet you ignored her and now all of a sudden you're a loving, caring husband?"

"You bastard!!" Mikayla gnashed his teeth as he threw Charles into the wall.

The place shook from the impact.

"Ugh!" Charles groaned slightly as he sat down. "Hah… Hah… Hahahahaha! You always loved to beat me up when you couldn't respond to my words, Dad. I see that you didn't change one bit."

"Shut up! You think I don't blame myself for what I did?! I do, every fucking day of my life! But, I would always blame you for one thing. I will always blame you for killing your mother!!"

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