Hitman x Wives

Chapter 143 143- Fortune Given

Chapter 143 Chapter 143- Fortune Given

To have an object be infused with Origin isn't something completely new. Scientists have already discovered that far. However, what differentiates this map from other Origin-infused objects is the ancient nature of it.

That map is at least a few tens of thousands of years old and because of it, the Origin around it was as ancient as the map itself. Origin Users could easily identify of the Origin emanating from something. If it's newly added or very old, artificial or natural, etc.

This is where the problem lies. If something was infused with Origin, it would only stay in that state for at most a few days if not less, depending on how much Origin was infused into it. So, for this ancient map to have Origin stay on it for that long without vanishing, was abnormal.

That simple fact alone picked the curiosity of every person who had a deep knowledge about Origin within the room. However, none of them said a word. The tension in the room rose.

'Interesting… Very interesting.' Kai thought as he looked at the map from afar and he decided on his next move.

From what he can see, the man who was hosting this auction was aware that only a handful of people present would be able to determine how priceless that map was. Anyone else would be confused as to why this was their best item ever.

"It's an absolute historical miracle for this map to stay intact after all these years. We are proud to say this is our finest item to ever be sold here. The starting price is: 200 million."

"200 million? Are you serious?!" A man said.

"What kind of nonsense is that?! It's just a map for god's sake!"

"Is that man reading the details right? How can it be that expensive?"

"400 million!" Suddenly, the host announced.

Kai looked down coldly as he saw a man sitting a few rows down tapping on his tablet. Kai already predicted that everyone here would jump in to get that map at all costs so he didn't do anything and watched as the price rose.

"500 million!"

"550 million!!"

"625 million!!"

Quickly, the number skyrocketed to 600 million and then to 800 million. The clueless bunch were shocked beyond words at how absurd the number was getting. How the hell is this map getting to one billion this easily?!

"995 million!"

"1 billion!!"

Easily passing the 1 billion mark, people continued bidding as nervousness started to take over. 1 billion dollars was an astronomical number even for the richest of people.

"You've noticed it, right?" Kai bent forward and asked Kaya.

The latter nodded seriously. "I will bid on it too."

"Keep it till most of them stop bidding then we will double the number," Kai said.

Kaya was naturally very wealthy because of the nature of her job but even she can't afford the map if it reaches the 10 billion mark.

Slowly, the number increased and with it, people started giving up when they noticed the huge financial disaster that would fall on them if they kept on bidding.

"4.3 billion! Any higher bidders?" The host asked as he looked at his tablet and waited.

The man who bid that number had a huge smirk on his face as he was certain that he got the deal.

Then, his eyes widened slightly when he saw the number on the screen. He had to scratch his eyes.

"E-Ehem, 9 billion!" He announced, sending the whole room into silence.

'Who?! Who dares to take it from me?!' The man was outraged as he smashed his hand on the chair arm.

Looking around him, he couldn't notice any particular person who could afford to pay such a number. He was the richest in the room for god's sake!

"10 billion!! The price went higher!"

'Fuck, this is going to be problematic but I won't allow any bastard to get that map from me!' The man mused with a sweaty face.

As he awaited the host to announce that it was sold, he heard the complete opposite.

"15… 15 billion!"


People's mouths gaped open in shock. 15 billion dollars. Mind you, the initial price was 200 million and now it reached 15 billion. It was mind-boggling.


Suddenly, the loud sound of something getting destroyed echoed in the room.

"Goddamit! Who did that?! Who fucking bid that number?! Stop lying and come out, you bastard!! 15 billion my ass!!"

He heaved up and down in anger. But, nobody answered as they looked at him with intimidation in their eyes.

"Sir, please sit down." The host said respectfully. People like this man happen upon the auction house once in a while and they aren't tolerated.

"Shut up! I don't accept this! The last bid is 10 billion! There is no way in hell someone can have more money than that to spend on a fucking map!!"

"Sir, sit down or the security will have to deal with you properly."

"Tsk…" When the man saw the guards approaching him, he finally gave up on making a tantrum. His reputation had already been damaged after he lost his temper now, he can't get any angrier or he will be in trouble.

"Now, ehem, my apologies for the small inconvenience. 15 billion is the last bid, any higher?"

The host waited for a few seconds in the eerie silence before he nodded his head. "Sold!"

"You have that much money?" Kaya asked with a surprised look as she turned around.

"It has been lying in my account without use. I might as well put it in this." Kai replied as he rested casually on his chair, not minding the fact that he had just spent a fortune on a piece of map.

"*Whistle* My darling is cool~"

After that, the event finally came to an end, and everyone stood up from their seats.

"Wait for me outside," Kai said as he tapped Kaya's shoulder and walked away to get the map.

Meanwhile, the man who got his map taken was looking around, searching for the one who got it.

'I won't allow it! That map is mine! They better be ready to hand it back to me unless they want to get skinned alive!' He thought with a cruel look.

He had already called his bodyguards. Whoever had taken the map from him is going to pay for it!

Approaching the backstage, Kai entered inside with the tablet in hand. He found the host waiting along with a group of security men.

"I'm here for the map."

When the host heard that, his look changed from respect to awe. Who thought the one who had that money would be a handsome young man barely in his 20s?

"E-Ehem, of course. Can you hand us the tablet? We shall finish the transaction."

The host then took it and started fiddling with it silently. "Please provide the bank information needed."

After doing that, the host fiddled a little more with it and then said.

"Done! Congratulations! You won't regret this purchase, sir!" He said with a smile.

One of the security then approached Kai with a wooden box in his hands. Kai took it from him before he nodded his head and left.

"Who might that person be? I don't recall seeing him attend our auctions before." The man wondered.

Meanwhile, outside, a huge number of guards surrounded the place secretly, waiting for the culprit to come out.

'So it was you!!'

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